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Thread: Favored Weapons

  1. #1
    Community Member RJBsComputer's Avatar
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    Default Favored Weapons

    To add to the diversity of the game, I would love to see Favored Weapons added to Races and Classes. Granted that Fighters have something like this already. But if this was added to all races and classes, there would then be more of a reason to look at less cookie cutter builds and make weapon demand more spread out over the selection of weapons.

  2. #2
    Community Member jennick52's Avatar
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    Sounds like a good idea, but how many people would use them if the weapons they used sucked, other than for a flavor build?

    For a halfling I see them using either kukris or shortswords, but then again shortswords are used by drow. So it would probably fall to kukris. How many of the min/maxers would use use those over kopeshes?

    Humans, I could see longswords or bastard swords. Doing that would actually make bastard swords somewhat desireable again, but then the min/maxers would still take kopesh for the x3 crit.

    Elves, dwarves, drow, warforged (to an extent) and horcs (kind of) all ready have prefered weapons, though in the case of horcs it boils down to 2h weapons of any kind, and I think the same is true of warforged.
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  3. #3
    Community Member donfilibuster's Avatar
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    Favored weapon is tipically for racial proficiency and for priestly faiths.
    The fighters and everyone else is more or less to be skilled in all weapons, simple or martial, rather than specializing in one single type.
    After all the various weapons have different uses (1h or 2h, bludgeon/slash/pierce, and crit ranges).

    Beside that, nothing wrong on having some line for weapon-of-choice, after all the customization from the enhancement system is nothing but a class variant builder.

    Taking weapon specialization should be prerequisite for such a line (wpn spec requires wpn focus too).
    It shouldn't match Kensai directly, unless you throw on more requisites or up the minimum level to compensate.

  4. #4
    Community Member elujin's Avatar
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    i was thinking about balancing the weapons too

    as far as i can tell its crit range over basedmg and within that group its crit mulit over crit range and thats mostly becous as far as i can tell again becous burst weapons are the same for all and favor more crit multi and range over base dmg

    so i was thinking woudn't it make sens that high base dmg weapons get more elemental/alignement dmg like +1 per 2 base dmg over 6 (+2 for holy anargy axomatic) not sure this should work for 2handed weapons or if this would fix anything or rater mess things up more just some thoughts
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  5. #5
    Community Member doubledge's Avatar
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    please upgrade rapiers to 1d8 or add another crit modifyer,

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