Once ("if/when") i get them rings, i could look into what attribute I can add to the one instead of this +2 INT
Anyway looking at my luck it's not going to happen any time soon.
Besides I rather like the fact that spyglass comes with a slot as well.
And it would be way more useful on the first life for my wiz though as he used to be a 18/2 rogue split :P
The trinket is fine for leveling for the SP, especially if you don't have an ioun stone.
Archmagi on the hat is much more useful IMO.
Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP
What are you hoping to stack trinket DC with ?
My wizard and sorc both have Stormreaver cloak +1 all DCs. Nice item, but I am now considering the alternative:
Cunning Trinket: +1 necro & enchantment (two most important saves), +50 (100) SP.
Now I can wear a different cloak, such as a custom Greensteel. My wizard already gets INT +6 from ToD ring. The Stormreaver Napkin feels like a somewhat wasted slot.
If I want more +DC, I can wear bracers with +1 Conjuration & +1 Evocation, for example.
What is my bracers alterative at my non-epic-grinding character ? Visions of Destruction bracers or Levik's bracers. Neither are particularly great at all times and I can swap to them if I chose to.
I also have the VoD gloves. They are nice, until you get the Cunning Trinket, and then they only provide the Extend spell point savings. With the Cunning Trinket I can consider swapping to different "better than VoD" gloves. If Im going to cast a lot of Extended I can swap to the VoD, but I likely won't bother.
Cunning Trinket opens up a lot of options for me at the cost of a trinket slot, which for MY character was never that awesome anyway (Luck +2, or Improved False Life)
Last edited by winsom; 03-01-2011 at 10:56 PM.
Nightshayde, Wiz 24 (Ghallanda), Kyonna, Dru 24, Irnaetha, Mnk 19, Drelzna Art12/Rog2, Aurelyn, Pal11/Ftr2, Eidoloni, Rog 17, Tymore, Sor 20 (Khyber)
If you only use item with +1 DC to necro and ecnahntment, you should consider grinding a bit more...Getting greater school focuses on items is one of the easiest way to up your DCs...DC from trinket do not stack with Eardweler, Death's Touch, Dreampsitter, Epic Robe of Shadow, Epic Spectacles of Spirit Sight etc, this is why most poster said that this DC boost is useless.
The point is that melee characters get things that stack and improve their abilities while casters keep getting non-stacking items.
The Gloves of the Glacier have EM:MII on them. They are already obsoleted by the Ornamented Dagger. The gloves actually obsolete the tier 3 bonus on the trinket. So the only real reason to have the trinket is for the tier 1 bonus of +50Sp. Woo.Now I can wear a different cloak, such as a custom Greensteel. My wizard already gets INT +6 from ToD ring. The Stormreaver Napkin feels like a somewhat wasted slot.
If I want more +DC, I can wear bracers with +1 Conjuration & +1 Evocation, for example.
What is my bracers alterative at my non-epic-grinding character ? Visions of Destruction bracers or Levik's bracers. Neither are particularly great at all times and I can swap to them if I chose to.
I also have the VoD gloves. They are nice, until you get the Cunning Trinket, and then they only provide the Extend spell point savings. With the Cunning Trinket I can consider swapping to different "better than VoD" gloves. If Im going to cast a lot of Extended I can swap to the VoD, but I likely won't bother.
Litany, Epic Spyglass for +2 Ex Int if you don't have it and +3 stacking UMD, hell, even the +10HP trinket from the pirate event is probably better than the Cunning trinket.
Cunning Trinket opens up a lot of options for me at the cost of a trinket slot, which for MY character was never that awesome anyway (Luck +2, or Improved False Life)
chrono set bonus statcks does it not?
3 Item Set Bonus: Profane Natural Armor Bonus +1, Profane Strength +1, Evocation Caster Level Bonus +1
5 Item Set Bonus: Profane Natural Armor Bonus +1, Profane Strength +1, Profane Constitution +1, Evocation Caster Level Bonus +1, Conjuration Caster Level Bonus +1
not saying casters haven't been getting the shaft but they haven't been completely neglected since mod 5.
Move along , Nothing to see here
Conjuration +1 caster level is pointless.
Evocation +1 caster level is mostly pointless.
Ok, fine, the epic versions aren't bad (+3) but they take up way too many slots to really be viable.
The thing is, Wizards are all about DCs at endgame. No items that we have gotten in a very long time seem to really help that. That's what we're complaining about.
As far as I know we haven't gotten any dev comment on the issue. It's entirely possible (if fairly bizarre) that it is working as intended, that only the bonus to confirm criticals was intended to be exceptional and that this information was not fully transferred to the person who wrote the item description. At least one of the set {description, implementation} is wrong, but it's hard to really be sure which, and really hard to be sure it'll ever be fixed.