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Thread: TP/xp refunds?

  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default TP/xp refunds?

    I was playing the quest The Shadow Crypt and the game bugged and wouldn't continue towards the end of the quest. I lost 35 TP for hirelings and 2+ hrs worth of 20% xp bonus potion. I was wondering if there was any way I could get reimbursed. The game bugged on me twice; I had played it again after the first time it bugged thinking that it was just bugged as a one time deal since I had been playing it a couple of times before it happened.

    If I need to submit a request somewhere else, please let me know. Thanks so much for your help in this matter.

  2. #2
    Community Member dkyle's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    You spend 2+ hours on one Shadow Crypt run?

  3. #3
    Community Member Quarterling's Avatar
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    Jul 2008


    Turbine would much rather have you spend money on them.

    Sorry, but I don't think you can get a reimbursement. The only thing helpful I've heard the staff do in regards to the DDO Store is to give you items you purchase from the store if they failed to appear in your inventory properly.
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  4. #4
    Community Member donfilibuster's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    With actual bugs the thing to do is reporting them.
    You won't get a reply, nor it may get fixed, but that's the procedure and the only way the bug will be looked at.
    If we don't report the bugs they will never move up the queue to bugfix paradise.

    You can ask around to see if people know anything, it is very likely someone somewhere have had the same problem.
    On lag related bugs or after updates you also have to troubleshoot to discard problems on your system.
    (and no, saying 'it worked fine before' is no guarantee these days)

    You can check here in the forums, providing details (you didn't give any detail, you just ask if there's refunds).
    You can ask in the /advice channel, and can also ask the GM though that'd be purely informative (they don't fix things).
    Either way ask-first rant-later is a good habit and first thing to do before throwing the towel on any one quest or call it broken.

    As for bugged quests, that's quite possible, and once you know the quest you do know how things are supposed to go and spot the glitches.
    On a first time it'd be different since it not hard to screw with levers, etc. If all fails you can have someone show you the quest in casual one time.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009


    I did report the bug...I played the quest 3-4 times, took a lunch break, and then it bugged the next two times. I tried after it bugged the first time thinking it was maybe a one time deal only (which is why I said 2 hours dkyle, which I had stated).

    I had asked in /advice and my guild trying to see if there was a way to fix it...we tried all logging out as well as all quitting, but nothing worked. I wasn't ranting on this forum about a quest, just asking a mere question about if refunds were given as I've never come across a bug that has cost me potions or TP before and I didn't know if there was a specific place to ask. Thank you Quarterling for answering my question and I'm sorry Don if my question seemed like a rant to you.

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