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  1. #1
    Community Member simsiim's Avatar
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    Jul 2010

    Question I'm curious about a DS Ranger

    I was going to build an Deepwoods Sniper, and thought Assassin would be good to go with that. Since a couple of the enhancements needed are in both requirements

    Till DS II comes in, not sure what that will bring into the build. I mean after I had read this post/reply, I thought great I may get to play out a DS ranger after all, may not see till update 10 or later , but still it was a sign.

    what I was curious about, if DS II does go live, I wondered if I should not go for DS II at the start, so at level 13 getting DS II, that would work out with the TWF feats that come with the Ranger, than go for Assassin I

    I know this is a early curiosity, since there is no clue what DS II is bringing to the table, I was just wonder if you think I should hold at lvl 7 as a 6 ranger/1 Rog till we all see DS II.

    Oh and this is on an Alt character, not my main, so holding at 7 no biggie
    Last edited by simsiim; 03-10-2011 at 11:46 PM. Reason: trying to add Ranger Tag

  2. #2
    Hatchery Founder Glenalth's Avatar
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    Jan 2006


    DS1 as it exists now is not worth spending action points on. I wouldn't touch it unless it either gets an update when DS2 is released or DS2 is amazing to make up for the awfulness of DS1.

    Tempest will likely be a better option in your situation and you'll be just a LR or a few feat swaps away if there is ever any reason to take Deepwood Sniper.
    Glenalth Woodwalke ■ Preston the Ranger ■ Brisqoe the Dentist ■ Prescription Liberator
    AoK @ Argonnessen

  3. #3
    Community Member simsiim's Avatar
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    Jul 2010


    yeah I understand taking DS PrE is either for Flavor or RP.
    But we're only talking 2 AP difference of what is not already needed for Assassin. In some cases I could see 2 AP as making a big difference but not in this one.

    This is more a Flavor thing for me. I already have another character going Tempest /Assassin.

    I was curious if you all think I should chance it and take Ranger levels to 12 right off and be kinda Semi Prep ready for DS2 ? or just hold once he's level 7 (and has the DS1) and wait to see what DS2 offers.

    I would have rather be Tempest I / Assassin II, but if I did go Ranger 12 first, then I would have no choice but Tempest II / Assassin I, which is something I already have started on another character

    AA Ranger sounds nice, but that's not my cup of tea, so only thing left was the DS Ranger for some Range. heh if I had my choice (Way) I would go with a Tempest II / Deepwood Sniper I Ranger

    yeah I guess it's too early, heck depending what DS2 offers, one does not know, heck maybe a DS2/Ninja Spy may be the new build trend

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