It going to be on Thelanis! Lamannia wont be available so that that.
It going to be on Thelanis! Lamannia wont be available so that that.
Since Lamannia is not a option and I still want to try and get teams from other servers to come on over and see how much fun we have here on Thelanis with all the great guilds and people we have on our server and give you guys a run for your Turbine Points.
Maybe we can get some players/guilds here on Thelanis to volunter there times to help these guys out a bit by helping getting them favor and gear to keep them on a even playing field, like crafting for instance. We can call this
Congo Foreign Team Exchange Program.
If I could get someone to set this up to show thelanises good faith and match up teams from other servers with willing hosts that would be great service to the Congo Bowl and the Community.
Its all yours then bud. I'll let you take care of this. All you gota do is match up players from other servers with guilds and or players here on thelanis that are willing to give them a hand on there needs that would be dificult or overly time consuming with out a hand that they otherwise would have on there home server.
Im getting real close at launching this thing but until then there not much for you to do as everyone needs the rules and layout in order to start preparing.
Going to leak a bit of secret congo information tonight before I head out.
Last edited by Purgatory; 04-13-2012 at 02:12 PM.
Looking for a Team mate.) Helter is me!!!.
I believe I have a team - just need confirmation before team InB4Lock makes its presence.
The one and only Aluecian - Congo Bowl I Champions, Team InB4Lock - Survival Builds(NEWEST BUILD IS AT POST #48): Pic of Me, Post# 332