What is the best end game THW for a pure THF Horc? because I'm about to hit lvl 6 and I want to know what weapon type I should have Kensei mastery on. I'm thinking that its either Great Axe or Great Sword...
What is the best end game THW for a pure THF Horc? because I'm about to hit lvl 6 and I want to know what weapon type I should have Kensei mastery on. I'm thinking that its either Great Axe or Great Sword...
Epic Sword of Shadows. Trouble is, getting one requires farming epics. By the time you have the thing, you've already run every endgame quest you wanted to run.
On many THF builds, I'd recommend Falchions for the crit range.
At Kensai III, Mauls and Great Axes have appeal, for your increased threat range on top of the x3 multiplier.
^ what he said. Even at a relatively early level, Falchions are going to out DPS greatswords/ greataxes because of their greater critical range.
at level 18 of fighter, you may take the Kensai III prestige enhancement and its weapon focus, which increases crit range by 1, which is why greataxes with their relatively small crit range, and higher multiplier get a better benefit and become attractive.
Also, I do not consider the epic Sword of Shadows a greatsword, i consider it a superpowered Scimitar Khopesh big enough to be wielded like a two hander...
Would i lose out in a lot of DPS if I just use Great Axes instead of Falchions?
Ok thanks
depending on race (eg dwarf) greataxe may in fact do better... also depending on feats etc. if you can get things stunned (which, btw, is not all *that* hard to do even without a stunning weapon) the greataxe is even more awesome
The best THF weapons for raw DPS are all slashing, so you don't have to worry about it too much. Everything else involved with Kensei is an enhancement, which are easy to switch around if necessary.