Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.8.0
DDO Character Planner Home Page
El Matador
Level 20 Lawful Good Half-Elf Male
(20 Rogue)
Hit Points: 200
Spell Points: 0
BAB: 15\15\20\25\25
Fortitude: 11
Reflex: 23
Will: 8
Starting Ending Feat/Enhancement
Abilities Base Stats Base Stats Modified Stats
(32 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20) (Level 20)
Strength 12 14 14
Dexterity 16 23 28
Constitution 14 16 16
Intelligence 14 16 18
Wisdom 8 10 10
Charisma 14 16 17
Tomes Used
+2 Tome of Strength used at level 1
+2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 1
+2 Tome of Constitution used at level 1
+2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 1
+2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 1
+2 Tome of Charisma used at level 1
Starting Ending Feat/Enhancement
Base Skills Base Skills Modified Skills
Skills (Level 1) (Level 20) (Level 20)
Balance 4 9 15
Bluff 7 26 26
Concentration 3 3 3
Diplomacy 7 26 26
Disable Device 7 27 27
Haggle 3 4 4
Heal 0 0 0
Hide 8 32 32
Intimidate 7 26 26
Jump 2 10 14
Listen 0 8 8
Move Silently 8 32 32
Open Lock 8 32 32
Perform n/a n/a n/a
Repair 3 4 4
Search 7 27 27
Spot 0 2 2
Swim 2 2 2
Tumble 8 32 38
Use Magic Device 7 26 26
Level 1 (Rogue)
Feat: (Half-Elf Dilettante) Half-Elf Dilettante: Paladin
Feat: (Selected) Two Weapon Fighting
Feat: (Automatic) Attack
Feat: (Automatic) Half-Elven Keen Senses
Feat: (Automatic) Half-Elven Mixed Heritage
Feat: (Automatic) Half-Elven Social Graces (ALL)
Feat: (Automatic) Heroic Durability
Feat: (Automatic) Light Armor Proficiency
Feat: (Automatic) Martial Weapon Proficiency: Rapier
Feat: (Automatic) Martial Weapon Proficiency: Shortsword
Feat: (Automatic) Martial Weapon Proficiency: Shortbow
Feat: (Automatic) Simple Weapon Proficiency
Feat: (Automatic) Sneak
Feat: (Automatic) Sneak Attack
Feat: (Automatic) Trapfinding
Level 2 (Rogue)
Feat: (Automatic) Defensive Fighting
Feat: (Automatic) Evasion
Feat: (Automatic) Sunder
Feat: (Automatic) Trip
Level 3 (Rogue)
Feat: (Selected) Weapon Finesse
Feat: (Automatic) Trap Sense
Level 4 (Rogue)
Feat: (Automatic) Trapmaking
Feat: (Automatic) Uncanny Dodge
Level 5 (Rogue)
Level 6 (Rogue)
Feat: (Selected) Two Weapon Defense
Level 7 (Rogue)
Level 8 (Rogue)
Feat: (Automatic) Improved Uncanny Dodge
Level 9 (Rogue)
Feat: (Selected) Two Weapon Blocking
Level 10 (Rogue)
Feat: (Rogue Bonus) Crippling Strike
Level 11 (Rogue)
Level 12 (Rogue)
Feat: (Selected) Improved Two Weapon Fighting
Level 13 (Rogue)
Feat: (Rogue Bonus) Improved Evasion
Level 14 (Rogue)
Level 15 (Rogue)
Feat: (Selected) Greater Two Weapon Fighting
Level 16 (Rogue)
Feat: (Rogue Bonus) Defensive Roll
Level 17 (Rogue)
Level 18 (Rogue)
Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
Level 19 (Rogue)
Feat: (Rogue Bonus) Opportunist
Level 20 (Rogue)
Enhancement: Rogue Haste Boost I
Enhancement: Rogue Haste Boost II
Enhancement: Rogue Haste Boost III
Enhancement: Rogue Haste Boost IV
Enhancement: Rogue Deadly Shadow
Enhancement: Elven Dexterity I
Enhancement: Elven Dexterity II
Enhancement: Improved Paladin Dilettante I
Enhancement: Improved Paladin Dilettante II
Enhancement: Improved Paladin Dilettante III
Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery I
Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery II
Enhancement: Rogue Faster Sneaking I
Enhancement: Rogue Faster Sneaking II
Enhancement: Rogue Faster Sneaking III
Enhancement: Rogue Faster Sneaking IV
Enhancement: Rogue Thief-Acrobat I
Enhancement: Rogue Thief-Acrobat II
Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Accuracy I
Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Accuracy II
Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Accuracy III
Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Training I
Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Training II
Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Training III
Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Training IV
Enhancement: Improved Balance I
Enhancement: Improved Balance II
Enhancement: Improved Tumble I
Enhancement: Improved Tumble II
Enhancement: Half-Elf Paladin Charisma I
Enhancement: Rogue Dexterity I
Enhancement: Rogue Dexterity II
Enhancement: Rogue Dexterity III
Pretty straightforward build concept: dodge and stick. Offense: haste, Greater TWF, crippling strike, all sneak attack enhancements. Defense: Thief Acrobat, TWD, TWB, Improved evasion. Crowd control: all the CHA skills. High UMD, both human and elf items, with access to paladin items.
1) The Paladin CHA dilettante enhancements can get up to +5 to saves. Do items that improve CHA contribute to this, or does it have to be base CHA?
2) Is TWB worthwhile?
3) I've never played a rogue to high levels. How important are spot and listen, really?
4) Alignment advice?