I'm hard pressed to keep everyone in my stable on timer for the Reaver, so I've been slacking on my Shroud runs. But with the NCAA games coming up my wife should be sufficiently distracted for me to set up a BYOH Shroud. Pretty fitting to schedule during March Madness, eh?
"I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674
Don’t get me wrong…my FB barb can kill himself quickly as well, but its shroud portals you mean you would catch an aura a little, or maybe say to yourself “huh…not getting healed guess I better drink a couple pots”?.....Or perhaps stay with the group, most likely where the cleric is standing.
Course people never cease to amaze me.
Couple months ago on a shroud run one of the clerics was complaining my barb was taking to much damage from the portals….the other 11 of us had a good laugh.
Thelanis - Green Mtn Boys - Level 200
Perhaps the dude simply didn't know how Barbs work? Maybe new? Prior to level 18, not many people encounter Barbs who do a lot of self damage.
but its shroud portals you mean you would catch an aura a littleNote that the Barb and the Aura were not it the same location. This would suggest (though of course this may not be the case) that the Barb was beating on one portal whilst the cleric was at a different one. Yes, the Barb demonstrated a lack of skill (IE, not frenzying unless you know you are covered). However, it is hardly difficult to comprehend a situation in which a barb drops him/herself.died multiple times because he didn't want to come to my aura
I should start up a new thread on this topic, so as not to derail the Op's thread.
... Wait. That's me. Derail on!
Here's my idea.
LFM: "BYOH, PvP Shroud - Part 4 survivors roll for 2 FRDS"
The idea being that
1. You want to bring your best self-healing toon.
2. You want others to bring theirs, too.
3. You want to finish part 4 alone.
I figured 2 Flawless Red Dragon Scales would be an incentive for people to collaborate in 2-man teams, but still retain the capacity for one of them to stab the other in the back.
At the same time, part 4 must be completed in order to earn the scales - I'm not looking for a 1-3 loot run here, I wanna get completion!
"I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674
Oh boy. You missed one though: the obviously profit driven and selfish among us (hey, theres a reason I also play EVE) will attempt to 'sabotage' certain parts of maximize their chances at the scales. This, could, of course, turn into one of the most fun shrouds ever. Sabotage it just enough to that you survive, but no one else does.
Exactly - I listed that as the 3rd point, although you did a better job explaining it.
EVE online? I fear that game - I played "Elite" on the Commodore 64 ages ago, and dreamed of a multi-player version back in the 90s, although I'd never heard of MMOs.
I'm afraid that if I even tried it, I might as well kiss my wife and kids goodbye.
"I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674
Some years ago I tried it for the first time. I went the way of the pirate, and I still remember my first lo-sec kill. (Scanned down a couple dudes chillin at a planet, 0.2 gallente space, warped in and hit the scramble on the first target I saw. Everyone else bailed, and he went down. Snatched his pod and popped that too for good measure.) Of course, later that day I warped into a belt and a cruiser locked me up and *poof*. The difference that if you lose the fight, you lose your ship makes the whole thing a different kind of experience.
I stopped playing due to RL issues, but loaded up again last month. Got a new character (been training up basic skills) and I'm gonna start the pirating ways again shortly (taking me a bit to remember how to do things. :/ )
"I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674