Putting this up because a couple people asked me to post my build.
This build was heavily influenced and inspired by Spyderwolf's Its build.
18 paladin/ 2 Monk Halfling ---- High AC hate tank.
Why Halfling ? Well Halfling gets 1 AC size bonus + 2 Dex Starting and + 2 Dex enhancements... And As I wanted to have an extremely high AC ..... Halfling seemed the natural choice. Plus it is fun tanking Horoth with a little girl.
34 point build
Str 13 + 5 Levels + 4 Stance + 2 Tome + 6 Item + 3 Abishai + 2 Boat = 35
Dex 16 + 2 tome + 2 Halfling + 6 Item + 2 Boat + 2 Exceptional + 2 Yugo Pot = 32
Con 14 + 2 tome + 4 stance + 6 item + 2 boat + 2 Yugo Pot = 30
Int 8 + 2 tome + 2 boat = 12
Wis 14 + 2 tome + 1 monk + 6 item + 2 boat + 2 Yugo Pot = 27
Cha 15 + 1 tome + 7 item + 2 boat + 1 exceptional = 26
I will eventually Slot +1 Exceptional Strength on one of my epic Items to get an Even Str Modifier.
AC Breakdown
10 base
11 Dex
8 Wis
8 Armor
4 Shield Wand
5 deflection
1 Dodge feat
1 Centered
1 Size
10 natural = 3 Abishai + 4 Yugo Pot + 3 Boat
14 Dodge = 2 Epic Cloak of night + 4 Stance + 4 Icy + 1 Alchemical + 3 Chattering Ring
12 Misc = 6 Pally Aura +2 ToD Set +4 Insight weapon
85 AC self Buffed
+2 Recitation
+1 Ranger Bark
+4 Bard
92 AC raid Buffed
I could also change the build a little to fit in Combat Expertise for 5 more AC .... But Meh ... I really am fine at 85 AC self buffed. Plus Combat Expertise nerfs your DPS which in turn nerfs your Hate Generation.
If I ever Get the shard for the Goggles of Time Sensing
+1 ( 2 exceptional wis )
+1 ( 1 exceptional wis ... evens out wis modifier )
So a 94 AC is very feasible in raid situations.
180 Paladin
16 monk
200 Con Bonus
22 Toughness Feat
20 Toughness Item
10 Draconic
20 heroic
30 GFL
20 Yugo Pot
60 Toughness Enhancements
45 Shroud HP item
5 Monk Way of the Tortoise 1
= 628
I can get 20 more when i craft my 2nd mineral 2 weapon with exceptional con 2
So at that point ill be just shy of 650 Hitpoints ... not too shabby.
Feats ( Not necessarily in this order )
Power Attack
Die Hard ( Yes this sucks ... but for my DoS prerequisites )
Improved Critical Piercing
I could swap Extend for Two Weapon Defense for 1 more AC
Epic Helm of Frost
Epic Charged Gauntlets
Epic Scorched Bracers
3xAir GS Goggles ( Go CHA Skills ) .. Will eventually be Epic Goggles of Time Sensing (+2 Exceptional Wis)
Icy Raiment
DoS Ring
Chattering Ring
DoS Belt
Epic Cloak of Night
Head of Good Fortune
Min2 Necklace (Heavy Fort and 45 Hp)
7 Fingered Gloves
Min2 Heavy Pick (Holy , Acid Burst, +4 Insight)
+5 Holy Silver Light Pick ( Will eventually be Min2 with Holy,Acid,Con+2 )
I also Have a couple of DPS picks
+5 Heavy Shock burst Ice Burst of maiming
+2 Light Seeker 10 Maiming
Yes I could have gone with Khopeshes ... But I already have a Khopesh Character and I wanted to try something different. Plus Going with picks saves me a feat and gets me some neato smites sometimes. Yes Khopesh is better DPS. Yes Khopesh is uber and I am not.
Pal AC Boost 1
Unyielding Sovereignty
Follower of the Sovereign Host
Halfling Dex 1 and 2
Halfling Luck Reflex 1
Halfling Luck Will 1
Paladin Item Defense 1
Monk Way of the Patient Tortoise 1
Paladin Courage 1
Paladin Bulwark 1-4
Paladin Focus 1
Paladin Resistance 1-3
Paladin Divine Righteousness 1
Paladin Divine Sacrifice 1-2
Paladin Exalted Smiting 1
Paladin Extra Lay on Hands 1
Paladin extra Smite 1-3
Paladin Defender of Siberys 1-3
Paladin Redemption 1
Racial Toughness 1-2
Paladin Devotion 1-2
Monk wisdom 1
Paladin Toughness 1-4
Paladin Divine Might 1-2 ( If i ever score a +3 Cha Tome I will get 3 as well )
Not much here due to Dumping Int.
I put some into Balance , Some into UMD, 1 into tumble and Some into concentration.
My umd is good enough to teleport myself around. and to use shield wands .... really all I need.
Maybe eventually ill drop extend or somethiing for SF: UMD so I can reliably Heal Scroll myself.... but Meh.
What you say no intimidate ? Yes No intimidate .... I don't need it for the goals I had for this build. I already have an intimitank and I didn't want a second one.