This must have been mentioned before... but here goes anyway.
There is currently no reward for using the highest level of monk strikes you can to work up a finisher. So if all you're doing is working towards a finishing move rather than DPS (say, between fights, before buffs, etc), you really need to be using up hotbar space with your lowest level strikes to save on ki.
Why not just do something simple such as increasing the duration of such finishers based on the level of the strikes used? Say +10 secs for each strike above base level that you have used? E.g. for the blur buff, if I use air3/light/air3, it lasts 1min+20+20 secs? Alternatively if I wanted to micromanage and save on ki to this extent (I don't), I could choose to use air3/light/air1 for a duration of 1min+20secs+0secs?
Worth thinking about maybe?