The Portable Hole level 6 scroll vendor sells them in infinite abundance, which is a good thing since I have NO idea what my arcanes would do without them. A tip for you: Once you hit max, or even level 17 or so, it is an EXCELLENT idea to keep Reconstruct mem'd full-time even if you happen to be a fleshie. It is not your job to be some random Warforge's personal healbot, true; It may someday be your job in a given situation however, and by alternating the spell and the scroll you will perform that duty with panache.
It's not my job to take care of a fleshy who can't heal himself when I'm on my WF LoB, especially when single target heals cost me a consumable
Just because I have the ability to heal to make a group run better, why should I?
I'm not saying the WF player was in the right, I wasn't there and I don't see a reason for someone to be beligerant. The bottom line though is that in at least 2 high end raids, Arcanes are expected to be able to handle certain duties, which include taking care of the WF tank, so that the Divines mana can go farther and take care of the other 11 players. My FvS currently carries scrolls for spells I will never need for myself. I carry them to make everyone elses life easier. However, if I need to swap out a spell, that's a cost I eat, that a cost of playing the game centered around group play. If the difference between a failure and a successful raid is you carrying one spell, wouldn't you rather have that spell and ability?
Last edited by LordPiglet; 02-22-2011 at 12:21 AM.
Because in a given situation, that was what you were accepted into the group to do. For instance, Reconstructing the WF tank when you're playing the Arcane in a VoD. If that's what you were accepted and asked to do...It would be a totally different situation if you made it clear from the getgo that your character is not made to perform a certain task, I.E. WF LoB not healing. That's fine, you're a DPS slot instead of a healer slot and can even help out with healing should things turn south.
And the real question here is if you have the ability to heal to make a group run better, why WOULDN'T you?
As someone who runs a WF FvS I won't say my opinion on those who won't heal. I have no problem with people not wanting to play a nanny-bot, as I don't play one. However, there are some situations where it's okay. Personally, I prefer to run with people who can bring more to the table then just a heal. I'll buy a hireling if I want that.
As I said, personally, I don't have any single target heals, I care cure critical wands, Heal scrolls, and have taken every mass cure available to me. In a group (which I don't pug right now, I run with friends) heals are on my 95% of the time as I'm helping dps, or pulling a train through a blade barrier. I'll wand whip poison, scroll restoration, even use a curse removal and give you **** about why you don't have lesser restoration pots (for stat damage), poison pots, remove curse pots etc. If I hear you take a crit, I'll give you **** about a lack of fortification (and might even give you an item). In a raid (I've only done VoN and DQ right now) I'll put on the devotion item, find my heal anchor and make sure the high dps people make it though for the completion. I know I'm not as high dps as a well build fighter or barb, I have no problem pulling up and taking care of a group when putting myself into a bad position might have a negative impact on the ability to get the completion. As I do work to improve my play on my FvS I probably will move back towards a adding dps while heals on me role in some raid situations.
My other characters, when capable will wand whip those too lazy to buy pots or bring enough pots in teams, will wand whip and heal themselves with whatever means necessary and possible without waiting on a divine (or reconstructor). I'm even in process of completing gs Charisma skills goggles on Aly and will be crafting a set for Ar and Pork. They'll give her extra spell points for raid buffing to help the healers save some mana and help make it easier to toss heal scrolls without having to change a ton of gear out. Especially on her, I'm using consumables more on other people, then on myself. I don't think good players expect to have nanny bots, but are aware there are some situations that may call for them. I think they expect everyone to use their share of consumables though, be it a repair wand, reconstruct scrolls, heal scrolls, or cure wands. I personally got a talking to about not taking care of things like curses and lesser restoration, and topping off with pots. Since then, I've always carried them.
Personally, my WF barb is my least favorite character. I have him because I thought it would be fun to try and sometimes they're needed. I've seen more groups and been in a few groups just waiting on a WF to come tank sully. Too many times that WF has underperformed, and the raid was much more resource intensive then necessary. I can 200 pots on my barb and take them when ever necessary. But it's my least self-sufficient character and it feels limiting. As a result of this I'll actually end up pressing to epic out Aly's gear to up her AC to the levels that she can easily tank Sully, I'm sure I'll keep the Barb, but probably mainly use him to farm up shroud ingredients.
tl;dr What Ace said, but self-reliance good.
Last edited by LordPiglet; 02-22-2011 at 02:41 AM.
next time someone shouts nonsense like this, feel free to correct them...
when someone dies, the group loses +10% bonus from not dying
when someone re-enters, the group loses +10% bonus from not re-entering
the group has then lost 20% in bonuses
the one who re-enters gets an extra penalty of -20%, this increases if the same person re-enters again... this penalty increases up to -90% on the fifth re-entry, but it *does not* affect the rest of the group.
anyway, good job not rage-quitting and actually completing!![]()
I do not agree that an arcane should always heal the warforged, because my dwarven wizard is not specced in force/repair (like most arcane wf have) and therefore worse in healing an warforged then a normal divine if the tank also did his part by taking healers friend.
Only in a raid like tower where its nice to have three people that can heal (two divines and one arcane) it would be handy, then i would change my spell to a reconstruct spell. But to say that it is needed from lvl 12 onwards is a bit weird in my eyes.
Nice job mate, finishing von 5 is often an tiresome job at level and then getting everyone to listen to succeed in von 6 is even better.![]()
Last edited by shadowhop; 02-22-2011 at 03:14 AM.
I agree that the ability to heal ANY other player only brings more to the table. I play a cleric, bard, and ranger and have had to do lots of healing and group spells to keep the party alive.
I certainly don't mind tossing a scroll reconstruct if things look bad for the WF while its fighting, just like I don't mind hitting any other player in need with a healing scroll, wand, rez, buff, whatever. I've got my group's back in a jam, and I'm willing to help out any way necessary, but I am also not someone's red bar battery. A WF who can't self heal better be topping off between fights with its own pots/scrolls/wands - just like any other class that can't self-heal should be doing.
Again, if I were a wizard, np, but I'm not going to eat 5k plat to swap spells for one quest for one person, then be stuck with a useless spell for three days thereafter only to have to spend another 5k to swap back to one that will do me some good. If you are going to be any race or class, you'd better be somewhat self-sufficient, and building a WF melee who can't take maximum advantage of a clerics mass heals or healing bursts is short sighted.
As a sorcerer my SPs can be better spent preventing damage to the entire party with CC, nuking, and buffing rather than acting as a dedicated bandaid for one player regardless of race, class, whatever.
Maybe it's my bias toward WF in general since I see the race as an anathema to DnD. Maybe it was that one abrasive individual in that particular PUG that just rubbed me the wrong way. I don't know.
But you guys have made some good points about team play, etc and I did go out and purchase a stack of reconstruct scrolls.
In normal quests I'd definitely suggest that WF carry repair wands to give to friendly arcanes.
There are much better spells to have as a sorcerer than any repair spells, even reconstruct.
Disintegrate and Flesh to Stone are the priorities for a non-WF sorcerer. Reconstruct is a possible third choice along with Mass Suggestion, Acid Fog and Chain Lightning. Greater Heroism, Reconstruct and True Seeing can be scrolled.
My experience with WF melees while leveling is that they often don't take healers friend and then expect to be healed or repaired without recompense. I find other people to group. Obviously when you get to end game raids things balance out but WF should still at least take healers friend I in conjunction with some healing amp items.
Good job on sticking it out, it'll get easier once you get the hang of the raid.