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Thread: Epic ATDQ1

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Epic ATDQ1

    I run this fairly frequently. Usually it's hard to find people are also interested in running this as well. Takes about 30 minutes to get a group together most days - an hour or so other days. What I'm posting this here it to find out if there are any other interested parties whom wish to join me in this? I know there are quite a few people here who are interested in an epic bloodstone or an epic spell storing ring, and despite the astronomical drop rate (something like 0.001% or something) I'd like to start running it more frequently because lets face it if you never run it then you have a 0% drop rate. If there is enough interest I'll try and add people to my friends list and create some more static groups. What I'm hoping for is more healers/casters/tactics dps (read stunning monks, mostly).

    Let me know.



    Ps. Also if there are any groups already running this fairly consistently that I'm unaware of I would be more than happy to join you instead.

  2. #2
    Community Member Rhev's Avatar
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    Jun 2009


    it's a date!!
    Azrim 20 Rogue Ilyrial 20 Wizard Lykurgos 20 Favored Soul

  3. #3
    Community Member maestro973's Avatar
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    Feb 2010


    Ran this one with you before, but happy to do so again.Shoot me a tell.


  4. #4
    Community Member Sarisa's Avatar
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    Apr 2010


    I've seen your LFM's and am interested, just always passed it by when I saw other divines in the group.

  5. #5
    Community Member mudfud's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    I dont want to commit to anything, but wouldnt be beyond it if I see an lfm. What time you usually run it?

  6. #6
    Pirate Cursed Raolin_Darksbane's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Well if Mud and Sarisa are in then i'm game depending on when ~
    Epiitaph - Antivyrus - Mkael - Raolin

  7. #7
    Community Member lidas's Avatar
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    Dec 2008


    I want to find a solid group for this as well,but the only thing i really care about is the shard of ring of spell storing which is also wanted by most of ppl,so i used to solo it and found me some looters.Anyway,there are still many other good stuff there like shard of blood stone,shard of xuum,shard of sting,shard of thornlord,etc.So if you are not after the shard of ring of ss but other stuff,i d like to group with you and pay 5m plats for the shard of ring of ss once you pull it.

    PM me in game if you are interested,i dont care whether you are uber or gimp.



  8. #8
    Community Member The_Great_Samulas's Avatar
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    We usually run these in guild for obvious reasons, but I wouldn't mind getting an extra run in here and there. Consequentially, I probably wouldn't be a good pic for a regular group, but I can fill any slot in the quest. My A grade epic toons are:

    20 Cleric - Samulos (heal, melee, and offensive caster)
    20 WF Fighter - Samulees (45 DC stunning blow, dual khopesh DPS tank)
    20 Wizard - Samulus (44-46 DC enchantments)
    12 fighter/6 pally/2 monk - Samulas (raid tank, lightning/mineral2 dual dwarven axe, decent DPS)

    I usually bring my Wizard to harder epics, but am willing to bring whatever is off timer. I will want to do this the fast way (drag all platform mobs to the pit and kill/ Ddoor out of Prince fights).
    Doing a good job here is like peeing in a dark suit.

    You get a warm feeling, but nobody really notices.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rhev View Post
    it's a date!!
    You gonna buy me flowers? :-*

    Quote Originally Posted by maestro973 View Post
    Ran this one with you before, but happy to do so again.Shoot me a tell.

    I'd love to run this with you again. I'll add you to my friends list. I don't see too many competent monks, and the monk cc really cuts down on the pot consumption.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sarisa View Post
    I've seen your LFM's and am interested, just always passed it by when I saw other divines in the group.
    I'd actually like to start running this more than once a day and put two timers on it, the reason you always see a divine in my group is because it's so hard to find a competent healer so I just play my healer rather than trying to find a good healer and a good caster.

    Quote Originally Posted by mudfud View Post
    I dont want to commit to anything, but wouldnt be beyond it if I see an lfm. What time you usually run it?
    To be quite honest I don't have a job, so I don't realy have a set schedule. Usually in the evenings however since that's when most of my friends are playing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Raolin_Darksbane View Post
    Well if Mud and Sarisa are in then i'm game depending on when ~
    Early/late evenings. Sometimes between 5-12pm eastern standard time.

    Quote Originally Posted by lidas View Post
    I want to find a solid group for this as well,but the only thing i really care about is the shard of ring of spell storing which is also wanted by most of ppl,so i used to solo it and found me some looters.Anyway,there are still many other good stuff there like shard of blood stone,shard of xuum,shard of sting,shard of thornlord,etc.So if you are not after the shard of ring of ss but other stuff,i d like to group with you and pay 5m plats for the shard of ring of ss once you pull it.

    PM me in game if you are interested,i dont care whether you are uber or gimp.


    Not quite sure if you're advertising in my thread or not. However I'll bite. Only thing I want out of there to be honest is the epic coif shard. So perhaps we could make a compromise? You pull epic coif shard and give it to me, and I'll pull epic ss ring shard and I'll give it to you?

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Great_Samulas View Post
    We usually run these in guild for obvious reasons, but I wouldn't mind getting an extra run in here and there. Consequentially, I probably wouldn't be a good pic for a regular group, but I can fill any slot in the quest. My A grade epic toons are:

    20 Cleric - Samulos (heal, melee, and offensive caster)
    20 WF Fighter - Samulees (45 DC stunning blow, dual khopesh DPS tank)
    20 Wizard - Samulus (44-46 DC enchantments)
    12 fighter/6 pally/2 monk - Samulas (raid tank, lightning/mineral2 dual dwarven axe, decent DPS)

    I usually bring my Wizard to harder epics, but am willing to bring whatever is off timer. I will want to do this the fast way (drag all platform mobs to the pit and kill/ Ddoor out of Prince fights).
    I'm always interested in learning new ways to do things. I've only ever run this with people who haven't run it often. Bring whomever you wish.

    I've added most of you to my buddy list (minus the ones whom I have no idea who you are. Mind listing your names?) and I'll contact you whenever I have a group up.

  10. #10
    Community Member The_Great_Samulas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by skepticalsoul View Post
    I've added most of you to my buddy list (minus the ones whom I have no idea who you are. Mind listing your names?) and I'll contact you whenever I have a group up.
    All my toons start with "Samul" and end with an "s" - Samulees, Samules, Samulos, Samulas, Samulys, Samulis, Samulous, Samuluos, Samulius, Samulxs, Samulus, and one or two I can't remember. Sort who panel by guild and look under fight club and you'll find me if I'm on (never anon). All my toons are in the guild "Fight Club", but don't tell anyone because we don't talk about it. Er, oops. I should go now.
    Doing a good job here is like peeing in a dark suit.

    You get a warm feeling, but nobody really notices.

  11. #11
    Community Member chadj82371's Avatar
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    I'd be interested but have never run ADQ1 on epic so would need a little training. I could bring either Antello (18/1/1/ ranger/fighter/rogue) or Kinisar (lvl 20 cleric) if there's a spot and you don't mind showing me the ropes. I'm usually on most evenings, these days more on my wizard and fighter alts (Erifeci and Antelli).
    Antello - Kinisar - Erifeci
    Antelli - Antelly - Antellia

    The Rogue Saints - Sarlona

  12. #12
    Community Member seskie1's Avatar
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    Let me cap Singh and then I'll start circling my toons in your runs. EADQ, deeps and Echains
    The Coolest Person On Orien, I’m a Melee DPS User, Find me On Thorrygg, Thorrwyn, Gorrwyk, Harlophas and Lowharm! I love running all the Content of this Game and Look Forward to being friends with you all, I do not tolerate people badmouthing others or hindering the experience of any new Players in this Game, I will help where I can and When I can. ????

  13. #13
    Community Member Arshan's Avatar
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    I'd be interested for sure !
    Just send a tell to Tarnesh if you need him =)

  14. #14
    Community Member
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    Just wanted to apologize to a few people for not getting in touch with you or putting a group together but I've been a bit busy grinding out my claw set and a lowbie, and I don't have quite as much time online as I use to. I'll likely get a couple of these together soon, hope to see you all (or some of you at least) there.

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