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  1. #21
    Community Member arminius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PopeJual View Post
    I do think it's kind of stupid, but the really stupid part is the idea that someone makes all these random lootgen items instead of actually spending their time and XP to craft items that make sense.

    Anarchic Khopesh of Greater Chaotic Outsider Bane?

    Ogre Power (+4) Bracers of Bulls Strength?

    Poison Immunity Ring of Swimming (RR: Warforged)?
    The idea is that making magic items is a complex, high-level skill that can go wrong (or right) with the slightest error. Cook your eye of newt to 162 degrees instead of 161, and poof you end up with something completely unintended, for good or ill. Most mistakes turn into inert waste, a tiny percentage turns out spectacularly, while another percentage turns out kind of useful to somebody, maybe, but a bit weird.

    For those items, as in the real world, it is Destination EBay! The magic item maker has to try to recover costs somehow. From there, they enter the loot tables of the world.
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  2. #22
    Community Member Bolo_Grubb's Avatar
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    When an ooze splits, it is into smaller weaker oozes so sometimes that could be a good thing. Although I dislike splitting oozes myself.

    I do like paralyzing of everbright blunt weapons, just because an ooze looks funny when paralyzed
    Kill'em all and let their favorite deity sort'em out
    BoloGrubb / DJGrubb / Gijo
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  3. #23
    Community Member SardaofChaos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PopeJual View Post
    Total HP does change if the first ooze had lost some HP since each of the new oozes is at 100% HP. It's very annoying when you take an ooze or two down to 5% of its original HP and then someone walks up and swings a big greataxe or whatever and turns that slivered big ooze into half a dozen smaller oozes with full HP.
    This is a good point. Basically, slashing is fine if you tend to be the only one taking care of the oozes. If there are others trying to do it quickly, use bludgeoning or don't interfere.

  4. #24
    Community Member Meetch1972's Avatar
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    I'm not averse to dicing up an ooze with an everbright greataxe, and hitting all of the little ones with a fireball clickie ... (nice chronoscope bracers)

    On Rust monsters, another option other than everbright is a wooden weapon. Any wooden stick won't rust when you hit a rust monster with it... densewood is a good choice. If your build needs a shield, it had better be wood when the rusty attacks, or it won't be a shield for long!

    It may also be possible that there are materials which won't be affected by oozes, such that you don't require everbright for them either, but I cannot say what, if it exists.

    Muckbane/muckdoom comes to mind too...

    Edit: Ranged combat is also an option! Rain projectiles at them and save your swords the trauma. Again, beware of splitting oozes if you don't want to. FYI, splitting an ooze and killing both halves does not count as 2 kills.
    Last edited by Meetch1972; 02-20-2011 at 11:58 PM.
    Goe ahed... korekt mah spelin'.

  5. #25
    Community Member donfilibuster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by arminius View Post
    The idea is that making magic items is a complex, high-level skill that can go wrong (or right) with the slightest error. Cook your eye of newt to 162 degrees instead of 161, and poof you end up with something completely unintended, for good or ill. Most mistakes turn into inert waste, a tiny percentage turns out spectacularly, while another percentage turns out kind of useful to somebody, maybe, but a bit weird.

    For those items, as in the real world, it is Destination EBay! The magic item maker has to try to recover costs somehow. From there, they enter the loot tables of the world.
    I like your analysis. Used to think the arcane crafters of the past had been out of their minds with so many junk items.
    But naturally, you'll only find weapons of dead adventurers in the dungeon, they died using that junk.
    If the weapon were any good they'd live to carry them back home. Sadly the arcane lore evolved from survival of the fittest.

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