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Thread: My DDO Lottory

  1. #101
    Community Member Asketes's Avatar
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    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Phoenix-daBard View Post
    No I assumed the "(PERMA)" in your sig meant that you are perma-death and as a result is a player who only uses items picked up in quest.

    I'll go to my corner now and finish chewing my shoe leather.
    hahahah i love how you ended that..

    that's deserving of so much more than a mere +1

    all but 2 of my toons start with perma..

    i'm not a permadeather, just a permanoob
    (Perma) - Khyber - Official Helpers Guild Noob
    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    Grease is an extremely valuable party buff.

  2. #102
    Community Member
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    Got my ham but not my 5 yarrs lotto.

    Snikie, no tr, no reroll, no transfer. MyDDO is working.

  3. #103
    Community Member
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    Thenalis server these characters won the 5 Yarrs lotto and received no prize.

    - Showing a character update status after 2-22-2011?yes
    - Did not True Reincarnate? TR'd
    - Never been renamed? No
    - Never transferred servers? No

    - Showing a character update status after 2-22-2011? No
    - Did not True Reincarnate? Not a TR
    - Never been renamed? No
    - Never transferred servers? No

    Won the ham

    character name: Thorwarned
    number of times True Reincarnated: 0
    number of times server transferred: 0
    number of times renamed: 0
    number of times deleted/rerolled: 0 (pretty sure)
    character originated on the Codemasters servers (yes or no): no

    - Showing a character update status after 2-22-2011? Yes
    - Did not True Reincarnate? Not a TR
    - Never been renamed? No
    - Never transferred servers? No

    - Showing a character update status after 2-22-2011? Yes
    - Did not True Reincarnate? Not a TR
    - Never been renamed? No
    - Never transferred servers? No

    Won a ham

    character name: Cavitycreep
    number of times True Reincarnated: 0
    number of times server transferred: 0
    number of times renamed: 0
    number of times deleted/rerolled: 0 pretty sure
    character originated on the Codemasters servers (yes or no): no

    - Showing a character update status after 2-22-2011? Yes
    - Did not True Reincarnate? Not a TR
    - Never been renamed? No
    - Never transferred servers? No
    Won a ham

    character name: Splorch
    number of times True Reincarnated: 0
    number of times server transferred: 0
    number of times renamed: 0
    number of times deleted/rerolled: 0 pretty sure
    character originated on the Codemasters servers (yes or no): no
    Last edited by MakeItADouble; 03-03-2011 at 10:14 AM.
    Thorgred, Cavitycreep, Creeploaf, Creepingdoom of Thelanis. Member of C-L-A-W

  4. #104
    2015 DDO Players Council
    Lerincho's Avatar
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    Would it help the system if after a winning was claimed that the entry be completely erased in the system? Since there are not lottos that build off each other, would it benefit the system to essentially have a clean slate all the time, especially with same name lottos on the same day?

    The underlying problem seems to have been that there was 4 lottos going on simultaneously with the same name.
    The Great Gnome Conspiracy was here!

  5. #105
    Community Member 1halfelf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1halfelf View Post
    I also have several characters that supposedly "won", but have no prizes. All characters are updating with the exception noted below. No one has ever reincarnated or transferred servers.

    On Argonessen:

    Pyrhia Firesoul

    Shiallara Terrenfire

    Tarnas Helmsplitter

    Gruplex the Unruly
    NOT updated since 11/30/2009
    is a re-created character with the same name

    On Ghallanda:

    Martalis Smythe

    Grimhart Mithralhand

    Illiadriel Loresong

    One interesting thing is that Gruplex is listed twice in the winner list --- maybe because he was re-created?
    For all characters:

    * number of times True Reincarnated:0
    * number of times server transferred:0
    * character originated on the Codemasters servers (yes or no): no

    Characters who won the tasty ham lottery and received the ham ---

    Pyrhia Firesoul
    Shiallara Terrenfire
    Tarnas Helmsplitter


    Martalus Smythe
    Grimhart Mithralhand
    Illiadriel Loresong

    * number of times True Reincarnated:0
    * number of times server transferred:0
    * number of times renamed:0
    * number of times deleted/rerolled:0
    * character originated on the Codemasters servers (yes or no):no

    Characters who won and did not receive the ham:


    * character name:Gruplex the Unruly
    * number of times True Reincarnated:0
    * number of times server transferred:0
    * number of times renamed:0
    * number of times deleted/rerolled:1
    * character originated on the Codemasters servers (yes or no):no

    None of these characters received the prize for winning the 5 yarrs lottery. I know that Gruplex has some issues... He appears twice in all the lottery lists and won't update at all.

    Thanks for the help!

  6. #106
    Community Member herdisleah's Avatar
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    Last week I won the tasty ham lotto on my wizard, but then she won the 'Light up the Night' lotto - was that the Lesser Heart one? :/ Anyways, no reward for that one.

    Vienn Leah, of Sarlona
    * Showing a character update status after 2-22-2011?yes - 03/03/2011 4:22 am
    * number of times True Reincarnated:1
    * number of times server transferred:0
    * number of times renamed:0
    * number of times deleted/rerolled:0
    * character originated on the Codemasters servers (yes or no):no

  7. #107
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    I have had several toons win the 5 yaaaars lotto and recieved nothing. Since that time, I have won a ton of ham on the same toon. Nomical is the only TR. They are all on thier original server. I had a few toons win the lock lottery and the wand of lighting lottery and did recieve those, but missed out on the best lottry reward to date after winning.

    I sign up for the lottery every day. One thing I would like is the ability to remove the 'wins' from my list. Iti s quite extensive.

    * Showing a character update status after 2-22-2011?yes -
    * number of times True Reincarnated:1 - only Nomical
    * number of times server transferred:0
    * number of times renamed:0
    * number of times deleted/rerolled:0
    * character originated on the Codemasters servers (yes or no):no

    [Fighter] Nomical TR
    Five Yarrs Lottery!

    [Ranger] Sillanii
    Five Yarrs Lottery!

    [Barbarian] Dugara
    Five Yarrs Lottery!

    [Ranger] Riannana

    Five Yarrs Lottery!
    [Rogue] Massica
    Five Yarrs Lottery!
    [Paladin] Gwiniff
    Five Yarrs Lottery!
    [Wizard] Zbart
    Five Yarrs Lottery!
    [Cleric] Millisyant
    Five Yarrs Lottery!
    [Rogue] Tifinnity
    Five Yarrs Lottery!
    [Barbarian] Barbozol
    Five Yarrs Lottery!
    [Sorcerer] Biclighta
    Five Yarrs Lottery!
    [Favored Soul] Danjelica
    Five Yarrs Lottery!
    [Fighter] Thanosbubba
    Five Yarrs Lottery!
    [Bard] Ronija
    Five Yarrs Lottery!

  8. #108
    Community Member SaisMatters's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the Ham Turbine, but I really want my xp pots that I won on 12 toons and have yet to see them. Are we ever going to see the 5 yarrs prizes or is it a wash???

  9. #109
    Community Manager
    Cordovan's Avatar
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    That particular Five Yarrrs lottery appears to have had some problems. Unfortunately the folks who won that particular lottery had their prizes dropped into a Bag of Holding, and we've had difficulty reaching those prizes. While trying to get to the items, we unfortunately dropped that Bag of Holding into another Bag of Holding, which means you will never be able to receive those prizes. Sorry!
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  10. #110
    Hero AZgreentea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SaisMatters View Post
    Thanks for all the Ham Turbine, but I really want my xp pots that I won on 12 toons and have yet to see them. Are we ever going to see the 5 yarrs prizes or is it a wash???
    I dont think we will ever actually see them. Thats what happened the last time the lottery didnt work. Hopefully they reboot the lottery and give away the prizes again.
    The problem is never how to get new, innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get old ones out. Every mind is a building filled with archaic furniture. Clean out a corner of your mind and creativity will instantly fill it.
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  11. #111
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    That particular Five Yarrrs lottery appears to have had some problems. Unfortunately the folks who won that particular lottery had their prizes dropped into a Bag of Holding, and we've had difficulty reaching those prizes. While trying to get to the items, we unfortunately dropped that Bag of Holding into another Bag of Holding, which means you will never be able to receive those prizes. Sorry!
    hah glad I never enter the lottos.

    Any knowledgable player knows you have the ability to award the prizes with a simple slash command on any character with admin privilages by dropping it at there feet to be picked up.

    But yea that would be a lot of work to do it. Just say sorry instead. Sorry fixes everything! Yay!

  12. #112
    Community Member SaisMatters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    That particular Five Yarrrs lottery appears to have had some problems. Unfortunately the folks who won that particular lottery had their prizes dropped into a Bag of Holding, and we've had difficulty reaching those prizes. While trying to get to the items, we unfortunately dropped that Bag of Holding into another Bag of Holding, which means you will never be able to receive those prizes. Sorry!
    and the resulting explosion killed all the hamsters that were powering the servers which has been causing all the Lag of late I bet. lol

  13. #113
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    That particular Five Yarrrs lottery appears to have had some problems. Unfortunately the folks who won that particular lottery had their prizes dropped into a Bag of Holding, and we've had difficulty reaching those prizes. While trying to get to the items, we unfortunately dropped that Bag of Holding into another Bag of Holding, which means you will never be able to receive those prizes. Sorry!
    I am sorry, but there is a fundamental problem with regards to the first sentence. "That particular Five Yarrrs", unfortunately, the problem was not one lotto, it was a series lotteries. These lottos included: Astral Diamonds, lesser reincartions, and greater experience elixirs.

    If you are going to only offer an apology instead of an actual solution, at least try to be 100% honest with your customer base. Is there still any wonder why long term players of DDO do not exactly trust Turbine?
    Last edited by Lerincho; 03-04-2011 at 03:00 PM.
    The Great Gnome Conspiracy was here!

  14. #114
    Community Member ~Sindaera's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SaisMatters View Post
    and the resulting explosion killed all the hamsters that were powering the servers which has been causing all the Lag of late I bet. lol
    Sorry Sais, but you're misinformed here. The so called Lag is just a myth and never actually appeared in DDO. Everyone thinking to experience Lag while playing the game must be hallucinating - same applies to players that thought they won certain awesome items. Unfortunately that includes me as well.

  15. #115
    Community Member SaisMatters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sindaera View Post
    Sorry Sais, but you're misinformed here. The so called Lag is just a myth and never actually appeared in DDO. Everyone thinking to experience Lag while playing the game must be hallucinating - same applies to players that thought they won certain awesome items. Unfortunately that includes me as well.
    I'll agree I'm usually hallucinating while playing the game! :0

  16. #116
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    So after 600 hams have been successfully delivered to me in the past 3 days, and 100s of hams to many others, here is your conclusion Turbine.
    Your lotto works, you just refused to give out nice prizes.

    So this leads me to another point. Has anyone ever gotten one of the really good lotteries before? The Astral Diamonds, or something that actually requires more than just a handful of TPs? Have a sad and funny feeling that the answer is going to come back no.
    The Great Gnome Conspiracy was here!

  17. #117
    Community Member Phemt81's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    That particular Five Yarrrs lottery appears to have had some problems. Unfortunately the folks who won that particular lottery had their prizes dropped into a Bag of Holding, and we've had difficulty reaching those prizes. While trying to get to the items, we unfortunately dropped that Bag of Holding into another Bag of Holding, which means you will never be able to receive those prizes. Sorry!
    I' d have neg repped you for that!
    How to revamp past life reward system <--- working again
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    We absolutely planned for Fighter to still have Haste Boost. It's absolutely a bug. Any similar issues that look "wrong" to any player should be bugged.
    Developers should fix this <--- 2020 edition!

  18. #118
    Community Member SaisMatters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lerincho View Post
    So after 600 hams have been successfully delivered to me in the past 3 days, and 100s of hams to many others, here is your conclusion Turbine.
    Your lotto works, you just refused to give out nice prizes.

    So this leads me to another point. Has anyone ever gotten one of the really good lotteries before? The Astral Diamonds, or something that actually requires more than just a handful of TPs? Have a sad and funny feeling that the answer is going to come back no.

    I had won Astral Diamonds on 6 toons months ago, but they were never received. Put a ticket in about it, was thanked for the ticket, but never got my diamonds

  19. #119
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    *shrugs* I have an alt that won and received astral diamonds. I don't have a use for them, but he got them.

  20. #120
    Hero Phoenix-daBard's Avatar
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    And now my wife and I have been auto entered into two more Five Yarrs Lotteries and a Tasty Ham without any input from me. The Tasty Ham lotto has already drawn :roll:

    The hams were delivered but I am skeptical of the Five Yarrs.

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