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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Half-elf Fighter/Roge Build-constructive criticism?

    I'm not sure about this build...I want a fighter with duel khopeshs and full rouge skills. This what I've come up with, and I need some advice on it. Will it work end game for its purpose? Or am I missing a key point?

    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.8.1
    DDO Character Planner Home Page
    Lukey Princess
    Level 20 Chaotic Good Half-Elf Female
    (12 Fighter \ 8 Rogue) 
    Hit Points: 280
    Spell Points: 0 
    BAB: 18\18\23\28\28
    Fortitude: 11
    Reflex: 15
    Will: 5
                      Starting            Ending          Feat/Enhancement
    Abilities        Base Stats         Base Stats         Modified Stats
    (28 Point)       (Level 1)          (Level 20)           (Level 20)
    Strength             10                 10                   10
    Dexterity            15                 19                   21
    Constitution         10                 12                   12
    Intelligence         18                 21                   22
    Wisdom                8                  8                    8
    Charisma              8                  8                    8
    Tomes Used
    +1 Tome of Dexterity used at level 5
    +2 Tome of Constitution used at level 5
    +1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 5
                      Starting            Ending          Feat/Enhancement
                     Base Skills        Base Skills        Modified Skills
    Skills           (Level 1)          (Level 20)          (Level 20)
    Balance               6                 15                   16
    Bluff                 1                  1                    3
    Concentration         0                  1                    1
    Diplomacy             3                  4                    5
    Disable Device        8                 29                   32
    Haggle                1                  4                    5
    Heal                 -1                 -1                   -1
    Hide                  6                 16                   22
    Intimidate           -1                  5                    5
    Jump                  4                 17                   17
    Listen               -1                 -1                    0
    Move Silently         6                 23                   29
    Open Lock             6                 22                   23
    Perform              n/a               n/a                   n/a
    Repair                4                  6                    6
    Search                8                 29                   34
    Spot                  3                 22                   25
    Swim                  2                 12                   12
    Tumble                4                  8                    9
    Use Magic Device      3                 16                   16
    Level 1 (Rogue)
    Skill: Balance (+4)
    Skill: Bluff (+2)
    Skill: Diplomacy (+4)
    Skill: Disable Device (+4)
    Skill: Haggle (+2)
    Skill: Hide (+4)
    Skill: Jump (+4)
    Skill: Move Silently (+4)
    Skill: Open Lock (+4)
    Skill: Search (+4)
    Skill: Spot (+4)
    Skill: Swim (+2)
    Skill: Tumble (+2)
    Skill: Use Magic Device (+4)
    Feat: (Half-Elf Dilettante) Half-Elf Dilettante: Wizard
    Feat: (Selected) Two Weapon Fighting
    Feat: (Automatic) Attack
    Feat: (Automatic) Half-Elven Keen Senses
    Feat: (Automatic) Half-Elven Mixed Heritage
    Feat: (Automatic) Half-Elven Social Graces (ALL)
    Feat: (Automatic) Heroic Durability
    Feat: (Automatic) Light Armor Proficiency
    Feat: (Automatic) Martial Weapon Proficiency: Rapier
    Feat: (Automatic) Martial Weapon Proficiency: Shortsword
    Feat: (Automatic) Martial Weapon Proficiency: Shortbow
    Feat: (Automatic) Simple Weapon Proficiency
    Feat: (Automatic) Sneak
    Feat: (Automatic) Sneak Attack
    Feat: (Automatic) Trapfinding
    Level 2 (Fighter)
    Skill: Intimidate (+2)
    Skill: Jump (+1)
    Skill: Swim (+3)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Khopesh
    Feat: (Automatic) Defensive Fighting
    Feat: (Automatic) Heavy Armor Proficiency
    Feat: (Automatic) Martial Weapon Proficiency (ALL)
    Feat: (Automatic) Medium Armor Proficiency
    Feat: (Automatic) Shield Proficiency (General)
    Feat: (Automatic) Sunder
    Feat: (Automatic) Tower Shield Proficiency
    Feat: (Automatic) Trip
    Level 3 (Fighter)
    Skill: Intimidate (+4)
    Skill: Jump (+1)
    Skill: Swim (+1)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Weapon Finesse
    Feat: (Selected) Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons
    Enhancement: Rogue Skill Boost I
    Enhancement: Elven Keen Eyes I
    Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy I
    Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Training I
    Enhancement: Improved Disable Device I
    Enhancement: Improved Haggle I
    Enhancement: Improved Hide I
    Enhancement: Improved Move Silently I
    Enhancement: Improved Search I
    Enhancement: Improved Spot I
    Enhancement: Improved Tumble I
    Enhancement: Rogue Improved Trap Sense I
    Level 4 (Fighter)
    Skill: Balance (+1)
    Skill: Disable Device (+0.5)
    Skill: Jump (+1)
    Skill: Search (+0.5)
    Skill: Swim (+1)
    Level 5 (Rogue)
    Skill: Diplomacy (+1)
    Skill: Disable Device (+3)
    Skill: Hide (+1)
    Skill: Search (+3)
    Skill: Spot (+4)
    Feat: (Automatic) Evasion
    Level 6 (Fighter)
    Skill: Disable Device (+0.5)
    Skill: Jump (+2)
    Skill: Search (+0.5)
    Skill: Swim (+2)
    Feat: (Selected) Toughness
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Weapon Specialization: Slashing Weapons
    Level 7 (Fighter)
    Skill: Jump (+1)
    Skill: Open Lock (+1.5)
    Skill: Swim (+1)
    Skill: Use Magic Device (+0.5)
    Level 8 (Fighter)
    Skill: Haggle (+2)
    Skill: Jump (+1)
    Skill: Search (+0.5)
    Skill: Swim (+1)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Two Weapon Fighting
    Level 9 (Rogue)
    Skill: Balance (+1)
    Skill: Disable Device (+4)
    Skill: Move Silently (+3)
    Skill: Open Lock (+2)
    Skill: Search (+3)
    Feat: (Selected) Stealthy
    Feat: (Automatic) Trap Sense
    Level 10 (Fighter)
    Skill: Disable Device (+1)
    Skill: Jump (+1)
    Skill: Move Silently (+0.5)
    Skill: Search (+0.5)
    Skill: Spot (+0.5)
    Skill: Swim (+1)
    Level 11 (Fighter)
    Skill: Disable Device (+1)
    Skill: Jump (+1)
    Skill: Open Lock (+0.5)
    Skill: Search (+1)
    Skill: Use Magic Device (+0.5)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Greater Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons
    Enhancement: Elven Dexterity I
    Enhancement: Elven Perception I
    Enhancement: Elven Keen Eyes II
    Enhancement: Fighter Armor Mastery I
    Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy II
    Enhancement: Fighter Flanking Mastery I
    Enhancement: Improved Wizard Dilettante I
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
    Enhancement: Rogue Faster Sneaking I
    Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Accuracy I
    Enhancement: Improved Balance I
    Enhancement: Improved Diplomacy I
    Enhancement: Improved Listen I
    Enhancement: Improved Open Lock I
    Enhancement: Rogue Dexterity I
    Enhancement: Half-Elf Wizard Intelligence I
    Enhancement: Fighter Toughness I
    Enhancement: Fighter Toughness II
    Enhancement: Fighter Toughness III
    Level 12 (Fighter)
    Skill: Hide (+3)
    Skill: Move Silently (+0.5)
    Feat: (Selected) Greater Two Weapon Fighting
    Level 13 (Rogue)
    Skill: Disable Device (+2)
    Skill: Open Lock (+1)
    Skill: Search (+3)
    Skill: Spot (+2)
    Skill: Tumble (+1)
    Skill: Use Magic Device (+4)
    Feat: (Automatic) Trapmaking
    Feat: (Automatic) Uncanny Dodge
    Enhancement: Rogue Damage Boost I
    Enhancement: Rogue Damage Boost II
    Enhancement: Rogue Subtle Backstabbing I
    Enhancement: Improved Disable Device II
    Enhancement: Improved Hide II
    Enhancement: Improved Move Silently II
    Enhancement: Improved Search II
    Level 14 (Rogue)
    Skill: Disable Device (+1)
    Skill: Hide (+1)
    Skill: Open Lock (+2)
    Skill: Search (+1)
    Skill: Use Magic Device (+8)
    Enhancement: Rogue Skill Boost II
    Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy III
    Enhancement: Fighter Khopesh Specialization I
    Level 15 (Rogue)
    Skill: Disable Device (+1)
    Skill: Haggle (+1)
    Skill: Hide (+1)
    Skill: Open Lock (+6)
    Skill: Search (+1)
    Skill: Spot (+3)
    Level 16 (Fighter)
    Skill: Disable Device (+1)
    Skill: Move Silently (+1)
    Skill: Search (+1)
    Skill: Spot (+0.5)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Dodge
    Enhancement: Improved Wizard Dilettante II
    Enhancement: Rogue Faster Sneaking II
    Enhancement: Rogue Assassin I
    Level 17 (Fighter)
    Skill: Disable Device (+1)
    Skill: Hide (+1)
    Skill: Move Silently (+1)
    Skill: Search (+0.5)
    Level 18 (Fighter)
    Skill: Jump (+4)
    Skill: Search (+1.5)
    Level 19 (Rogue)
    Skill: Disable Device (+2)
    Skill: Move Silently (+2)
    Skill: Search (+1)
    Skill: Spot (+8)
    Level 20 (Rogue)
    Skill: Balance (+4)
    Skill: Disable Device (+1)
    Skill: Move Silently (+6)
    Skill: Search (+1)
    Skill: Spot (+1)
    Feat: (Automatic) Improved Uncanny Dodge
    Enhancement: Fighter Armor Class Boost I
    Enhancement: Fighter Attack Boost I
    Enhancement: Rogue Damage Boost III
    Enhancement: Rogue Haste Boost I
    Enhancement: Rogue Skill Boost III
    Enhancement: Elven Perception II
    Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy IV
    Enhancement: Improved Disable Device III
    Enhancement: Improved Search III
    Last edited by Sandheart; 02-26-2011 at 08:28 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Hirosue's Avatar
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    May 2008


    Weapon finesse uses dex modifier for to hit only for light weapons.

    Kopesh isn’t a light weapon therefore you will miss almost all the time seeing as STR is the to hit modifier for this weapon.

    Why half elf? The wizard dilettante brings nothing to the build really.

    If you want a fighter that can do traps and has evasion go 18/2 ftr/rog split

    If you are looking for DPs build or main tank role the extra sneak attacks you get from 8 rogue levels won’t be used very often as you won’t be getting in many sneak attacks.

    You did get something right though. Taking 1st level as rogue is a must for skill point spends.

    +1 tomes can only be used at level 3
    +2 tomes at level 7

    overall i wouldnt recomend that you roll this build as posted it wont do very well .
    "Player testers have done an excelent job and I really do appreciate the testing done by the players that report the issues which then get ignored ......."

  3. #3
    Community Member Hirosue's Avatar
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    May 2008


    To try and fulfill your stated aims you could consider something like the build below.

    based on a 28 point build and requirement to be half elf and do traps .

    It sucks at open locks. The only way to cap this skill would be to take 2 more rogue levels. i.e 16 ftr/4 rogue.
    However you wont be able to go kensai 3 if you did this as 18 Ftr is a requirement.

    Cleric dilettante because at level 15 you will also be considered a level 10 cleric. self cast heal scrolls, possibly with chance to fail. and raise dead.

    Its very tough to make a build that you want with the race that you want for 28 pts.

    ps. Get in the event and craft a tier 2 spyglass. its a trinket with 20 search, 20 spot, +2 exceptional intelligence, +3 umd, and true seing. It would suit this build very well.
    Also make the tier 3 fighting leathers. If you can stand it . as a second craft. But make sure that you get the spyglass first.

    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.8.0
    DDO Character Planner Home Page
    Level 20 Lawful Good Half-Elf Male
    (18 Fighter \ 2 Rogue) 
    Hit Points: 364
    Spell Points: 0 
    BAB: 19\19\24\29\29
    Fortitude: 14
    Reflex: 13
    Will: 9
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
    Abilities        Base Stats          Modified Stats
    (28 Point)       (Level 1)             (Level 20)
    Strength             14                    24
    Dexterity            15                    18
    Constitution         13                    16
    Intelligence         12                    14
    Wisdom               13                    16
    Charisma              8                    10
    Tomes Used
    +2 Tome of Strength used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Constitution used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Charisma used at level 7
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                     Base Skills         Modified Skills
    Skills           (Level 1)            (Level 20)
    Balance               6                     8
    Bluff                -1                     3
    Concentration         1                     6
    Diplomacy             0                     4
    Disable Device        5                    24
    Haggle                0                     1
    Heal                  2                     4
    Hide                  2                     4
    Intimidate            3                     7
    Jump                  6                    11
    Listen                1                     3
    Move Silently         2                     4
    Open Lock             6                    10
    Perform              n/a                    n/a
    Repair                1                     2
    Search                5                    28
    Spot                  5                    13
    Swim                  2                     7
    Tumble                6                     8
    Use Magic Device     n/a                    n/a
    Level 1 (Rogue)
    Skill: Balance (+4)
    Skill: Diplomacy (+1)
    Skill: Disable Device (+4)
    Skill: Haggle (+1)
    Skill: Heal (+1)
    Skill: Intimidate (+4)
    Skill: Jump (+4)
    Skill: Open Lock (+4)
    Skill: Search (+4)
    Skill: Spot (+4)
    Skill: Tumble (+4)
    Feat: (Half-Elf Dilettante) Half-Elf Dilettante: Cleric
    Feat: (Selected) Toughness
    Level 2 (Fighter)
    Skill: Disable Device (+1)
    Skill: Search (+0.5)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Khopesh
    Level 3 (Fighter)
    Skill: Disable Device (+1)
    Skill: Search (+0.5)
    Feat: (Selected) Two Weapon Fighting
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons
    Level 4 (Fighter)
    Ability Raise: DEX
    Skill: Search (+1.5)
    Level 5 (Fighter)
    Skill: Search (+1.5)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Oversized Two Weapon Fighting
    Level 6 (Fighter)
    Skill: Disable Device (+1.5)
    Feat: (Selected) Weapon Specialization: Slashing Weapons
    Level 7 (Fighter)
    Skill: Disable Device (+0.5)
    Skill: Search (+1)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Stunning Blow
    Level 8 (Fighter)
    Ability Raise: STR
    Skill: Disable Device (+1)
    Skill: Search (+1)
    Level 9 (Fighter)
    Skill: Disable Device (+1)
    Skill: Search (+1)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Greater Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Two Weapon Fighting
    Level 10 (Rogue)
    Skill: Disable Device (+3)
    Skill: Search (+2)
    Skill: Spot (+5)
    Level 11 (Fighter)
    Skill: Disable Device (+1)
    Skill: Search (+1)
    Level 12 (Fighter)
    Ability Raise: STR
    Skill: Disable Device (+1)
    Skill: Search (+1)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Greater Two Weapon Fighting
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
    Level 13 (Fighter)
    Skill: Disable Device (+1)
    Skill: Search (+1)
    Level 14 (Fighter)
    Skill: Disable Device (+1)
    Skill: Spot (+1)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Greater Weapon Specialization: Slashing Weapons
    Level 15 (Fighter)
    Skill: Disable Device (+0.5)
    Skill: Open Lock (+1)
    Skill: Search (+0.5)
    Feat: (Selected) Power Attack
    Level 16 (Fighter)
    Ability Raise: STR
    Skill: Disable Device (+1)
    Skill: Search (+1)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Critical: Piercing Weapons
    Level 17 (Fighter)
    Skill: Disable Device (+0.5)
    Skill: Search (+1.5)
    Level 18 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Selected) Skill Focus: Search
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Superior Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons
    Level 19 (Fighter)
    Skill: Disable Device (+1)
    Skill: Search (+1)
    Level 20 (Fighter)
    Ability Raise: STR
    Skill: Disable Device (+1)
    Skill: Search (+1)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Sunder
    Enhancement: Fighter Attack Boost I
    Enhancement: Fighter Attack Boost II
    Enhancement: Fighter Attack Boost III
    Enhancement: Elven Perception I
    Enhancement: Elven Perception II
    Enhancement: Kensei Khopesh Mastery I
    Enhancement: Kensei Khopesh Mastery II
    Enhancement: Kensei Khopesh Mastery III
    Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy I
    Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy II
    Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy III
    Enhancement: Fighter Kensei I
    Enhancement: Fighter Kensei II
    Enhancement: Fighter Kensei III
    Enhancement: Fighter Khopesh Specialization I
    Enhancement: Fighter Khopesh Specialization II
    Enhancement: Improved Cleric Dilettante I
    Enhancement: Improved Cleric Dilettante II
    Enhancement: Improved Cleric Dilettante III
    Enhancement: Human Adaptability Constitution I
    Enhancement: Human Greater Adaptability Strength I
    Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery I
    Enhancement: Human Versatility I
    Enhancement: Human Versatility II
    Enhancement: Human Versatility III
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness III
    Enhancement: Improved Disable Device I
    Enhancement: Improved Open Lock I
    Enhancement: Fighter Strength I
    Enhancement: Fighter Strength II
    Enhancement: Fighter Strength III
    Enhancement: Half-Elf Cleric Wisdom I
    Enhancement: Fighter Toughness I
    Enhancement: Fighter Toughness II
    Enhancement: Fighter Toughness III
    Enhancement: Fighter Toughness IV
    Last edited by Hirosue; 02-26-2011 at 09:10 AM.
    "Player testers have done an excelent job and I really do appreciate the testing done by the players that report the issues which then get ignored ......."

  4. #4
    Community Member Wildseed's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default My 2 coppers

    I have started a character with 10 con, before I found out how important con is, you never want to start a character with 10 con, the lowest con should be is 13 to comfortably be able to reach a good hitpoint total.(want 400 for shroud at least) I will share some of the stuff I did with my fighter/rogue I started with 12 cha so that I could take the will saves to cha feat (fighters have so many) with a 1 tome, however if you have a 2 cha tome, you could start with 11 and eat that at 7 then anytime after that take the cha to will save feat(crappy will saves suck when something is using grtr command) I'm thinking shroud here, every little bit helps against our dear friend the gnoll cleric type hehe. Anyway, I just really wanted to point out that 10 constitution doesn't hold up well in practice.
    Current TR project -- Anshel life 8 of 20 ending up FVS
    Side TR project -- Daciana (life 8 of 14 maybe)(Will be completionist druid)
    Khyber main server

    Originally Posted by MeliCat:
    I don't like strawberry ice cream. You can offer all the strawberry ice cream that you like and I won't eat it. Offer me chocolate and I'll ask for second helpings.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Mar 2010


    To be honest a rogue with 14 INT scares me a bit(coming from a person who believe rogues have to have high int), but your build looks cool...I'll give it a try. Now to find all the tomes XD. Thanks for your help, and I'll definitely craft a few things for her in the Shroud...=D

    Wildseed, I agree that low CON doesn't work out in the long run...An item that gives her better saves will be heading her way. They are great now, but can't have too much if she'll be tumbling through traps =).
    Last edited by Sandheart; 02-26-2011 at 01:57 PM.

  6. #6
    Community Member Hirosue's Avatar
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    May 2008


    14 base INT
    +6 int item
    + 2 to +5 from boost
    + 15 search/disable item (+20 search if you crafted spyglass from the event + 2 more exceptional INT )
    +7 from +5 tools.
    +4 GH spell

    roughly 50 disable and 56 search

    a further
    +2 from luck item
    +4 from bard song
    +1 prayer ? from cleric or wand
    Last edited by Hirosue; 03-02-2011 at 02:52 PM.
    "Player testers have done an excelent job and I really do appreciate the testing done by the players that report the issues which then get ignored ......."

  7. #7
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Aug 2009


    If you really want a TWF char with rogue skills - esp. with only a 28-pt build - you're better off going ranger. Check out the Tempest Trapmonkey in my sig.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

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