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  1. #1
    Community Member NecroKovy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default If only you could name names...

    There are so many things I want to thank a specific person for, but I understand that you can't name drop.

    Months ago, I had hit a brick wall. (level 9 or so I believe), being Premium meant having less content (since then I have MUCH more), so I was just sorta blindly running Catacombs on Elite to kill time (could likely tutor that one blindfolded by now), doing House K & J quests over and over to grind exp/loot whatever....when one day, perhaps while boarding their guild ship, this individual sent me a tell that simply said, "Now there's a Pale Master. " They then bowed politely, to which I responded in kind. Then I teleported the heck out of there! I was shy, lacked knowledge and confidence (still do at times) and was actually scared this person was trying to get me into a 'difficult' quest group or something.

    Yep, I ran away the first time I met this person. /

    Ok, so I had a Duality Robe on and my skin WAS awfully pale, but I didn't even know what a PM was (it must have just been released, but I wanted Necromancer depsite everyone telling me it was a 'weak' build....ok, not EVERYBODY, but you get the idea). I was still using my eternal wands because I was unable to manage my SP properly (It still happens infrequently, if a particular fight gets tough and I just unload to not die..), had zero fort (or maybe 25%), and the only real 'trick' I knew was 'Firewall and Kite'.

    Some time later, I get another tell from this person while standing around in Portable Hole, likely sitting there wondering what all that map is for when you only get that one

    "Remember me?", or something to that effect dings onto my chat box. Same person, and this time I was glad they found me. I am hard pressed to remember exactly what content we ran at first, but specifically this individual advised me to go to GH next. I bought the pack, and tried to enter, but was still only level 9! Oops. we had a good laugh over that one. So I ground out my next level, and off to GH we go... just the camp itself was so much to take in at that time, I spent a good 5 minutes just looking around! Some things were explained, I asked some questions (this cycle would be repeated over and over), and when I had a chance I went into the slayer area, and had my brains bashed in by the first giant I saw. It was awesome, but boy was I weak.

    Along the course, this individual stuck with me, taking time out of his/her schedule (I'm talking HOURS at times, and over the course of months) to help me through content (not let me just pike it, not often anyway, but actually lead me into situations after explaining what would happen, and then allowing me to apply said lesson and simply survive. I hadda work for it, and that's a good thing), and would actually use the '/sit' function to just talk. I had SO MANY questions, and this person was just so patient.

    Zoom to the present:

    I am now tier III PM, level 19, eternal wands are in the bank ("Your wand is useless", one of my favorite tips from this person in GH!), have my 1st tier GS, a brand spanking new airship for my guild (Protection from Evil anyone? Yeah, I got the BIG buffs baby...), bought and ran higher content and gave my equipment a serious overhaul with some lucky drops, know which spells to use in most situations, I have slain Beholders, Giants, Dragons, Devils, etc....sometimes with melee instead of spells! Soft Wizard? Maybe, but not the softest!

    I've made the 'at least over 300hp cut', likely looking at something like 340-350 (Without Lich) at lvl 20 off the top of my head. I'll have heavy fort at all times (via Lich or Minos Legens, hey 200% may not count, but at least it's always there..). I don't feel like I even NEED Feather Fall anymore, and can actually use it situationally whereas I used to depend on it just to stay alive in the harbor. You get the idea.

    Many times I've thought of posting this positive experience, but it just never ended! To this day, I can count on this individual to help me if I need it. I can still ask questions. This person still has my back if I need help with something difficult. I am pushed to my combat limits by this player. There are times I need to take a couple days off from playing, I am worked out so hard. (Devil Battlefield is becoming manageable, but Subterrane still scares the living daylights out of me, I go in there alone and get roasted within a minute, oh well someday...)

    The conclusion? Well, today's conclusion will be my first Shroud completion. I joined a PUG for it once, after being advised I'd be running Shroud 'alot'. Didn't have anything explained, but somehow made it all the way to where I somehow pulled a Shard of Great Power, it was all just so chaotic and it was all I could do to just keep up! I can swear I missed chests along the way (to the best of my recollection, the LFM said nothing of 'speed run', or anything like that, but there I was, and what was I doing? No clue. )

    I became afraid of the Shroud. I wouldn't ever apply to a Shroud LFM, because it seems to be the single most controversial quest in this entire game. I'm gonna have someone read me the riot act because I die, or maybe add an extra 30 seconds to their completion time? NO THANKS. What's DD option? No idea. I'll just stay away, I don't play this game to argue. I can just skip my RL man chores if that's what I want.

    Enter the individual I've been speaking about, and several of his/her guildies. I become a 'third' caster for learning purposes. I am told to follow and watch, and follow instructions. I do just that.

    I think I have part one down, but I've only done it twice (never if you factor in that I was a pupil being instructed as opposed to being a 'main archane'.)

    Parts 2, 3, was chaotic for me. The part with the puzzles, water, and all that got me some negative attention, but nothing over the top. I wasn't touching anything, but admittedly running around like I had a ferret down the back of my pants. I had to be reigned in a few times, but thankfully didn't do anything to 'ruin' the mission.

    Long story short, I didn't die, and in the end we were victorious. I learned what DD option means. I was told to always rest before looting (is that common practice?), heck when they put me on the spot (I suppose to at least let me do SOMETHING, I was allowed the opportunity to take down the first portal in part....not sure, but I hit the first portal dead center on my first try! )

    The individual I speak of, may very well have stopped me from quitting DDO. Not that I was going to quit when I met this person, but the shot in the arm was enough to get me to push through that mid level crisis, and onto bigger and better things.

    I am years away from being a 'vet'. More than likely, I am still very weak in comparison to much of the experienced player base. However, if it were allowed, I'd scream this person's name and guild from the mountain tops. IMO, they are the best guild on the server, and if I didn't have my own guild with its own ambitions, I'd likely apply to join that one. They came to my aid, because of one individual. It was an honor to complete my first Shroud with them.

    A while back, after one of my first 'lessons', I was given the generous gift of a collapsed portable hole. I practically fell out of my chair. When asked what I could possibly do to repay such kindness, the answer was simply, "Someday help someone else like I'm helping you".

    I may not be ready to do what this person has done for me yet, but I'll keep that promise in mind. I may burn through a few that just don't stick, don't mesh well with me, or simply stop playing. I may wind up taking on more than I can handle, but only time will tell. The good news is I'm willing. Now it's just a matter of becoming able, and that day is a lot closer than it was the day I teleported away from the person who would find me a second time, and take me under their wing.


    There's my positive Cannith experience for you. There is so much more, but this guild, and this particular, they are really something. If everyone followed this example, what a powerful server we would be.

    D&D is what lured me here, the above missive is what made it "worth paying for'.

  2. #2
    Community Member Terebinthia's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    That's a nice thing to read.

    I believe you can publically name someone for doing nice things for you. What is frowned upon is calling someone out for doing not nice things for you. Basically.

    That is a general understanding of mine rather than being based on obsessive forum rule reading, but I think you can say a big old thank you if you want to
    Terebinthia, Terebynthia, Tereana, Tereaina, Tereanna, Terebyte, Terechan, Terebinthis
    The Hand of the Black Tower, Khyber.
    Cupcakes welcomed.

  3. #3
    Community Member Chette's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Great post NecroKovy, I had a very similar experience. I was almost completely ftp, I owned the catacombs pack because I had bought it when I was about level 4, not knowing that TP were hard to come by (they give you your first 250tp so fast, then the price goes up, remind you of anything?!!). I had *just* bought the Deleras pack and had recently discovered the joy of zerging that chain. I had 2 characters on multiple servers as I was trying to figure out what class I wanted to play and how to play it. I got invited to join this persons run of Shadow Crypt, a quest I knew nothing about, and for which I did not have the pack. Somebody was so incredibly generous as to buy me a guest pass...I still don't know why they did this, they were just a super nice person, treating a newb to a new experience. I was terrified. These people were all amazing players, why did they want my gimp in their party? Why were they letting me pike for all this experience? We all got to talking (I was on voice, I think that's why I was allowed to stay) and became friends through the few hours we spent in the crypt.

    The next day the person who had been leading this group sent me some tells, invited me to run with him. Again, I was nervous. I'm not a terribly outgoing and social person, they were a fantastic player who could solo anything, I was a gimp who could barely contribute. But we became friends and they taught me so much about the game. I now have a handful of capped characters, including a few 34 and 36 point builds, and am in an amazing raiding guild. I probably wouldn't still be playing if not for them, or at least wouldn't be playing very much, and probably not on the server I'm currently on.

    I'm glad to read about another positive DDO experience, remember these stories the next time you dismiss a newb from your party
    ~ Cheara : Raizertron : Pozitron : Higgz Bowtron : Illudium : Staphe Infection : Abraa Capocus ~
    Nooby McNoobsalot
    Ghallanda Rerolled

  4. #4
    Uber Completionist
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Nice post to read.

    Sometimes theres so much negative comments on the forum that its easy to forget that most people are in fact nice and helpful.

    Thankyou for reminding us of the nicer side of DDO

    The Spellswords - formerly Ghallanda now Orien

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