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Other posters have given you excellent advice on what to do when you LR you're beloved 1st toon. Most of us have a soft spot for our firsties, so don't let the naysayers get you down. Here's some advice on how to play your fairly gimped singer for now:
1) Prep - abandon melee altogether. With your low STR and low CON, you're not helping much in damage and you're a liability if you get aggro. Ditch your melee weapons and focus on getting spell and healing buff scepters. Anything that boosts the effectiveness of your enchantments or your heals. Also, get a club/scepter/anything that boosts your SP. Wear this item into and out of every quest - after you buff, ditch it for the other item. (Use the temporary SP and then put it away.) Make sure you are wearing light armor once you get the second level of rogue. Evasion does not work in medium or heavy armor. Find gear that boosts your CON and CHA scores. STR too if possible because you will become "helpless" if you get hit with a Ray of Enfeeblement.
2) Prep more - you can reset your Enhancements for a cost in gold. Do that, retake everything you need for Spellsinger, then take enhancements that boost your healing, the length of your songs, and the song buffs (damge and to-hit). Take Hero's Companion or whatever the halfling-only buff is called. Rest into anything that improves your spells. You can reset one spell per 3 days. Do that, and take Hold Person as one of your spells. Drop invisibility. In three days, do it again, take Hypnotism, drop Summon Monster (useless level 1 spell).
3) Enter dungeon - sing you happy songs, buff everyone, but in particular buff the melees with blur. Haste is always the LAST spell you cast. Just before fights, cast Displacement on the melees. Cast Haste again if it ran out or is low on time. Then, target bad guys, cast Hold Person (some baddies are immune, read the spell description). Once you get Hypnotism, cast that, THEN Hold Person. Hypno stops them in their tracks; Hold gives everyone auto-critical hits which means very fast death to baddies. Re-sing your buff songs.
4) Panic mode - You are a capable healer (if you followed the above) but when !@#$ hits the fan, Fascinate is your BFF. When things look like they are going south, hit the magic Fascinate button, wait 3 seconds, and make sure everything is just standing around. Proceed to heal people, scoff at the dead "tank", grab his Soul Stone and Fascinate your way to or back to the nearest shrine.
5) Rinse and repeat.
6) Level - take your second rogue level asap - Evasion helps immesurably. There is a quest in the Market - Lockiana - complete that for a free swap of one Feat. Choose wisely. I would go Heighten or Extend. Heighten will help Hypnotism and Hold Person land as you level up. Extend will help your buffs and save you SP.
7) Have fun!! It's only a game.