Originally Posted by
Chai, its just that when you compare the things we get compared to the thing light monks get, they get a TON more.
DR bypass. three time. whoa.
tomb of jade. nice.
kokan do. cool deal.
theres a few other attacks they get that im unaware of, but i do know there are more.
we get shortswords. useless.
we get shadow fade. not bad.
we get to walk on water. now pardon me, but how in khyber is that relevant?
we get sneak attack. ninja, sneak attack, okay.
and its not tht we have to compensate for whatever, its that they got their 3rd prestige, while we were just left here.
they should've implemented both monk thirds at once
as well as i believe they shouldve implemented both sorc and wiz prestiges at the same time.
because now people believe wizards are soooo much better
in reality, sorcs can get 3 under the wiz DC's
and a 2 sec cooldown, not 5.