LOL. Abishai scrolls are ruining mine.
Agreed with the prior posters - if you're going for Marilith Chain for seeker, then you have a lot of options for your hat.
Do you have evasion? If you do, and can't go for MariChain then put seeker6 on the hat.
I went Seeker6 Balance15 on my Spellsinger who has a bit of melee and can only wear light armor. Perform15 I can get elsewhere (swap out Ravager ring for ring of Perform if I have to, not swinging at mobs I'm trying to fasci anyway!), but the Balance15 will be really useful when healing certain epics or facing certain mobs.
Aside from that, Brawling Gloves being STR+7 are going to be a really useful temporary item until other epic items can be made or I get a +3 STR tome, and I can pass them on to my monk after.
If you're a Warchanter with intim, putting Seeker6 Intim15 might just rock, with less gear swaps.