Yes.Originally Posted by Maldini
Yes.Originally Posted by Maldini
Soni Delayne - lvl 11 Human Rogue - Adar
Sonar - lvl 8 Drow Bard - Adar
The Definitive AC Bonus Thread
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Technically it's an unnamed bonus, which also means it stacks with everything.Originally Posted by tr0tsky
Added "Active Block" as a Misc Bonus.
Soni Delayne - lvl 11 Human Rogue - Adar
Sonar - lvl 8 Drow Bard - Adar
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Not sure if anyone mentioned this as i only read the OP but there is a Cloak of Shadow (from the chest on the right - sometimes- at the vamp) that is hide/MS +7 and deflection (i think it is deflection) +2 to ac.
Thanks, addedOriginally Posted by Oran Lathor
Soni Delayne - lvl 11 Human Rogue - Adar
Sonar - lvl 8 Drow Bard - Adar
The Definitive AC Bonus Thread
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Added Ironweave Robe.
Soni Delayne - lvl 11 Human Rogue - Adar
Sonar - lvl 8 Drow Bard - Adar
The Definitive AC Bonus Thread
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What would the plus 2 ac bonus i can give with heros companion be classified as? This also gives plus two to saving throws and something extra to hit and damge rolls. This is off of karmalady my level 9 halfling ranger.
Halflings Ruleand never irritate anyone that can cast dispell
I'm not sure what the type would be...only way to find out is to see what it does (or more importantly doesn't) stack with.Originally Posted by Dragonhyde
I would assume that it's a misc bonus and stacks with everything, but I've never had a chance to test it.
Soni Delayne - lvl 11 Human Rogue - Adar
Sonar - lvl 8 Drow Bard - Adar
The Definitive AC Bonus Thread
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Adamantine has no effect whatsoever on your gives you Damage Reduction.Originally Posted by Esilfhil
Mithral *can* affect your AC (by raising the Max Dex bonus on armor, allowing you to get more benefit from high dex.)
Soni Delayne - lvl 11 Human Rogue - Adar
Sonar - lvl 8 Drow Bard - Adar
The Definitive AC Bonus Thread
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Very good summary. I like this one better than the one with the NWN info mixed in.
Dwarves get a vs Giants AC innate ability listed under their feats. Dwarves can increase this further with Giant Dodger enchancement, which stacks with the innate bonus.Originally Posted by tr0tsky
ThanksOriginally Posted by winsom
Ah, ok, I see it now. I checked in the Dwarf race page on the compendium but not the Dwarf-specific Feats (was under the impression that was feats only a dwarf could choose while levelling)Originally Posted by winsom
Soni Delayne - lvl 11 Human Rogue - Adar
Sonar - lvl 8 Drow Bard - Adar
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Ranger Enhancement:
Favored Defense I-III: +2-4 AC vs Favored Enemies
Has anyone seen +4/+5 mithril armor (other than the +5 mithril chain Kundarak Delving Suit dragon loot)? I have never seen or heard of +4/+5 mithril armor in game and assumed that it would not exist (at least yet) because with +3 and the mithril modifier, it would max out in value for the current game system.Originally Posted by Maldini
Added, thanks.Originally Posted by TheEndlessGrey
Soni Delayne - lvl 11 Human Rogue - Adar
Sonar - lvl 8 Drow Bard - Adar
The Definitive AC Bonus Thread
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Here's something that was posted in Adar's Marketplace forumsOriginally Posted by Kragus
+5 Mithral Fullplate of Stability & +5 Mithral Tower Shield pic
Soni Delayne - lvl 11 Human Rogue - Adar
Sonar - lvl 8 Drow Bard - Adar
The Definitive AC Bonus Thread
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Based on minimum level numbers, Mithril and adamantine don't seem to have a level bonus. (and don't in PnP) Also, people do pull the occasional minimum level 10 (+6 equivalent) items out of very top end chests, and hypothetically you could probably even get a racially limited +7 equivalent out of those chests, although I haven't heard of it.
Wow... I think that the Dwarf only probably helps... that's still an amazing piece of armor.Originally Posted by tr0tsky
Oh... don't forget Stability items... +2 deflection AC/+2 saves (Neutral alignment only).
It's the first item on the Deflection bonus listOriginally Posted by Kragus
Soni Delayne - lvl 11 Human Rogue - Adar
Sonar - lvl 8 Drow Bard - Adar
The Definitive AC Bonus Thread
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