I run this fairly frequently. Usually it's hard to find people are also interested in running this as well. Takes about 30 minutes to get a group together most days - an hour or so other days. What I'm posting this here it to find out if there are any other interested parties whom wish to join me in this? I know there are quite a few people here who are interested in an epic bloodstone or an epic spell storing ring, and despite the astronomical drop rate (something like 0.001% or something) I'd like to start running it more frequently because lets face it if you never run it then you have a 0% drop rate. If there is enough interest I'll try and add people to my friends list and create some more static groups. What I'm hoping for is more healers/casters/tactics dps (read stunning monks, mostly).
Let me know.
Ps. Also if there are any groups already running this fairly consistently that I'm unaware of I would be more than happy to join you instead.