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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Dec 2010

    Default quickbar selected/equipped item

    The equipped/selected item in a quickbar has a small white triangle on each side which tells you what you have selected or equipped on that quickbar. It is almost invisible, how about making it a color that stands out like red so we can see it without a 50" screen.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by psikick View Post
    The equipped/selected item in a quickbar has a small white triangle on each side which tells you what you have selected or equipped on that quickbar. It is almost invisible, how about making it a color that stands out like red so we can see it without a 50" screen.
    I can see it on my 14" pretty easily . Maybe a trip to specsavers is due ?

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    heh, that's one of the first pieces I changed when I started messing with the UI. I changed it to lime green. It's much better now, but I'm thinking of changing that to fuchsia so it stands out even more.

    >>I can see it on my 14" pretty easily . Maybe a trip to specsavers is due ?<<

    ::thwaps BryanMeerkat:: When my eye doctor started recommending trifocals, I decided to do everything I can to make it easier to see and understand the UI at a glance. Be nice to us old folks. We can't all have perfect eyesight like you youngins! ;-)

    Not the Norm
    Last edited by NotTheNorm; 03-16-2011 at 02:39 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Dec 2010


    You can change that color? I didn't see that as one of the color options.

    I have a 24" 1080P and my eyesight is fine, it is hard to see because the selected quickbar also has a highlighted border in white which obscures the selected slots since they are white too.

    And who the hell cares what you can see? I can't see mine.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Oct 2010


    I installed the Update7_UISkinArtPack as my custom UI. I found the correct piece (icon_selected_overlay.tga) and opened it in GIMP, changed the color, saved it in the Update7_UISkinArtPack directory and I was good to go.

    By the way, you can check your changes without signing out of the game, but you need to switch custom UIs to something else and then back again. Then your changes will show up.

    Not the Norm

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