Curious if it's worth it or not.
At this point I'm levelling up a new Rogue that I'm loving, and getting up to the green steel levels now, so it's a tossup for me whether or not to go with +4 insight on the radII wpn, or fire blast as I'm unsure whether or not AC is worth it.
Did most of you try for a half-decent AC (50+) to mitigate *some* damage, or simply do the Warchanter route and rely on stoneskin + displacement/radiance as your effective AC?
For the record, the char is a half-elf with fighter dile, so I *could* take advantage of the +2 max dex to armour from that if I can spare up the APs for it.
Which could give me:
10 base
15 DT leathers with dex (mere 28 dex would fill this out with ftr dile)
2 ftr dile max dex
2 chaosgarde
5 protection/deflection
3 dodge on DT
2 mabar cloak
1 dodge ritual
5 combat expertise
4 shroud insight
49 base AC
3 barkskin
1 haste
4 shield wand
57 self-buffed
throw in full barkskin, pally aura, bard AC song, airship buffs (+3 AC), and short-lived buffs such as human versatility AC buff and uncanny dodge, and I could be looking at 70+ AC easily, with 80+ for 20sec durations.
Just curious how many pure Rogues went this route, and if it's worth it? It's somewhat gear-intensive, and also ties up a feat (CE, when I could instead take OTWF or something else).
I see a great synergy between having radiance weaponry + combat expertise - you're giving up almost nothing dps-wise for +5 AC, similar to the Ranger exploiter. But it would take a fair bit of work to get all of this.