I wont go into detail into the build but.
will i be able to achief decent dps without relying on an high strength?(20-ish tops)
thanks in advance for any responces.
I wont go into detail into the build but.
will i be able to achief decent dps without relying on an high strength?(20-ish tops)
thanks in advance for any responces.
only when you don't have agro (assuming you have 13+ rogue levels for sneak attack)
yes 19, in my build
Yes in many cases; no in others. Bosses will be your biggest problem, crit and sneak immune your second (undead, golems, etc.)
In a group this is less problematic as someone else will likely control the aggro. Solo you can deal with trash using stat drainers, deception/radiance/other means to get sneak damage ... but none of that works on bosses.
For a classic example, things like the red named at the end of Running With the Devils - his self-heal rate is pretty fast and w/o a good way to guarantee sneak damage, only have minimal base damage will be challenged to out-pace his healing and drop him.
Greater Bane weapons help, but only so far.
Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane
While Strength can easily be buffed as can damage, it is still important to have good Strength on a rogue, for those times when you cannot sneak attack at your full capacity.
Most raid bosses possess 50% fortification, which will slow your damage down considerably. At that point every point of Strength helps take it down faster.
You can get by with a lowish Strength, but I would not advise it.
In the end though, it's up to you.
If your rogue is a melee-build, you're going to need a decent Str score.
Bottom line.
Regardless of Dex-based, finesse-build, ect.
Your citing of " 20-ish tops " makes me think that you're also starting Str too low to take power attack, which is another mistake.
It compounds the problem of many new-rogue builders relying on sneak attack too much for damage output.
A rogue must be able to contribute more to the party than trap skills. If your plans for that contribution is melee-based DPS, then you must not limit yourself to only being able to accomplish that when your opponents aren't fort/sneak immune mob-types. Otherwise, you are a waste of a party-slot.
Never let anyone convince you that Dex-based rogues aren't viable. They are. It's only when newbies or noobs make the mistake of dumping Str and/or not taking power attack on a melee-based build that it becomes a problem.
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Now bringing the sexy back to AoK!!!
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kay so 13 str is adviced.
if im able to hold it at 11/12 + tomes...
+6 enhancement +2 shrine i end up at 22 strength... way lower then any of my other melee toons
+2 ship + 6 item + 2 tome + 2 rage (spell) + 3 exceptional = +15 ... before titan's grip, madstone, sacred/profane, pots
The deal w/ a finesse rogue is that it can get plenty of static DEX - and that's cool - but not many items or things boost your dex. Even if you start your STR at 14, you can push that to the 29 w/ reasonable grind, more with more grind and gear.
Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane
i know how to get an reasonable amount of strength...
just wanted to know if i would be able to get decent dps without it.
Sneak attack, haste boosts, haste from clikies/pots/friendly caster in the group.
Anyway, as bandit said, dex-based or str-based, you should apply for Power Attack, i.e. 13 Str with tomes.
It's hard to tell more since you didn't even give your str score. If it's a 6, you'll have a hard time...
Thelanis: Nassim* (F12/P6/M2) - Talienor** (P18/Ra2) - Feithlin** (F12/Bd7/C1) - Stoneoak* (F12/M6/P2) - Hokusai (M17/F2/C1) - Ardence* (Bd15/F3/Ro2) - Matsushiro* (Ro11/M6/P3) | Argonessen: Luneargent (W18/Ro2) - Talienor (Ro20) - Takshir (Bd16/F2/Ro2) - Hiacynthe (C20) | Ghallanda: A bunch of pre DDO Unlimited characters (field of testing for post U19)
That depends what you mean by "decent" You'll never has as much DPS as a full geared Dex based rogue as you will as a fully geared STR based rogue, and your to-hit won't be able to burst as high either...
On the other hand, 95% of groups you join won't know the difference one way or another. What they will notice is if you die left and right or pike the quest in someone's bag.
I can tell you that I have quite a few rogues (Hurtlocker 13 rogue/6 pal/1 mnk, Berzerker 6/Acrobat 13/Ftr 1, Pure Assassin str build lvl 20, a Kensai 18/2 Rogue, and a Survivor 12 Acrobat/6 Defender Ftr/2 Pally) and that for almost 4 years my Finesse Halfling Pure Acrobat was one of my funnest toons. I put everything into Dex with some Con and Intel and minimized the rest. She NEVER missed with over a 40 Dex, but with a 18 Maxed out Strength she did very little damage when she wasn't getting sneak damage. I hated giving up the Acrobat Stuff, but honestly, now ALL my rogues are Str builds to some degree and They are Much more fun.....
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