Last edited by mudfud; 02-23-2011 at 09:45 AM.
When I play my cleric I'm with the other blue dots hitting the portals and dumping mana via Cometfall on them. For part one, I'm just another DPS slot and I heal entirely with my aura. That aura hits hard enough to heal through Frenzy, as well as any side damage from trash spawning on the group while the garbageman comes around to take the trash out. :P If someone wants to break off and hit another portal, I really could care less - And if they die at said portal, we'll catch up to you eventually. They know where the healing is at and they made the choice to not be AT the healing so if they cry about not getting heals then 11 other people get to laugh at them.
[QUOTE=k1ngp1n;3606001]Or it could be saying 'I'm already going and will be either BBing everything or Symboling them, so have some self healing ready because there are things you'll have to deal with to get to me and I'm not coming back.'
Or it could be saying 'I'm going to solo this, you can come along if you want but don't cost me 10%.'
This, without the 10% part.
I was the FvS in that screenie. Yes I put BYOH, even though I am fully capable and willing to heal.
It was a Coal Chamber run, in progress. I was happy to solo but figured I'd open it up and let people come along for an easy flag.
The one thing I did not want to do was have to run back to heal/rez someone in that stupid quest.
Wasn't trying to be "I'm not healing you noobs, so bring your own."
Yeah I really don't care whether I get a healer or not because I mainly play my WF Wiz...healer's hate me anyway (especially if im a Palemaster :P) but on the other hand why did you (you as in players in general) choose to be a Cleric if you wanted to be an offensive caster or Melee a WF Sorc/Wiz or a Melee spec Paladin,Bard,etc. gets you the SELF-healing you obviously took Cleric for and you can actually do some meaningful damage.
Oh and yes to clarify I did specify Cleric...having high UMD or being a Paladin,Bard,etc. don't constitute healer. The main reason for a healer is for example every second that the barbarian is drinking a pot is DPS lost (and no your cleric dps is not making up for it regardless of build) and IIRC barbs actually CAN'T drink pots while raging (unless they fixed's been a while since I played one)
Frankly get of your bloody high horse on one hand your always saying "Noobs you don't need healers" but on the other hand you also act like when you heal them that your doing them a HUGE favor (not like mana auto-refills or anything) and whine about using resources....if I can manage to get through quests on my Wiz without using a single mana pot you can too its called not dropping fifty WoF (in your case BBs) you only need one or two once you've learned how to "Aim" them.
Ok now that I've gotten that rant out of the way I'll just say Personally when I throw up an LFM all it ever says is "All welcome" with the occasional "Need 25+ wisdom for button" I take the first 5 (or 11 as the case may be) that apply and we go...sometimes it bombs but most of the time it works out and occasionally I add someone to my list of possible guildmates....remember people it's just a game.
Frankly this is one of the reasons I prefer 4e over 3.5e in 4e everyone needs to work together to complete whatever objective is laid out before them there's no build that can do everything (except maybe in Epic) whereas with 3.5e sometimes I wonder why people even bother working together.
Sidenote: I play my WF FvS quite often (although I do prefer my wiz) and I've never once put BYOHs in my LFm and I have no issue keeping heals up and doing whatever I want as well and just like my Wiz I never use a pot (actually I usually have even more SP left over..i'm thinking of rolling a sorc now...if the Savant PrE is good enough at least)
Also Note: If ALL your doing is healing your doing it wrong BUT if your NOT healing (or the wand whipping rogue is doing a better job) your also doing it wrong.
Last edited by Failedlegend; 02-23-2011 at 11:31 AM.
Originally Posted by Cordovan
I wonder how many of the pro-byoh replies were made by complete noobs. "Running out of SP before the next shrine so please pot" - Seriously ?
Taken out of context much ? The SS is of a raid. What is up with level 20 healers running raids with "byoh", and this is obviously a dig at that.
Yes, divine are awesome and can do everything. Should they be dropping blade barriers in shroud and kiting for 250-500 a hit (when it hits with 32 evoc) when a lit 2 hits for 500 on one strike ? I'm not so sure.
Last edited by achitophel; 02-23-2011 at 12:12 PM.
Because when you've run the same raids 1000's of times, it gets a little threadbare.
Or when you're running a raid that was designed for characters half your level and 1/10th your gear.
As I'm pretty sure it was pointed out earlier, "level 20 healers" don't put up BYOH raids.
"I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674