Okay, so I'm a noob. So much of a noob that I don't know if this type of thread is frowned upon or what's going on. Long time 3.5 player in tabletop and I'm learning about the vast differences slowly but surely.... but I really feel like my toon is way off course, especially with those horrible, horrible skills being all over the place. See, I thought I could get away being sorta so-so with traps, and it turns out that's pretty worthless... so I already know that's one place for improvement.
I have like 60k plat thanks to a high level friend who gave me some seed money (most of which I blew on a +2 Charisma tome) but I don't feel like I know what to look for in gear. I know at least two or three of my gear slots are completely wasted, but have no idea what I ought to be looking for to put in those slots.
Anyway! Is there anything else that I need to be doing with myself? Should I just wait until I can get a lesser reincarnation and follow a good guide? I initially started the character off to be a Warchanter, not thinking about the fact that there's a strength requirement for Power Attack, so I'm a Spellsinger now. I love the vast amounts of MP and being able to rain buffs, but feel like I could be a lot more useful and at least do a little bit of DPS on the side.
tl;dr - HALP ME
Str 8
Dex 18
Con 10
Int 12
Wis 8
Chr 18
Balance - 5
Bluff - 5
Concentration - 5
Diplomacy - 11
Disable Device - 5
Haggle - 11
Move Silently - 5
Open Lock - 1
Perform - 11
Search - 2
Tumble - 5
UMD - 11
Mental Toughness
Weapon Finesse
1st - CLW, Expeditious Retreat, Grease, Summon Monster I
2nd - Blur, CMW, Heroism, Invisibility
3rd - Displacement, Haste
Bard Extra Song I, Bard Inspired Attack I, Bard Inspired Damage I, Bard Lingering Song I, Bard Spellsinger I, Halfling Dexterity I, Halfling Cunning I, Halfling Guile I, Improved Concentration II, Bard Lyric of Song I, Bard Song Magic II, Bard Energy of Music II, Bard Charisma II.
Goggles - +2 Int, +3 Disable Device
Hat - Captain's Chapeau with +5 Natural Armor
Necklace - +2 Con, Burning Hands
Trinket - Prot. from Evil
Cloak - Charisma +3, Hide +3
Belt - Str +3, See Invisible 1/day.
Ring1 - Poison Immunity, Shield
Gloves - Dex +3, Open Lock +3
Boots - Feather Falling, Hypnotic Pattern 1/day
Ring2 - Resistance +1
Bracers - Axe Bane
Armor - +5 Mithral Chain Shirt.