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  1. #161
    Community Member Falco_Easts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LordKhaan View Post
    I cant really think of anything I would like to see in the store, but would I would like to see fixed is the +1 loot bonus' etc actually doing their bit and increasing the chances of you getting better loot. Also making is so its not reliant on you actually opening the chest (yes there is always that nub that tries to screw u)
    It doesn't matter who opens the chest.

    Quote Originally Posted by grodon9999 View Post
    How about something the lets you "un-use" a tome so you can put it back in your bank before TRing?
    I just got an unpleasant visual of someone uneating a tome. Followed by an even worse one of the used tome coming out somewhere else.

    M suggestion would be server wide purchases for a reduced cost instead of account wide purchases. For example Adventure Packs for 30% of the normal price but they only work on one server.
    A friend will bail you out of jail.
    A mate will be sitting in there beside you saying "**** that was awsome!!!"

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  2. #162
    Community Member xman26's Avatar
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    Greensteel deconstruct
    Epic Scrolls/Shards/Seals(that or increase the drop rate 1-2% points.)
    +4 Tomes or +5s
    Server: Thelanis Name: Treadwolf Guild: Storm Lords Level: 10/TR Raistlynwolf -18th lvl Wizzy, Testwolf- 17th Rog/Ftr(13/4), Caramonwolf, Capped Ftr, W T H, Capped 12/6/2 Ranger/Fighter/Monk. Taniswolf 17 Monk C2Q6600@3.0 8GB DDR2 250GB/Win7U 64bit, 80GB/VistaU 64bit eVGA GXT260OC eVGA 780i FTW 24" widescreen HD HDCP

  3. #163
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    1) Since I see VIP asking for the ability to buy adventure packs, I would like to be able to buy permanent elite unlock for my account.

    2) Extra character bank slots that are for every character on every server. I won't pay ~500 TP for 20 storage slots on one character when I can create another F2P storage account for a free 160 slots of storage. I would spend TP for an additional slot on every character though.

    3) More (and more flexible) bundles. The Necro pack was a neat idea, as was the half-bloods pack. However, if you already had one of the Necro quests, that pack was not worthwhile.

    4) A race with 10 starting wisdom. Every other stat has a race that starts with 10 except wisdom. Deurgar would be nice too.

    5) Scroll and component bags that allow you to cast while the items remain in the bag, so long as they are also available in-game for plat.

  4. #164
    Ultimate Completionist
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    Quote Originally Posted by QuarterMasterM View Post


    What items/features currently in the game would you like to see added to the Store (aside from the ability for VIPs to buy quest packs)? Please list no more than 5!
    Please bring back the +5 lesser reincarnation hearts to be in the ddo store forever.

  5. #165
    Community Member Ponza69's Avatar
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    Default store

    Supreme Tomes

  6. #166
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    1) Scroll/wand cases and spell ingredient bags that can be cast out of without removing the entire stack of items out of the container.
    2: Especially after the preview of the birthday event - a higher limit on items contained in a collectable bag - or at least a 'Pirate's Booty' bag that only holds the items from the event, in stacks of greater than 1000... they can be held in inventory in a stack greater than 1000, why not in the bag?
    General mischief maker and trap spring... I mean... disarmer. No really! I swear I had no idea that trap was there!

  7. #167
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  8. #168
    Community Member UltimusMagus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Falco_Easts View Post
    My suggestion would be server wide purchases for a reduced cost instead of account wide purchases. For example Adventure Packs for 30% of the normal price but they only work on one server.
    I don't see the benefit in having to spend more points buying a pack you already own. Either you're a masochist or a VIP looking for a way to screw with Premium members. The adventure packs are reasonably priced, and one can always exercise patience until a desired pack goes on sale if one deems it beyond economic reach.

    My suggestions (any mentioned by others are intentional for emphasis):

    1) Permanent airship amenities.
    2) Loot specific chest "buff" specific for an item in the instance, used any time before opening unique loot chest. Because the 'zerker you party with likes to zerg chests too.
    2) Gender/Race partial reincarnation.
    3) Stygian Water (tentative name): Class Un-trainer (because you reached endgame and realized you don't really need that level or 2 in "X" class, but don't want to reincarnate and lose your tomes). Removes one level of a specific class. Multiple levels require multiple Waters to remove. Because your character is basically forgetting part of his/her life, all earned xp/action points are lost, hence a 16 monk/3 rogue that decides to unlearn his/her rogue levels becomes a lv 16 monk with no extra xp or action points. Any equipment above the untrained level(s) must be removed before use.
    4) Flask of Lost Memories (tentative name): Use before taking the Stygian Water to prevent xp/action points loss. If using multiple Stygian Waters, character must be trained before next use or saved xp/action points will be lost. The Flask will only apply to one use of the Stygian Water; multiple applications are needed to prevent xp/action point loss of subsequent Stygian Water uses.
    5) Dragonborn/Half-Dragon (minus ability to fly and with a revised version of the breath weapon), and other Half-races.
    Last edited by UltimusMagus; 02-23-2011 at 02:41 AM.

  9. #169
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    What items/features currently in the game would you like to see added to the Store (aside from the ability for VIPs to buy quest packs)? Please list no more than 5!

    - 3/6 hour Elite difficulty unlock elixirs (at a similar price point to 3/6 hour 20% XP boosts; maybe also Hard unlocks at a price point similar to 10% XP boosts)
    - Epic-ready Hirelings (DDO store debut, followed by adding them to regular vendors after 1-3 months). Think well-built level 20 toons that have Greensteel and/or Epic items, carry Epic-useful spells such as Mass Hold Monster, Symbol of Persuasion, (Quickened) Mass Heal, and have the HP and Fortification to survive seven or more melee hits from epic trash.
    - Greensteel deconstruction - Tier 3 GS item in, your choice of one of the following out: the 12/24 large mats; Essence of Cleansing if one has been used on the item, or the GS blank back. Maybe store exclusive for a while, but these should also drop in Shroud Elite (possibly after 1-3 months). Other components such as power shards, small and medium ingredients are lost.
    - ToD ring 'cleansing' - trophies/medium ingredients/power shard are lost
    - Epic Gianthold Tor, Epic Shroud (both of which are apparently already programmed).

    And one 'reverse' suggestion - add the Concentrated Mana Potions that are currently store-only into level 20 and higher lootgen chests.
    Last edited by sirgog; 02-23-2011 at 03:10 AM.
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  10. #170
    Community Member Ninety's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UltimusMagus View Post
    3) Stygian Water (tentative name): Class Un-trainer (because you reached endgame and realized you don't really need that level or 2 in "X" class, but don't want to reincarnate and lose your tomes). Removes one level of a specific class. Multiple levels require multiple Waters to remove. Because your character is basically forgetting part of his/her life, all earned xp/action points are lost, hence a 16 monk/3 rogue that decides to unlearn his/her rogue levels becomes a lv 16 monk with no extra xp or action points. Any equipment above the untrained level(s) must be removed before use.
    4) Flask of Lost Memories (tentative name): Use before taking the Stygian Water to prevent xp/action points loss. If using multiple Stygian Waters, character must be trained before next use or saved xp/action points will be lost. The Flask will only apply to one use of the Stygian Water; multiple applications are needed to prevent xp/action point loss of subsequent Stygian Water uses.
    I'm not sure if you have heard of Lesser Reincarnation (+1 lesser heart of wood for changing 1 level, +3 lesser heart of wood for changing 3 levels), which allows you change any levels that you don't like into something else. You don't lose tomes or gear or xp.

  11. #171
    Community Member Jiirix's Avatar
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    - open every dungeon on elite
    - open every dungeon on hard if elite has to remain a VIP-only thing

    I dont like it to check on every favor run wether there is a VIP on bord.
    Begging for it on LFM feels wrong as a "premium" player.
    BowHealer - The "Healer with legendary CC"-project:
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  12. #172
    Community Member Maren_Vond's Avatar
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    - Name Change (instead of being part of Premium Services)
    - Surname Change (instead of being part of Premium Services)
    - Server Change (instead of being part of Premium Services)
    - Guildname Change (instead of being part of Premium Services)

    * Race change
    * Sex change
    * Appearance change
    * MOAR Cosmetics (for helms, armors, shield and weapons) ie new skins, new colors, new dyes, new haircuts, etc.
    * Platinum

    * Guild Ship Bind Point (Gold Seal NPC only)
    * Item Guild Augment Slot crafter (Gold Seal altar only) lets you slot randomly generated items
    * Guild Artificer (Gold Seal NPC only) lets you remove a prefix or a suffix from randomly generated items

    ~ Greensteel deconstruct half of all the crafting ingredients (both base and tier 1-2-3 mats) back and nothing else. no essences, no shards.
    "It's better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven."
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  13. #173
    Community Member Drona's Avatar
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    Default on yeah finally!

    1) Shroud large ingredients, shards
    2) Epic scrolls/shards/seals/items
    3) ToD ingredients
    4) +4 and above Tomes
    5) Deconstruct Greensteel items/weapons

  14. #174


    This has been said already... but

    I don't want any more items added to the store that are only available in game.

    I'd like the store to provide new capabilities that are nice and valuable but not essential to the game.

    And I want y'all to stick with a statement that was made early on in the F2P transition that everything available in the store would also drop in game, albeit very rarely.

  15. #175
    Community Member ssarasin's Avatar
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    Metalline handwraps of pure good... (Because there are no greensteel wraps in the game...)

  16. #176
    2015 Movember Hero
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    +3 and +4 Tomes

  17. #177
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    1) Sex/Race Change
    2) item to change BTC to BTA on items
    3) Green steel reconstruction
    4) Large ingredients
    5) Shared "Plat" bank

  18. #178
    Community Member Hecate100's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dendrix View Post
    1) unbind an item. Remove the binding to character (and any associated alchemical power-up on the item)

    Quote Originally Posted by dkyle View Post
    1. Cosmetic armor slot: adds a new armor slot to all characters that can be filled with any armor, LotRO-style.
    And this.

  19. #179
    Community Member Dendrix's Avatar
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    Idea no 5)

    I would like the store to offer for sale a +3 to a single statistic tome under the following restrictions:

    Only Available to characters who have used/consumed a +3 tome for that Characteristic.
    Bound to Character

    The idea of this is that it would allow me to take "forwards" to my next life the effect of the +3 tomes that I have already acquired on that character.

    I would also like +4 tomes to be available under similar restrictions.

  20. #180
    Community Member SailorCallie's Avatar
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    How about 50% off Drow and/or Favored Class for VIP subscribers unless said players met same criteria via Favor Points?

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