~ What do you mean, Con isn't a dump stat? ~
Keston - Myddfai - Triski - Arianhrod - Ericht - Delwi - Bathb - Xinren - Anyerin - Bauxy - Niniamh - Meikleour
There is a difference still... an FvS/cleric spell caster even built offensively will not kill as many mob as arcane may do. Starting one up takes longer to get into the cove. For that reason I used my sorc throughout the entire event all other classes were sub-par. Even in the cove itself I would take more arcane in group over any other class. Melee and divine casters do not kill as quick the best runs we had were all arcane groups finishing the quest with eleven minutes to spare and all mob cleared before five minutes to the end.
Last edited by Havenred; 03-03-2011 at 02:05 PM.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"