Does it lag anyone else out in a raid, or any other quest with a lot of animations? It is like someone cast 40 disco balls and 25 firewalls all at once.
Does it lag anyone else out in a raid, or any other quest with a lot of animations? It is like someone cast 40 disco balls and 25 firewalls all at once.
I have not noticed anything so far but I will start paying more attn.
Khyber:Greenberry, Jemric, Qashta, Leuk, Thurradal + many others
It doesn't help part 4 lag in shroud, thats for sure.
Didn't seem too bad on the All Caster runs, but there was definitely a bit of lag in part 5 (likely from having several storms up at once to follow his movements) and at the start of VoD, but that may have been a combination of several things (one or two ice storms, 2 or 3 fogs, 5 Death Auras, 12 casters firing off a multitude of spells...). It wasn't unmanageable.
With just one storm up I can't say I've noticed lag.
Useful links: A Guide to Using a Gamepad w/ DDO / All Caster Shroud, Hard Shroud, VoD, ToD Einhander, Elochka, Ferrumrym, Ferrumdermis, Ferrumshot, Ferrumblood, Ferrumender, Ferrumshadow, Ferrumschtik All proud officers of The Loreseekers. Except Bruucelee, he's a Sentinel!
Useful links: A Guide to Using a Gamepad w/ DDO / All Caster Shroud, Hard Shroud, VoD, ToD Einhander, Elochka, Ferrumrym, Ferrumdermis, Ferrumshot, Ferrumblood, Ferrumender, Ferrumshadow, Ferrumschtik All proud officers of The Loreseekers. Except Bruucelee, he's a Sentinel!
Yep Ice Storm has caused or at least seemed to cause lag, mainly in areas where theres already lots going on, and multiples are/have been very trying at times as well.
Keris-20Rogue Rahm-19Fighter Bodi-18Bard Uke Lele-20Bard Willoughby-17Rogue Ivey-20Sorc Efric-20Ranger Glaude-20FvS Hania-20Cleric Crezida-16Sorc Gespar-20Wizard Yorgo-11Barb Yurric-16Monk
Yep, it lags ppl to ****... made at least one thread on it and have commented in several others.
A guildie had an observation which may or may not be accurate, but sounded good. He hypothesizes that it lags people out so much because the system has to make damage calculations for each, uh, "piece of hail"
I like the damage calcs. hypothesis even when there aren't multiple mobs, such as Shroud 4-5. It makes sense- that's where it lags me the worst... multiple blades causing damage to players, healing calcs, then you throw both the calcs for each piece of Ice, plus the graphics...
I could be wrong, and I'm no expert on TWF, but isn't this why they said they had to nerf it? Cause it causes too many calculations per hit?
~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
~Shipbuff, Sophalia, Northenstar ~
~ Ascent~
I don't have too much trouble in Shroud, part 4; but I do in VoD, especially when the second round of Orthons pop. It seems much worse if there is a pale master Aura up at the same time.
No matter what the quest is or who's casting it, it lags me out every time, i've died so much thanks to it.
I dont get why it lags so many people out, it doesnt do anything to me, on my melee or caster.
Gasoline(tr) Favored Soul - 5th Life
Deadwall(tr) - Soul Survivor - 2nd Life
Gasolinex - Pale Master
Gasomatic Systematic - Bard
I doubt it's lag in the usual server<-->client sense. It's just a lot of graphical spell effects happening at once, so I imagine that it's causing performance problems for some PCs that can normally handle the game fine. I've certainly never had any lag from ice storm, at any rate, and if it was server-side lag I really think everyone would experience it at times.
Does the "lag" go away if visual options are turned down?
No, it does not go away when visual options are lowered.
I also doubt it's just one person- quite a few times I've been in groups with guildies and when there's Ice Storm up, we get an explosion of "OMG, LAG" in Vent.
6 people complaining of lag in vent within seconds of each other is..... unusual.
~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
~Shipbuff, Sophalia, Northenstar ~
~ Ascent~
Even at the lowest graphical settings, it causes a lot of graphical choppiness and lag. The only other times I get massive graphical lag like Ice Storm on Orthons in VoD is in Spartan eDQ's, and for some reason near some parts of the water in the Vale.