I am building an 18/1/1 Exploiter Ranger but I don't understand some things about TWF DPS. Right now I am level 8 (1 rogue/7 ranger) and have Tempest I done.
I have read where some people recommend using a Greataxe until lvl12 or so, and others who say to just use a kopesh or scimitar in the main hand, and shortsword in the off-hand until you can use two kopesh/scimitar at the same time ?????
What feats/enhancements do I need to have so I can use a kopesh or scimitar in both hands and get this "MAX DPS" these builds claim.
I am using a Carnifex greataxe now and am seeing 100 - 120 damage on crits, so I am doing some good damage right now, but this build is supposed to be a TWF build.
Thanks for any help.