As a player relegated to PUG land, I wouldn’t mind seeing some type of LFM quest options panel where you could select quests that you were looking to run. When a LFM went up with the quest you selected, the system would notify you with a /tell in chat. Or it would create a popup window that would show you the created LFM with the details and an option for requesting to join. This would only notify you if the created LFM was for your selected class and level. Maybe have an option to prohibit it from popping up if you are already in a party. Then you could run solo or even grind out explorer areas without the need to constantly check for LFMs.
You could add a VIP perk that would allow you to see the other side of the requested quest panel. So if you wanted to create a LFM to lead a group, you could check to see how many available toons have requested to run a particular quest. It could even list the levels and character classes of the toons that are requesting to join, but it would not show name or guild information.
This could also be implemented on a guild level where you could have a LFM quest options panel just for guild members. If you still had spots left over you could transfer the LFM to the general populace and fill any remaining spaces. I think this would save a lot of time looking for groups and possibly add another layer to the game.
I do apologize if this suggestion is misperceived as taking any time away from breathing new life into the quest chain.