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  1. #1
    Knight of Movember
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    Question Inane Idea of the Week: Allow players to unlock BtA and BtC items

    My Inane Idea - Allow to unlock BtA and BtC items

    Well, KoboldTerror's post (the bottom for reference) had me thinking - apparently some things are more easily doable than we might have thought. Apparently, Turbine can not only undelete characters, they can bind and unbind items automatically, with little effort as part of an automated process. Hey, those devs are good.

    Now, with that in mind, taking into account the proliferation of BtA and BtC items with recent Mods, the thought occurs to me, what would the harm be in allowing a ‘crafting’ process to unbind items?

    Now, it seems, the primary reason for BtA and BtC is too make players grind content. Perhaps Turbine does not trust its players to find enjoyment in the game if they do not have to grind for items. I think a little more faith is warranted; somehow the loot hunters will find their joy I think. Yes there are some Pros and Cons, in no particular order of importance, which come to mind:

    1) Open up a market for rare items - you are not changing drop rates.
    2) Potentially allow a method to squeeze plat out of the economy.
    3) Give casual players a helping hand from the market or their friends.
    4) Give power gamers an additional market for their efforts.
    5) Maybe some of the less popular items get used more due to ML or lack of alternate gear for more casual players.
    6) Potentially allow players to run the content they really want without having to grind.
    7) Turbine can still make items BtA, BtC.

    1) Raid items would not always be put for roll as players might want to hang on to them.
    2) The pricing might be too high for the AH and plat does not flow out as much as thought.
    3) Players, potentially, do not run quests as much and begin too complain about a lack of content.
    4) You lose power-gamers as an audience after they have bought everything they want.
    5) Turbine can still make items BtA, BtC and makes more in this manner.
    6) Some items, like Huge bags, have inherent flaws which might require them to stay “as is” - or perhaps they could be fixed? Or perhaps this change would fix them?

    I am sure there are more that will be presented, these just came to my mind.

    Now, I think the process would have to be expensive - but in plat, not TP; or maybe a route for both. Over 100K plat per item, at least. Now, I know, Turbine would be tempted to do this only for the TP but I think that would be a mistake. Despite a hefty plat price, I still think players would do it - and still be able to make it back at the AH. Of course, there is the chance the deals occur outside the AH and the fee is not deducted. However, the AH is fairly efficient and given the low forum usage, I think items would end up there more often than not - like water following the path of least resistance.

    Use the plat, buy the ingredients to unlock, hit an alter and *walla*. Have 6 mil plat across your characters but no Eardweller? No longer want to grind it? Market for you. Casual player who is unlikely to have time to grind but has a rich benefactor or guildie? *Walla.* Let the market bear what the market will bear, no?

    Anyway, yes, its inane and not likely to happen. But it was Wednesday and I just thought I would give all you forum goers something to ponder and discuss. So discuss!

    Quote Originally Posted by KoboldTerror View Post
    This is correct, Adding an armor kit binds the the armor to your account until you remove the armor kit. There is a known issue to make the message clearer in the examination window when this is the case.
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  2. #2
    Knight of Movember
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    Well, with the voluminous response to this Suggestion thread I better reserve the second post for myself.
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  3. #3
    Community Member sirdanile's Avatar
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    I wouldn't really mind if this idea was put into place... but it needs to be controlled somehow.

    Perhaps move the item a step down the bound to ladder?

    BTC becomes BTA so raid loot doesn't become sellable but it does help you get what you want.
    BTA becomes unbound so you CAN sell that ring of trollish regeneration...

    Specific items could become bound differently, for example a greensteel blank that was equipped accidentally could be unbound again, a t-1+ crafted one would stay btc regardless.
    Upgraded tod rings are ineligible...

    Epic shards/seals could become unbound like scrolls, but the items would stay btc once made.

    I'm not sure how making it cost plat would go, many people have plat capped characters/accounts.
    I am also stumped on what would be a suitable exchange... epic tokens? maybe...
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  4. #4
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    No thank you.
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  5. #5
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hafeal View Post
    - like water following the path of least resistance.
    Alot of suggestions for how to change the game seem to have this principle in mind.

    No thanks. You want it? Go get it.

    If Turbine wants to make changes to crafting items like seals and shards for instance to make them not bound, it should cost players nothing.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hafeal View Post
    My Inane Idea - Allow to unlock BtA and BtC items

    Well, KoboldTerror's post (the bottom for reference) had me thinking - apparently some things are more easily doable than we might have thought. Apparently, Turbine can not only undelete characters, they can bind and unbind items automatically, with little effort as part of an automated process. Hey, those devs are good.

    Now, with that in mind, taking into account the proliferation of BtA and BtC items with recent Mods, the thought occurs to me, what would the harm be in allowing a ‘crafting’ process to unbind items?

    Now, it seems, the primary reason for BtA and BtC is too make players grind content. Perhaps Turbine does not trust its players to find enjoyment in the game if they do not have to grind for items. I think a little more faith is warranted; somehow the loot hunters will find their joy I think. Yes there are some Pros and Cons, in no particular order of importance, which come to mind:

    1) Open up a market for rare items - you are not changing drop rates.
    2) Potentially allow a method to squeeze plat out of the economy.
    3) Give casual players a helping hand from the market or their friends.
    4) Give power gamers an additional market for their efforts.
    5) Maybe some of the less popular items get used more due to ML or lack of alternate gear for more casual players.
    6) Potentially allow players to run the content they really want without having to grind.
    7) Turbine can still make items BtA, BtC.

    1) Raid items would not always be put for roll as players might want to hang on to them.
    2) The pricing might be too high for the AH and plat does not flow out as much as thought.
    3) Players, potentially, do not run quests as much and begin too complain about a lack of content.
    4) You lose power-gamers as an audience after they have bought everything they want.
    5) Turbine can still make items BtA, BtC and makes more in this manner.
    6) Some items, like Huge bags, have inherent flaws which might require them to stay “as is” - or perhaps they could be fixed? Or perhaps this change would fix them?

    I am sure there are more that will be presented, these just came to my mind.

    Now, I think the process would have to be expensive - but in plat, not TP; or maybe a route for both. Over 100K plat per item, at least. Now, I know, Turbine would be tempted to do this only for the TP but I think that would be a mistake. Despite a hefty plat price, I still think players would do it - and still be able to make it back at the AH. Of course, there is the chance the deals occur outside the AH and the fee is not deducted. However, the AH is fairly efficient and given the low forum usage, I think items would end up there more often than not - like water following the path of least resistance.

    Use the plat, buy the ingredients to unlock, hit an alter and *walla*. Have 6 mil plat across your characters but no Eardweller? No longer want to grind it? Market for you. Casual player who is unlikely to have time to grind but has a rich benefactor or guildie? *Walla.* Let the market bear what the market will bear, no?

    Anyway, yes, its inane and not likely to happen. But it was Wednesday and I just thought I would give all you forum goers something to ponder and discuss. So discuss!

    Whats the point of playing the game if you can just buy any and everything? Allow this and you remove all incentive for people to play the game.

    You also create an entire class of people who never have to run any high end or difficult content because they can buy everything they want. Power Creep in the game is growing, especially with the proliferation of Green Steel items and weapons. I could only imagine what the power creep in the game would be like if anybody and everybody
    had access to the best gear just by opening their wallet.

    /definately not signed.

    boo-tai jung-tzahng-duh
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
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  7. #7
    Knight of Movember
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    No thank you.
    I love short and sweet from you - but no pic is disappointing.
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    Alot of suggestions for how to change the game seem to have this principle in mind.

    No thanks. You want it? Go get it.

    If Turbine wants to make changes to crafting items like seals and shards for instance to make them not bound, it should cost players nothing.
    You took that portion of my post out of context, as it related to use of the AH. That being said, I understand the thought of being *required* to grind and there are some who enjoy the monotony and sadistic nature of it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pape_27 View Post
    Whats the point of playing the game if you can just buy any and everything? Allow this and you remove all incentive for people to play the game.
    While I understand the point you strive to make, I don't believe, if you read my post thoroughly, that this suggestion would of necessity have that result. IF Turbine made it a TP purchase only, which I stated I was clearly against, than yes your point is well taken.
    Last edited by Hafeal; 02-16-2011 at 10:03 PM.
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  9. #9
    Community Member THOTHdha's Avatar
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    /not signed

    I see no reason why bound gear needs to be going on the AH. Do the run for it, no need to remove anything resembling challenge from the game.

  10. #10
    Community Member donfilibuster's Avatar
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    That the devs can alter the game is no excuse to want changes for our benefit.
    If the devs can change things is mostly to make things work (sometimes to get our tp, but thats aside).

  11. #11
    Knight of Movember
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    Quote Originally Posted by donfilibuster View Post
    That the devs can alter the game is no excuse to want changes for our benefit.

    I certainly hope everything done for this game is done for our benefit. Were you trying to say something different?
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  12. #12
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    Its not a new idea its come up before and its a bad idea sorry if you take binding items or bind them to yourself that is the price for that item. Many binding items are higher power for the lvl restriciton than others are and should remain bound. Plus the no sharing n raids thing

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