Sorry guys my friend made this thread but he no longer plays the game please dont post anymore replies
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Sorry guys my friend made this thread but he no longer plays the game please dont post anymore replies
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Last edited by chunterf_x3; 03-24-2011 at 08:10 PM.
Do you accept real challenges?
(because anyone can make up a 18/2 wiz/rog)
So I've been thinking of a damage casting bard that has acceptable party buffs (maybe a sorc multiclass),
Most likely a drow.
Community Member
17/3 Bard/Paladin.
What im looking for is a Good caster with acceptable melee capabilities and hp.
For Caster:Mostly focused on Offensive casting with some buffs and heals thrown in.
Primary Stats: CON and CHA with a little bit into str. maybe 15 str and i want to use a longsword&shield with Follower of the Sovereign host
i want the "Force Manipulation" line of enhancements and i want to use force spells such as Reconstruct and Force Missle.
Robes for armor.
how about a favored soul specializing in offensive cleric spells like Command and Blade barrier, with some sort of splash for any of the following: traps skills, Arcane archer, or tanking ability? minimal tomes (none is best) , nothing above a +2 at least.
Pallies require lawful alignment, while bards have to be neutral or chaotic, so you can't multiclass them.
Even if you could, the basic problems of a bard in damage casting is their rather low sp pool and they do not have the elemental evocation spells. They have only 6 spell ranks, while the other casters have 9. The only solution to counter this could be multiclassing into sorc, or going for spellsinger II (which I haven't tried yet), but again, is you stick to bard spells you could only do some damage by maximizing the damage of your sonic spells
Last edited by krisz93; 02-19-2011 at 05:34 AM.
ok. a build ive been toying with for a while and im happy to take your opinion if you want a build challenge because frankly this has been puzeling me for a while now.
What i want:
a human cleric who is a house cannith dragon marked heir. Capable of using lvl 9 cleric spells with good DC's - speced for offensive casting, raid healing and radient servant. Must also be capable of healing warforge that cant be healed by divine magic.
must be capable of using reconstruct scrolls that give a beter result than casting a heal on a non healer freindly warforge (50% heal efficiency)
must have at least 350 hp's with no epic or shroud gear.
must have cleric spell dc's in the 30's.
evasion would be nice, so would trap skills.
must have atleast 1600 mana before shroud and epic gear.
must have maximise, empower and quicken - cos i like blade barrier.
must function at its intended role (healing fleshies and warforge about equaly) from lvl 4 to lvl 20.
Why do i want this build?
simply to make a character that takes advantage of a little used dragon mark, with the advantage that repairs would be on difernt timers to heals.
What am i willing to do to make this build work?
buy a shed load of consumables, wand scrols etc but not mana pots. Id also be hapy to accept FVS rather than cleric.
My suspicion is that the build is not posible, which is a shame as if thats true it somewhat invalidates the house canith dragon mark - atleast on a healer class. best of luck, looking forward to see what you come up with.
What with dwarf wizard12/something8 or wizard12/something6/something2 with palemaster II, lich form, negative energy self healing and good meele and nukes (I'm thinking mostly about negative energy ones, like necrotic bolt or negative energy blast)? Can you do that?
Just noticed your post here after putting up mine.
Not trying to hijack the op's thread but id be remiss if i didn't reply to this - im also looking forward to seeing the ops build for your request.
Just started of little half elf favoured soul, speced for ofensive casting and arcane archer.
Race: Half elf - 20 FVS.
dex:16 (needs a + 1 tome)
int 12
Skills: concentration, balance, jump.
1. half elf ranger dilitante, mental toughness, child of the silver flame.
3. pointblank shot
6. rapidshot
9. weapon focus ranged
12. manyshot
15. maximise
18 quicken
I havent decided yet whether to drop manyshot for more metamagic and frankly I think the build would be beter as 19 FVS 1 WIZ or 18 FVS 1 WIZ 1 FTR. the reaosn for this is the feat starved nature of the build.
My intention is to use the bow for crowd control and debuff purposes - not as dps, if aiming for DPS then many shot is a must.
this build i want it to be good at self healing thats why PM i want and i want it to be WF be able to do damage dont care if its with kamas or fist