Auctioning off anouther cloak scroll for Congo bowl.
Auction ends same time as this post monday.
Taking bids in larges only
current Highest bid : 4 Scales, 6 Stones 8 shrapnels, 12 Arrows and 12 Chains (14 scale value)
conversion table =
1 Scale = 1 Scale (no **** right?)
2 Shrapnals = 1 scales
2 Stones - 1 Scale
6 Arrowheads - 1 scale (only need 12 so anything over 12 has no value)
10-12 Chains - 1 scale (only need 12 more so anything over 12 has no value)
Myneed for shrapnals has drasticaly droped from last auction so there back to 2-1 ratio value