Elven Affinity for Magic
(requires mental toughness)
2 enhancementpoints
(given at level 6)
You have a heratige of high magical arts, and have learnt to channel some of that energy. You receive a +1 dc to all of your spells, and a +5% damage bonus to all of your spells which do damage. Also, you gain an extra 10 mana and are gain +1 umd.
Elven Affinity for Magic 2
4 enhancement points
(given at level 12)
You learn more about your herritige, you gain a stacking +1 dc to all of your spells, a +5% stacking damage to all of your damage spells, and a stacking +15 mana. You also gain an additional +1 umd. You also now regenerate mana very, very, stupidly slowly. (1 mana every minute)
Elven Affinity for magic 3
6 enhancement points
(given at level 18)
You have memorized your family tree back to the year of the giant's assault. You gain a +1 stacking dc to all of your spells, +10% to all of your damaging spells, and a stacking +25 mana. You also gain +3 stacking umd, and the ability to use the ability "magical frenzy" once per rest.
Magical Frenzy
you gain a +20 to all umd (stacks), lasts 1 min. This costs as much as a level 9 spell, and can be influenced by metamagics, however, you are unable to cast any not wand spells, and if contact an antimagic field, will die immediately.