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  1. #1
    Community Member Wheatcracker's Avatar
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    Default Critical Dmg THF Barbarian

    I am trying to figure out how my barbarian compares to others in the game. My max critical so far with PA on, GS Lightning 2 GA, Barb rage, frenzied, death frenzied, and bard songs on is around like a 540ish. Just wanted to get some feed back on what other people can hit and with what buffs needed to hit that high.

  2. #2
    Community Member Kinerd's Avatar
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    People don't usually refer to max critical, because so many builds have different critical characteristics. For instance, in your case you would get more overall damage using a Lit II Falchion even though your max critical would be lower.

    I can try to back out what your base characteristics are and take a stab at your overall DPS is, though. 540ish / 6 = 90ish, -16ish for PA, -7ish for bard songs, -5 for GS, -15ish for base damage gives us about 45 from Strength and things like the Vulkoor set, which is about where the spreadsheet gear set would put you. A Lit II GA gives you a DPS value of 451.2 against 0 fort, 0 DR, 0 resistance targets, which isn't terrible. For reference, this gear set includes Tharne's Goggles, the Ravager set, the epic Claw set, and the Shintao set. Against targets with DR you would drop in the relative standings, obviously.

  3. #3
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kinerd View Post
    People don't usually refer to max critical, because so many builds have different critical characteristics. For instance, in your case you would get more overall damage using a Lit II Falchion even though your max critical would be lower.
    He's a dwarf, likely with axe damage, so thats wrong.

    "Also what people usually to refer to" is just irrelevant. Whatever we usually do isn't relevant to the OP question. I'm sure he understands the basic fact that max crit doesn't always corrolate into max DPS.

    Far as your nonsense about "differnet builds have differnet critial profiles" .. This is the barbarian forum, so thats doesn't apply. All decent Barb builds include FBIII, so crit profile is x6. Crit range doesn't matter since he is only asking about max crits, not average damage.

    My Dwarf's max crit is about 760 lately.

    That includes:
    lvl20 halfling warchanter max songs + heroes companion
    monk using jade strike for +10% damage
    litany, FB set, shintao, epic chain
    No claw or chrono stuff.

    doesn't include bonus dice, like frenzy, or sneak attacks.

    540 is fine for greensteel. Think i do in the low 600 range for those.

    Half-Orc should be easiily able to break 800. Probably somewhere in the 850+ range too.

  4. #4
    Community Member Kinerd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    He's a dwarf, likely with axe damage, so thats wrong.
    I was taking the +4 damage into account. A Lit II falchion is still better than a Lit II greataxe.
    I'm sure he understands the basic fact that max crit doesn't always corrolate into max DPS.
    I don't know the guy, I see no reason to assume he knows everything about everything. If he does already know, then no harm done. If he doesn't, then now he does. That sounds like a win-win to me, or at least a draw-win.

  5. #5
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    Default GS Greataxe Vrs. Greatsword

    So whats the appeal with Barbians and the GS Greataxe? If your not going dwarf then is a GS Greatsword not as much dmg. as the Greataxe? They are both 3d6...

  6. #6
    Community Member Hanam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fncrzyjordan View Post
    So whats the appeal with Barbians and the GS Greataxe? If your not going dwarf then is a GS Greatsword not as much dmg. as the Greataxe? They are both 3d6...
    Autocrit situations favor the greataxe due to the x3 multiplier.

  7. #7
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kinerd View Post
    I was taking the +4 damage into account. A Lit II falchion is still better than a Lit II greataxe.
    This has been disucssed a million times before by all the math ppl and so on. Not going to re-iterate.

    Simple fact is your wrong. Your probably using some silly spreadsheet that doesn't take into account the fact falcions swing slower.

    DDO is not that simple.

    You need something like a 90 str halforc to even being to match a greataxe. And even then , thats only versus 0% fort.. which isn't the common target youd using the falcion on.. It's more likely going to have 50% (devils) , in which case greataxe just plains wins.

  8. #8
    Community Member Wheatcracker's Avatar
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    Well thanks for your comments all. Looks like I need a bit of work and some more items to max out my crits.

  9. #9
    Community Member vrobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    He's a dwarf, likely with axe damage, so thats wrong.

    "Also what people usually to refer to" is just irrelevant. Whatever we usually do isn't relevant to the OP question. I'm sure he understands the basic fact that max crit doesn't always corrolate into max DPS.

    Far as your nonsense about "differnet builds have differnet critial profiles" .. This is the barbarian forum, so thats doesn't apply. All decent Barb builds include FBIII, so crit profile is x6. Crit range doesn't matter since he is only asking about max crits, not average damage.

    My Dwarf's max crit is about 760 lately.

    That includes:
    lvl20 halfling warchanter max songs + heroes companion
    monk using jade strike for +10% damage
    litany, FB set, shintao, epic chain
    No claw or chrono stuff.

    doesn't include bonus dice, like frenzy, or sneak attacks.

    540 is fine for greensteel. Think i do in the low 600 range for those.

    Half-Orc should be easiily able to break 800. Probably somewhere in the 850+ range too.
    I saw a 850 crit in one of your vids(i think it was the first miniboss in evon1).

  10. #10
    Community Member Talesin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vrobel View Post
    I saw a 850 crit in one of your vids(i think it was the first miniboss in evon1).
    That crit was from the old version of the epic Sword of Shadows which used to have a base x4 crit multiplier.

    They switched it a couple of updates ago to a x3 crit with a bit higher base damage.

  11. #11
    Community Member stoopid_cowboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wheatcracker View Post
    I am trying to figure out how my barbarian compares to others in the game. My max critical so far with PA on, GS Lightning 2 GA, Barb rage, frenzied, death frenzied, and bard songs on is around like a 540ish. Just wanted to get some feed back on what other people can hit and with what buffs needed to hit that high.
    In the couple of dwarf barbs I have run up, 530-560 is a pretty typical crit range. There are a few items that can increase the damage a little. But as far as numbers, you are right on track as far as I am concerned.
    If you farm out an Epic Antique Great Axe you will see a little higher numbers.
    TR'ing into a Horc increased my crits 30-50hp's with exactly the same gear. Food for thought

    Quote Originally Posted by KookieKobold View Post
    I guess pants can be optional

  12. #12
    Community Member Kinerd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Your probably using some silly spreadsheet that doesn't take into account the fact falcions swing slower.
    I like facts, but I like properly sourced facts more. Care to link?

  13. #13
    Community Member lord_of_rage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    This has been disucssed a million times before by all the math ppl and so on. Not going to re-iterate.

    Simple fact is your wrong. Your probably using some silly spreadsheet that doesn't take into account the fact falcions swing slower.

    DDO is not that simple.

    You need something like a 90 str halforc to even being to match a greataxe. And even then , thats only versus 0% fort.. which isn't the common target youd using the falcion on.. It's more likely going to have 50% (devils) , in which case greataxe just plains wins.
    Actually Axer you are wrong. The conversations you refer to were before the swing speed became equal. Now that the swing speed is pretty much equal the falchion blows past the great axe until beyond 50% fort.
    Toons are in a constant state of flux. Khyber server.

    Quote Originally Posted by Trillea View Post
    Maybe your forum name should be lord_of_halfling_rage then...

  14. #14
    Community Member Alexkawasaki7's Avatar
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    I have a guide who's hitting 94 str on his Ho barb. He says he crits mobs for 700 - 800.

  15. #15
    Community Member Alexkawasaki7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wheatcracker View Post
    Well thanks for your comments all. Looks like I need a bit of work and some more items to max out my crits.
    Who cares really? When you're criting that high, its good enough isn't it? Any higher is just bragging rights. You can run any epic and dps stuff down just fine with crits like that. =] As long as you're having fun, I wouldn't worry about it.

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