Unable to connect to the remote server
Thats the thing im getting for the past, i dunno day and a half now ever since that Bday Bash has started happing...
Before the game ran smoothly and i was able to organize everything for my Guild "Killers Inc"
But now, i cant even log in, or even get the Log In Screen itself...
I want to know how to fix it
I have already by-passed Anti-Viral, Trojan Scanners, Firewall Settings.... Didnt need to do that since it was already working...
I have the latest Direct-X program.... was working perfectly with that before
I have a good mobile phone internet company which ran it good before....
Uninstalling/Reinstalling/Getting Newer files by downloading didnt work (Wasited some of my net allowence over it)
It basically went crud like since i logged from that birthday bash, i think im in miridia or gianthold on the orien server, but thats it....
I am VIP status and have basically bought an awful lot of DDO Points since ive joined the game, you can even check the records,
I want to get back to playing this game and it doesent help the fact that the "Live Tech Support Chat" doesent work for Ireland, emailing Tech Support, takes too long... And ringing Account services is pointless since its got nothing to do with Tech Support like they said....
So i want A number so i can Ring Tech Support, or a detailed Scematics on what to do on how to fix my Big Proplem here, because i have alreay looked up on the wiki, support pages and the likes for my thing and it is not written Anywhere....
So please for the love of the gods... Help me out
Yours Very Upset and Saddend
Kersia on Orien aka AingealMoore