not one dam +3 fact no i have heard this like MAD. i have 6 other toons that had hit their 20th reaver. all of em over a year ago. they all got +3 tomes in their loot. EVERY ONE OF EM. i hav talked to 7 people...7 people...who got their 20th reaver on my way up to 20 reavers on my main. ALL OF THEM HAVE SEEN NO +3 TOMES OR ANY TOMES. just the same reaver junk. now....fine???.....i ran 20 of em on elite....NOT ONE TOME DROPPED.....okay...
im on my 17th VOD. about 15 of them were HARD....not one +3 tome dropped.
3 people were on their 20th VOD in that time...all of em got NO +3 TOME in their rewards....
on my 12th hound. btw all same toon. 4 people were on their 20th run...NONE of them got +3 tomes....
a year ago and farther....6 months ago....i saw +3 tomes drop alot.....ALOT as in 2 or 3 times between 20 reaver/hound/vod runs and i always heard of a +3 tome in the 20th. now heres the first shroud 20th i did like 2+ years ago on an old alt, NOT 1 +3 TOME!!! all +2 tomes. FINE!! since then?? i see +3 here and i havent ran 20 shrouds yet. on my 17th.....
i think something is up with the loot fricken tables. i mean if they are setting us up to get a chance to buy +3 tomes in the store....GREAT....but why the lack of drop in tomes?? because there is DEFINATELY a lower drop rate if any. i havent heard or seen a +3 tome drop in QUITE a while.