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  1. #261
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    Folder/bag to store away all the scrolls/wands in one inventory slot.

  2. #262
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    What do i want to see in the ddo store? PLEASE HAVE +3 TOMES!!!!!!!!!!! I WOULD PAY A DECENT AMOUNT FOR 6 OF THEM OR A SUPREME OR EVEN FOR 2 OR A FEW!!!!!

    seriously. we had +1 tomes at first in the store. then +2 tomes were thrown in later in the store. now how about +3 tomes? +4 i understand. but we had +3 tomes since reaver. 3+ years ago. please give us the chance to buy +3 tomes!! even if its just 1 day out of the year!!!! please!!!!!!
    Last edited by drewrayder; 03-01-2011 at 12:05 AM.

  3. #263
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drewrayder View Post
    What do i want to see in the ddo store? PLEASE HAVE +3 TOMES!!!!!!!!!!! I WOULD PAY A DECENT AMOUNT FOR 6 OF THEM OR A SUPREME OR EVEN OR 2 OR A FEW!!!!!

    seriously. we had +1 tomes at first. then +2 tomes were thrown in later. now how about +3 tomes? +4 i understand. but we had +3 tomes since reaver. 3+ years ago. please give us the chance to buy +3 tomes!! even if its just 1 fricken day out of the year!!!!

    +3 tomes should not be in the store while they are highly valued raid loot.

    If +3 tomes are added as unbound loot in the future, then I could support adding them to the store after a while, but not while they remain raid loot.
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  4. #264
    Community Member yohoia's Avatar
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    1. Name change
    2. Cosmetic armor slot - changes visual appearance of armor to the type of armor in that slot (including store bought)
    3. Greater variety of hirelings (love them!). Paladins for instance.
    4. The opportunity to increase levels (if you just want to skip a certain level or even buy yourself a lvl 20 toon) Why not?
    5. Greater variety of hair styles
    6. Tattoos and makeup
    7. Cosmetic armor. But cheaper!!!
    8. Lower price on cosmetic armor (want to be able to change often. as it is now I don't use them)
    9. Dyes
    10. Housing and furniture (ok housing is not in the game, but it would be nice to have and this is a wish thread)
    Last edited by yohoia; 03-01-2011 at 05:03 AM.

  5. #265
    Community Member mwdavis27's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kelavam View Post
    1 - Allow VIPS to spend turbine points on quests and other items hidden from them because of the VIP purchase.
    Yes, most Definitely... some people may not have the luxury of a VIP Account month after month or year after year and to lose access to all the P2P quests and raids at one shot is somewhat harsh. Allowing the VIP's to buy quest packs when they are on sale would be great.

    More types of bags or other container items for other items (I.e. Scrolls, Wands, Pots, etc.)
    Last edited by mwdavis27; 03-01-2011 at 11:32 AM.

  6. #266
    Community Member PwnHammer40K's Avatar
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    +5 Tomes

    I would pay upto 3000 TP for one, 2000 or thereabouts during discounts.

    Instant Level Increase for TRs only @ 500 TP + 100 TP extra for each current character level above 1 (i.e. 19 to 20 would cost 2300 TP)
    Last edited by PwnHammer40K; 03-01-2011 at 01:34 PM.

  7. #267
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    +3 tomes should not be in the store while they are highly valued raid loot.

    If +3 tomes are added as unbound loot in the future, then I could support adding them to the store after a while, but not while they remain raid loot.
    they are unbound loot for the festivault situations...of course VERY rare, but they are. and once upon a time +2 tomes were raid loot, in many quests, now they arent...unless you do your 20th von or 20th titan and i believe 20th demon queen...and the 1750 favor reward....+2 tomes are STILL raid loot for that matter in many ways...and they are in the store. so...again...+3 tomes in the store.

  8. #268
    Community Member Crazyfruit's Avatar
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    Essence of Cleansing, if reasonably priced.

    -- It's an optional reward choice for completing Shroud 20 times. It's not really "pay to win" though because there's no challenge in it besides the raid repeat timer & you'd have to do Shroud/etc a lot for all the crafting components anyways.

    Can't think of any other standard items I'd be interested in. Maybe chipmunk funk.

    And the ability to open all quests on hard/elite (like VIPs have) without being charged by the quest.

    A few suggestions similar to what you're lookin for that maybe could be implented in a short amount of time:

    Store clicky items.
    Re-usable with #s per rest. These are all available as crafted items, quest items or random loot ingame:

    Cure Wounds, Displacement, Divine Favor, Divine Power, Fireshield, Haste, Nightshield, Panacea, Prayer, Raise Dead, Regrowth, Restoration, Stoneskin, Summon spells, Teleport

    Some probably wouldn't sell well. But many would if they're more convenient than the standard items or lets people skip crafting them. Especially with a more expensive "buy one for every DDO character you make" account option.

    Shorter cooldowns than clicky items, extended durations, or not needing to swap in a slot (like using a potion) would definitely get you lots of sales.

    Epic Wildcard
    Throw in a store crafting material with 2 out of 3 (Scroll, Seal & Shard) to create the epic item. Not really "pay to win" because if you've got 2 of the 3 you've already won the quests, just a boring grind or hunt for the missing ingredient. Would sell like hotcakes.

    -- And might anger some players too. Please consider turning up the drop rate on some of the epic ingredients if implented, namely Desert explorer shards & raid scrolls. After a year there are still some items that seemingly no one on my entire server has been able to make.

    -- Maybe let it not make the Sword of Shadows, Ring of Spell Storing, Gloves of the Claw or any others insanely overpowered. Don't want to see everyone running around with those
    Last edited by Crazyfruit; 03-01-2011 at 04:02 PM. - Remember to play in moderation.

  9. #269
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    I will pay you real money for large and medium ingrediants. So will others. You will make some nice profits. Thank you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    When you stop caring about xp/min this game becomes really fun. Trust me.
    Quote Originally Posted by TedSandyman View Post
    Some people brag about how fast they finished the game. I cant think of a stupider thing to brag about. Or in this game, going from level 1 to level 30 in two days, or however long it takes. I can't even begin to imagine what drives a person to think that is fun. You are ignoring all of the content and options and going for sheer speed. It is like going to a museum and bragging about how fast you made it through. Or bragging about how fast you finished a good steak.

  10. #270
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gadget2775 View Post
    Green Steel transfer shard: Allows you to copy one GS items enchantments to another. (IE I have a Trip Pos Longsword. Would love to be able to transfer all three tiers to a Scimitar)
    Oooh.. I'll take that too
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    When you stop caring about xp/min this game becomes really fun. Trust me.
    Quote Originally Posted by TedSandyman View Post
    Some people brag about how fast they finished the game. I cant think of a stupider thing to brag about. Or in this game, going from level 1 to level 30 in two days, or however long it takes. I can't even begin to imagine what drives a person to think that is fun. You are ignoring all of the content and options and going for sheer speed. It is like going to a museum and bragging about how fast you made it through. Or bragging about how fast you finished a good steak.

  11. #271
    Community Member ORIGINALBAG0's Avatar
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    Sex changes for forgies. I gave a forgie an extremely male name, and didn't know until level 14 and several BTC character pieces of loot that the feminine noises I was hearing WEREN'T coming from enemy mobs. Either give me sexy female toasters or let me change my gender, please!
    Quote Originally Posted by SableShadow View Post
    ZOMG! A sighting! <takes 13 seconds of grainy, out of focus footage>
    Quote Originally Posted by Cubethulu View Post
    I will digest things today knowing that someone cares.

  12. #272
    Community Member PwnHammer40K's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crazyfruit View Post
    Essence of Cleansing, if reasonably priced.

    -- It's an optional reward choice for completing Shroud 20 times. It's not really "pay to win" though because there's no challenge in it besides the raid repeat timer & you'd have to do Shroud/etc a lot for all the crafting components anyways.
    +1 for Essence of Cleansing in the DDO Store. I'd buy one for around 500 TP.

  13. #273
    Words! pie2655's Avatar
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    Id like to see FF items, and more caster gear.
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    I'm on it. Nerfing the new thing asap.
    Also, nerfing the old thing too, for balance.
    Quote Originally Posted by Failedlegend View Post
    nnnnnnnmn....Pie is greater than Cake....nnnnnnnnn
    ^^^^didn't need to hypnotize me to make me say that :P ^^^^^^

  14. #274
    Community Member Desdemonte's Avatar
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    Pre-Cove, My opinion was nothing should be added to the store.

    Now that certain people have farmed that event, purchased all ingredients and created a sick amount of inflation, my opinion is that all crafting ingredients that are tradeable/sellable should be added to the store. Plat is now meaningless and if anybody who did not abuse the event wants to craft anything, they will lose interest and leave the game long before they either a) can afford to purchase at these ridiculous prices or b) farm enough ingredients themselves.

    I really don't know if Turbine did this on purpose to take more RL money from people, but it sure looks suspicious. A pre-conceived plan to put crafting ingred in the store then an event to ruin the economy and make Plat worthless???

    I wonder....

  15. #275
    Community Member Tocawe's Avatar
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    An item that let us summon a crafting altar from a non-active event.

    I would just love to add icy-burst on a few new weapons obtained lately

  16. #276
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    Quote Originally Posted by dkyle View Post
    If we're allowed to propose new things:

    1. Cosmetic armor slot: adds a new armor slot to all characters that can be filled with any armor, LotRO-style. That armor will be shown instead of the real armor, while the real armor continues to apply its functional properties. Only disallow technically infeasible pairings, like putting fleshy appearences on WF, and vice versa. Free to VIPs

    2. If #1 is unacceptably non-lucrative, Illusory armor conversion: Available for each of the 11 kit designs (outfit, robes, light armor, skirts, docents, etc.), can be applied to an armor to make that armor appear with that specific kit design. So the DT Robe I made because DT Light Armor is lousy, and DT Outfits are hideously ugly, can look like the Light Armor or Outfit kits I like. Only disallow technically infeasible pairings, like putting fleshy appearances on WF, and vice versa.

    3. A Race-changing LR

    4. First/Last-name change, as in-store items

    5. Gender-changing: it's ridiculous that even a TR can't change gender

    2, 3, and 5 would also be available in-game through loot.
    Exactly what he said!

    «Castielle» (Sorc) ??* Embyrr (Sorc) ??* «Serreniti» (Wiz) ??* Knuttz (Sorc) ??* Castiel (Wiz) ??* Sakarra (Bard) ??* Sakara (Bard) ??* Callistto (Bard)
    ??* Chaaos (FvS) ??* Serrenity (Cleric) ??* Vorpel (Batman) ??* Sylverr (Exploiter) ??* Phoenyx (Exploiter) ??* Phoenyxx (Pal) ??* Trainquill (Monk)

  17. #277
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    Spell component bags
    Scroll cases
    Jewelry Bag
    Potion cases

    «Castielle» (Sorc) ??* Embyrr (Sorc) ??* «Serreniti» (Wiz) ??* Knuttz (Sorc) ??* Castiel (Wiz) ??* Sakarra (Bard) ??* Sakara (Bard) ??* Callistto (Bard)
    ??* Chaaos (FvS) ??* Serrenity (Cleric) ??* Vorpel (Batman) ??* Sylverr (Exploiter) ??* Phoenyx (Exploiter) ??* Phoenyxx (Pal) ??* Trainquill (Monk)

  18. #278
    Community Member stoolcannon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by QuarterMasterM View Post

    What items/features currently in the game would you like to see added to the Store (aside from the ability for VIPs to buy quest packs)? Please list no more than 5!
    A: None

    Answer to unsolicited question:

    1. BTC to BTE - i.e the ability to move an item from one toon to another - I'd pay 1000-1200 TP for this
    2. Greensteel deconstruction - I'd pay 500 TP for this
    Captain's Crew: (TR) Dingalbarian - Horc Barb20 - THF, Dingaladin - Human 18/2 Paladin/Monk - TWF, Lamepolicy - Squishy Drow - Wiz20 Archmage

  19. #279
    Community Member HellsChaos's Avatar
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    though its been said numerous times:
    1. the ability to unbind an item (character to account, or account to non-bound. Only be able to do it once to an item?)
    2. +3, +4 tombs
    3. GS shards and other crafting items
    4. Any collectible really (more rare will cost more points per item, of course - best suited for getting that 1-2 more items your missing and not buying all at once)
    5. upgradable weapons, such as those in the Lordsmarch Bank chains...I have tried to get stonedust handwraps for months...25 completions in eyes of stone...I would buy them at this point in the store.
    Last edited by HellsChaos; 03-02-2011 at 03:25 PM.

  20. #280
    Community Member Thar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by QuarterMasterM View Post
    What items/features currently in the game would you like to see added to the Store (aside from the ability for VIPs to buy quest packs)? Please list no more than 5!
    not in order of preference
    1) Greensteel deconstruction
    2) more backpack space
    3) familiars
    4) Shield/hat/cloak overlays equipped item to change appearance and some small stacking buff to make it worth the price of real money
    5) anvil to repair permanent damage on items

    also reasonable prices on items. It's cheaper for me to buy a new character slot to hold lowbie/tr gear than it is to be an extra bank spot that holds 1/4 as much.
    Member of "Guild of the Black Dragons" & "Swords of the Light" on Sarlona. Proud "Last" member of Caffeine - we aint stragicially savy.

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