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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by drewrayder View Post
    i wont just be the normal set of classes. i plan to do many of them 2 more times. notably the melee ones except paladin. i dont think the 5% healing amp is worth the month i take to TR. i figure i will do fighter, barbarian, ranger, monk & rogue 2 X more. although they will be made differently from the previous ones i used progression so far is:
    Fighter - Barbarian - Paladin - Monk - Ranger - Rogue - Bard.


    Hey its nice to hear your enjoying yourself, was just curious you said your going to be doubling all the melee classes except for paladin, because the 5% healing amp was not worth the time, and you inclueded ranger. Do you think the +2 to ranged damage is worth it? personally I would rather have another 5% healing amp?
    oh sure. i mean heck i get a total of 6 off each elemental resist and +6 to damage before modifiers. as im an arcane archer with many shot for final build its wicked i dont see me going for the extra amp atm. maybe later but for now i dont see it.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crimsonplayer View Post
    I dont TR but I know Soloartiste is on his 8th life I think maybe 9. So he might be one of the first to finish
    yeah still on 7th life atm. doing raids before i TR. bloodwork has reached completionist though so hes there. i asked him how it was, he said "less gimped" LOL!

  3. #23
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    Only on my second life on my would-be completionist. Human Pally 20 the first time, Human Monk 20 this time. So far, Half-Orc Fighter 20 is heading the pack for lifetime 3.

    Of course, just to make my life more difficult, I plan on running all 11 lives pure. I figure, by the time I get there, there will likely be another 11 classes, but what the heck. I'm actually looking forward to most of my lifetimes now, having found a way to enjoy Rogues. Still, it'll be a long slow process for me.

    As to the final build, so far I'm thinking Pally 18/Monk 2. It'll be a Pally for sure, but I've got a long time to make the final choice (and see how much the game changes before then). With my luck, though, I'll never get to play the final build, since I'll finally make my last TR the day before the servers go offline...

  4. #24
    Community Member SpearKicker's Avatar
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    Hi everyone! I dont play in this server, but would like to share my journey with you. I was not planning completionist at first. I was planning going 3 times monk, 3 times fighter and 3 times paladin for a final full monk. Since I like to TR I just changed my mind and decided to go completionist. My current lifes were:

    1. First Life as a "gimp" Dark Monk (20) - Drow Elf.

    2. Second Fighter/Monk (12/8) - WF --> Godhand (

    3. Third Paladin/Monk/Rogue (15/4/1) - Human --> Divine Phoenix (

    4. Fourth Ranger/Monk AA (11/9) - Helf --> Blasphemous Abomination ( --> This is my current life. At lvl 15th now.

    5. Not sure yet. Maybe barb, maybe clonk...

    EDIT: for some reason half my post is not here, so I will type it again.

    Probably will end as a Full Monk, but not made my mind yet. Maybe a Clonk or a Monk splash AA.

    NEED HELP: In order to be able to get completionist do I have to have a life for every class in a roll or can I repeat some classes in the journey?
    Last edited by SpearKicker; 08-17-2011 at 09:52 AM.

  5. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by SpearKicker View Post
    Hi everyone! I dont play in this server, but would like to share my journey with you. I was not planning completionist at first. I was planning going 3 times monk, 3 times fighter and 3 times paladin for a final full monk. Since I like to TR I just changed my mind and decided to go completionist. My current lifes were:

    1. First Life as a "gimp" Dark Monk (20) - Drow Elf.

    2. Second Fighter/Monk (12/8) - WF --> Godhand (

    3. Third Paladin/Monk/Rogue (15/4/1) - Human --> Divine Phoenix (

    4. Fourth Ranger/Monk AA (11/9) - Helf --> Blasphemous Abomination ( --> This is my current life. At lvl 15th now.

    5. Not sure yet. Maybe barb, maybe clonk...

    EDIT: for some reason half my post is not here, so I will type it again.

    Probably will end as a Full Monk, but not made my mind yet. Maybe a Clonk or a Monk splash AA.

    NEED HELP: In order to be able to get completionist do I have to have a life for every class in a roll or can I repeat some classes in the journey?
    5 months thread necro, you should do a pale master life.

  6. #26
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    1. sorc
    5.artificer(coming up)

    plan to go 6.bard 7.cleric 8. pally 9. barb 10. ftr 11. monk 12.rogue

    final life prolly fvs.

  7. #27
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    1) 20 Drow Rogue Mechanic
    2) 18 Drow Ranger/2rog Tempest
    3) 20 Human bard spellsinger
    4) 20 Human rog assassin LRed into a sorc before TRing
    5) 18 Human pala/2rog evsadin
    6) 20 Drow Wizard, palemaster
    7) 2 monk/18rog Helf everythingbuild, LRed into a monk before TR(Current)
    8) FvS or Artificer next.
    9) ???
    10) Profit!

  8. #28
    Hero redmexz's Avatar
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    Default my lifes

    1. Cleric
    2. Favored Soul
    3. Bard
    4. Ranger
    5. Wiz
    6. Monk lv10
    Footnote: I took some time off; I would have been completed by now. I stepped back from the game do to the fact that I am in college full time and I moved. Takes me about 2 weeks to tr. College is starting up again so my grinding will be slow. No real race to get to the top Bloodwork was the first on the sever to be A completionist. Therefore, I am just taking my time. Oh, I have ever ioun stone there is to help me along the way. A must have for a tr. Forever foreword "Rojolady"

  9. #29
    Hero redmexz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crimsonplayer View Post
    I dont TR but I know Soloartiste is on his 8th life I think maybe 9. So he might be one of the first to finish
    Wrong Bloodwork was the first. And has tred many times after that. He is the best grinder on the sever hands down.
    Last edited by redmexz; 08-17-2011 at 03:42 PM.

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