In the lottery widget can we have the option of turning off the display of winnings that are more than 3 weeks old? There isn't much use on our end for that much information.
The main page lottery widget doesn't need to hold results that are more than a couple of days old. Anything more than that can be moved to a seperate page similar to what you have done with the other widgets-> "View Full List".
The ability to sort listings (in all of the widgets) would come in handy. e.g.Alphabetize by name, class, level, etc. For the lottery widget can we get them to display by date by default (my vote anyway)?
Can we have the ability to change the home page on the in-game browser? Preferably on a character by character basis. It would be convenient to have each characters guild page show up instead of our main page while playing the game. If that can't be done can we have a more direct link to the character's guild? For example a button next to the one that says "guild leaderboards". (I realize that a link could be added under the links section but my main page has been borked most of the time since July due to the lottery widget problem. I can't access the links without going through myadmin. This gives a fix and a useful option)
When submitting entries in the lottery can we get the ability to select just one server's characters?
I just realized that you could monitor blogs (guild or otherwise) on the RSS widget. That's something worth promoting to the players. It might even be worthwhile to split a guild rss feed monitor into a seperate widget.
Can you add a button or feature in the character list so that the players can let the system know "This character is out of date"/deleted/etc and needs to be updated? Let the system do it automatically. Make it easy on yourselves. Why trudge through page after page of forum threads and bug reports. Of course, you will probably want to limit how many times per day a player can request a toon update...
For the in-game browser can we have a section or ticker tape that displays the news that is displayed in the login client? Have it display the messages that are posted after logging in too. I wouldn't mind hearing the Lamannia stuff while on my regular server but that certainly doesn't apply to everybody.
It also wouldn't hurt to have a World Broadcast message when new things are added to the login client feed.