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There aren't many ways to build a ranged DDO character.
1. Be a ranger. Your best bet is to be a melee ranger and use the bow while manyshot is active, melee when in cooldown. Those who are more interested in the bow should go the AA route: they only need AA required feats and improved critical: ranged.
2. Be a mechanic. You get exotic prof: light repeater at level 6,Int to damage heavy repeater at 12. Take the 100% required 6 feats. IMPORTANT: you only get sneak attacks from within 30' which is more like 10ft because the devs can't count, so expect to be running around inside the melee, or don't expect to do much DPS.
3. Be a repeater bard. WARNING: this build tends to draw way too much agro around 10th (look for a paralyzing repeater, which is a good idea for any ranged toon), and runs out of steam a bit later (consider crafting a dual positive greensteel repeater). A fun build, strong at first but runs out of steam quick.
4. Be a Repeater Bard/Rogue (14/6) You get exotic prof: light repeater at level 6. +Int to damage (look for a paralyzing repeater until you can craft a Green steel Rad II Repeater) take Virtuoso unless you drop toughness to fit in Spellsinger feat req. Again take the 6 required feats
Note: Halfling is recommended for 2,3 & 4 (never made an AA so i can't comment on 1) due to their natural dexterousness and their ability to increase their to-hit+damage through enhancements...especially the to-hit.