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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default How close are you to completionist and whats your strategy for your final Build?

    I am loving the road to completionist. I have learned more about this game doing this then doing anything else. I recommend it to anyone who is interested in enjoying the FULL SCALE of this great game. im currently on my 7th life as completionist. Bard. if anyone know me i love playing bards. i been working on my special solo build of bard for over 3 years. i say that alot too. but hey it is true. It sure has chan ged a whole lot from the original. the original was a lvl 12 toon i saw on ten ton hammer in 2006. was a 7 bard/3 rogue/2 fighter. really has changed alot. but my final build for completionist will be a bard too. prolly the only completionist bard there is going to be lol!

    Build will be a 14 bard / 2 ranger / 4 rogue.

    i wont just be the normal set of classes. i plan to do many of them 2 more times. notably the melee ones except paladin. i dont think the 5% healing amp is worth the month i take to TR. i figure i will do fighter, barbarian, ranger, monk & rogue 2 X more. although they will be made differently from the previous ones i used progression so far is:
    Fighter - Barbarian - Paladin - Monk - Ranger - Rogue - Bard.

    i stopped at bard for the time being because i want to get 2 cleansings from 40 shroud runs. yeah i prolly should have done it before but ah well. while im shrouding 40 times im doing most raids 20 times for the chance at +3 tomes. my last ones before i hit completionist will be in this order :

    Sorcerer - FVS - Wizard - Cleric....and if it happens then Druid.

    the purpoe of this Thread is to hear other people's stories of their progress to completionist and see where they are and what they think. please post away!!!

  2. #2
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    I may have you beat. I may be the only completionist ranger when I’m done!*

    While it’s a lot of fun, I don’t think I will try for a second completionist. (I wind up spending too much time on one character and ignoring all my other characters.)

    For me, the fun part has been levelling up characters with all the high level gear. I get to see how other classes work without the need of getting that “one piece of gear that changes everything!”** Because, well, I either already have it or it’s easy for me to justify spending the time to aquire it.

    First Life (Rogue) - OK. I admit it. I cheated on the first life. I had just gotten done gearing out my rogue and didn’t want to repeat that journey so quickly. So I leveraged the power of my credit card with a sale on +5 Lesser Hearts of Wood to ensure that I could do a second ranger incarnation instead.

    Second Life (Barbarian) - In hindsight, I really wish I had done this as my third incarnation. I would have been able to use guild Remove Curse potions (That would have made the whole experience way better.) and I wouldn’t of had to spend as much time on the fighter incarnation (see below). This is one of the builds that I would try again. (As a 2 Rogue/18 Barbarian though.)

    Third Life (Fighter) - You would think that a 2 Ranger/6 Rogue/12 Fighter would be a good soloing build. The 2 ranger levels were to get wand usage and the free feats. The 6 rogue levels gets you sneak attack dice. And the 12 fighter levels gets you the almighty Kensai II. While it can get the job done, it isn’t a lot of fun. I lacked a lot of the defensive benefits of Barbarian DR and just felt weaker despite having a ton of good gear for a khopesh specced kensai.

    Fourth Life (Monk) - Since I wasn’t going to keep this character as a monk I decided to violate one of the rules of making a monk and splash a level of rogue. *That* was a lot of fun. While this incarnation was a shintao monk it gave me a ton of ideas for a future Ninja-Spy.

    Fifth Life (Wizard) - This is actually my first serious attempt at capping an arcane caster. I made it to level 8 on a warforged wizard a couple years ago but lost interest quickly. I’m currently 2 Rogue/12 Wizard and am having a blast. Lich Form + Abbot Robe + ConOp + Torc is retardedly fun times. On the way up I learned a lot about the new Major Lore + Superior clickie dynamic DDO now has. Also, I got to use my first unsupressed Ioun Stone. (26 STR on a wizard at level 5! RWAR!)

    Next up is an Exploiter. It’s territory I’ve travelled before but it will be fun to see how the landscape has changed over the last year.

    After that I plan on the following order of classes: Cleric, Paladin, Sorceror, Bard, Favored Soul, <any classes Turbine adds in between now and then>, Ranger*

    *There’s a 50/50 chance at that happening. I may go with a pure rogue.
    ** Radiance II weapons for a rogue, Con Op items for a caster, Silver Flame Pots for barbarians, etc.
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

  3. #3


    I'm two ranks into 19 on my 6th (rogue), and will probably cap tommorow. I have the casters remaining, bard, FVS, Wizzy, Sorc, and Cleric to go. Just because, I'm hitting each of the races also, so my next two will be squishy elves.

    1 Fighter (10F/10R) Dwarf. I was on a game break when true rez started and when I returned, I liked the fighter past life more than the ranger.
    2 Pally (18/2R) Human, I kept this toon capped for a while to recreate my greensteel items and grind TOD
    3 Barb (16/2/2) WF. My least favorite life.
    4 Ranger (15Rr/3Barb/2F) Horc, used past life barb to full effect on this build
    5 Monk (20) Helf Suprised how much I liked this toon. He'll get another go after completionist
    6 Rogue (20) Halfling, About to cap, kind of went cheap on the greensteel for this life

    Favorite life so far was my ranger right after Horc came out and my Helf right when they redid the dillitant feats.
    Last edited by DelScorcho; 02-23-2011 at 11:54 PM.

    Tormenting Role Players, Perma-Death players, and Turbine Mods since February 2006!
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  4. #4
    Community Member maestro973's Avatar
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    I knew what I wanted before I started the mass TR nonsense. Not actually planning on completionist for Vell, but instead figured that the additional lives of certain classes were more useful to him than completionist itself.

    He will ultimately go back to 20 monk, but I did the 3 fighter lives to max out attack (which can suck on a monk) and DC's. The pally lives now are for the active feat (amazing) and the extra amp which will put me over the 400% mark while on a half-elf. The rogue life I compare to college experimental days, so while the active past life feat was a lot of fun to play with, I found myself not utilizing it as much as I should have.

    The other lives I can't justify for him. As a monk they would provide little to no real benefit.

    I have thought about completionist a lot though and what class I would do if I went that route. I think many people consider the +2 stat and skill feat itself more than the passive feats (which IMHO are better). So I think bard (until druid maybe) is the one class that benefits in some way from every single past life feat. Like you, I think splashing it in some fashion would be ideal, though my idea was more 14 bard/4 fighter/2 rogue. Figured I could get perform up to around the 70'ish area while still standing with a 40ish str. casting DC's would be strong from past lives as well.

    The other option that I think would make a good completionist is twf paladin. How I would build it is a mystery to me, but they rely on the various stats more than any other class so I always thought you could build an impressive character if truth and justice were your thing.

  5. #5
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Interesting discussion.

    For me, the ultimate character that I would make would have to be a Half-elf (rogue dilettante) 1 fighter / 2 monk / 17 cleric.

    super AC/evasion Intimitank, handwrap sneak attack DPS, fully capable healer and offensive caster.

    This build really benefits from every PL. 3x everything would see it being the ultimate character, imo. 4 monk / 1 fighter / 15 cleric is an option for increased movement speed/damage dice/light side buffs/healing amp at the cost of spell power, possibly with completionist/3x past lives/gear this would be a fine (possibly better) option too.

    I can't imagine a more capable or versatile character. I like this because it can happily jump into any party role and can fix screw ups better than any other (alternatives are FvS/monk/fighter, wings and better saves but less versatility or bard intimitank but lacks the AC).

  6. #6
    Community Member sparty55's Avatar
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    I am on my 4th class - Bard.

    My previous classes were wizard then Favored Soul then Sorcerer.

    Next class will be cleric.

    End class will be mostly fighter - specifically for the feats.

  7. #7
    Founder vyvy3369's Avatar
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    Henry will be starting another class next weekend. I have two Fighter lives from earlier, just did Rogue, and will be doing Monk this time. I have no idea what class I'll end up as, or even if I'll ever stop once I do get to the end - the tentative plan is to play each class at least once, play at cap until I get bored, and switch into whichever one sounds like the most fun of the remaining classes (or have guildies vote if I can't decide).

    I had set myself a goal of 20 completions of all of the main raids each life, but that doesn't seem like it's going to happen - I'm forcing myself to do 20 Shrouds at least though for either the tome or if I happen to be low on cleansing essences (I've only used 6 so far, but can always use more - lately it seems like I run around with about a full tab of GS items between resist cloaks, haste clickies, two of each Khopesh type, etc.), and hopefully by the end I'll have at least all of the +3s and some +4s saved up.
    Last edited by vyvy3369; 02-28-2011 at 07:11 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by vyvy3369 View Post
    "Fortune and glory, kid. Fortune and glory.
    - Henry Jones, Sarlona
    All done with Completionist (again) and Epic Completionist. First character to 30 on Sarlona* (before the rollback).

  8. #8
    Community Member Elixxer's Avatar
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    I learned I'll enjoy these next few years of my journey there, still first life, finishing up raids. ?/20. This event didn't help with that. haha.

    Oh and as a free to play I get a lot of ^$#$@ about going for it, only to be expected. It is my goal to "beat" DDO for free. The feat says you win, even though there is NO end to D&D. I'll probably end up as a *GNOME monk.
    Ranger(almost done) --> Fighter --> Rogue --> Monk --> clonk ---> All the rest.

    Last edited by Elixxer; 02-28-2011 at 07:39 PM.
    Exiile --- Exalt --- Exception

  9. #9
    Community Member protokon's Avatar
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    life 4, rank 64. started completionist grind just after christmas with a month break.

    final life will be warforged favored soul, I might change my mind but I figure I have plenty to time to think about it from now til' then.

    I have a +4 strength tome and an eSOS, along with quite a few other nice pieces of raid gear / nice collection of greensteel:
    -dual earthgrab picks
    -lightning strike greataxe
    -mineral II greatsword
    -conc opp cloak
    -list keeps going-

    I'm more concerned about enjoying each life as I progress than trying to get to completionist itself, but so far I am having a great time enjoying the game with friends, after spending a year glued to epic content.
    Proud member of Renowned, Thelanis server.

  10. #10
    Community Member Arkadios's Avatar
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    Started out as a sorc, but i felt it didn't do well at end game so i TR'd to monk and i'm going to spend a good few months grinding out gear before going to my next class (paladin). Not sure what to go for after paladin, there's plenty of builds i want to check out before my final life, likely to do 2x of many classes before i'm done.

    Last invisioned build is a 17cleric/2monk/1fighter intimitank RS khopesh wielding human.

    Normally i'd be trying to much but as a complitionist i'll hopefully have the gear to back it up
    Last edited by Arkadios; 02-28-2011 at 07:51 PM.

  11. #11
    Community Member NaturalHazard's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=drewrayder;3610108]i wont just be the normal set of classes. i plan to do many of them 2 more times. notably the melee ones except paladin. i dont think the 5% healing amp is worth the month i take to TR. i figure i will do fighter, barbarian, ranger, monk & rogue 2 X more. although they will be made differently from the previous ones i used progression so far is:
    Fighter - Barbarian - Paladin - Monk - Ranger - Rogue - Bard.


    Hey its nice to hear your enjoying yourself, was just curious you said your going to be doubling all the melee classes except for paladin, because the 5% healing amp was not worth the time, and you inclueded ranger. Do you think the +2 to ranged damage is worth it? personally I would rather have another 5% healing amp?

  12. #12
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NaturalHazard View Post
    Hey its nice to hear your enjoying yourself, was just curious you said your going to be doubling all the melee classes except for paladin, because the 5% healing amp was not worth the time, and you inclueded ranger. Do you think the +2 to ranged damage is worth it? personally I would rather have another 5% healing amp?
    The ranged damage: No. The stacking energy resistance: Yes.
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

  13. #13
    Community Member NaturalHazard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by QuantumFX View Post
    The ranged damage: No. The stacking energy resistance: Yes.
    whoops I forgot about that!!!

  14. #14
    Community Member Crimsonplayer's Avatar
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    I dont TR but I know Soloartiste is on his 8th life I think maybe 9. So he might be one of the first to finish
    D E S T R U C T I O N
    Sarlona: Solodps,Parlement

  15. #15
    Community Member Chette's Avatar
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    I'm on life number 5 right now (Bard-Paladin-FvS-Monk-Fighter) and am loving the trip. I am playing every one of my lives as a halfling, to add a little more challenge and fun Each life I love more than the next, and each time I finish a life I say to myself, "I need to make one of these to keep, not just pass through!". I am sure my planned final build will change at least a dozen times before I get to it, but I'm currently planning a 17 cleric - 2 monk - 1 fighter. I'd prefer 1-rogue instead of 1-fighter but need the extra feat. Maybe if they ever make completionist a free passive feat!
    ~ Cheara : Raizertron : Pozitron : Higgz Bowtron : Illudium : Staphe Infection : Abraa Capocus ~
    Nooby McNoobsalot
    Ghallanda Rerolled

  16. #16
    Community Member doubledge's Avatar
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    currently on first life, never sure if i will ever hit completionist, but hjere is my plan.

    paladin pure -> paladin rogue splash -> either pure barbarian/paladin ->barb -> barb -> Either barb of paladin -> roguex3

  17. #17
    Community Member Cableman's Avatar
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    Just started my 7th life on Bjriand as a Human Sorcerer. In fact, all my lives have been human. I've been the following:

    1. 20 Paladin
    2. 20 Fighter
    3. 20 Rogue
    4. 18 Ranger/1 Rogue/1 Monk
    5. 20 Monk
    6. 18 Barbarian/2 Rogue

    I don't know what my end life will be since I don't really have any interest in end game unless something new comes along.

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Crimsonplayer View Post
    I dont TR but I know Soloartiste is on his 8th life I think maybe 9. So he might be one of the first to finish
    We are all chasing Bloodwork on this server. I don't see this as a race. It is more like a marathon, and every one who finishes gets a medal.

    Also, I thought Soloartiste was holding at 7 to get 40 shrouds.

    Tormenting Role Players, Perma-Death players, and Turbine Mods since February 2006!
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  19. #19
    Community Member doubledge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DelScorcho View Post
    We are all chasing Bloodwork on this server. I don't see this as a race. It is more like a marathon, and every one who finishes gets a medal.

    Also, I thought Soloartiste was holding at 7 to get 40 shrouds.
    hey.... i ran with that guy about a week ago. along with a permadeath compleitonist.

  20. #20
    Community Member Cableman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DelScorcho View Post
    We are all chasing Bloodwork on this server. I don't see this as a race. It is more like a marathon, and every one who finishes gets a medal.

    Also, I thought Soloartiste was holding at 7 to get 40 shrouds.
    I'm not chasing anyone, it's not a race in my book. I play, I level, I have fun and it's gotten me to my 7th life.

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