ok so every time i try to start the launcher for DDO i get an issue no matter which way ive done it ive skimmed through some forums and tried a few things but nothing
mainly it seems to be an issue with windows security but ive tryed to run the game with both fire wall and antivirus programs uninstalled and completly removed from the computer
also when i go thru and use the turbineinvoker it says "C:\Program Files (x86)\TurbineLauncher.exe"
Unknown error (0xffffffffe)
and when i use the normal launcher inside the files location it says
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exceptions: Unkown error (0xffffffffe)
at System Diagnostics.Proccess.StartWithShellExecuteEx(Proce ssStartInfo
at System.Diagnostics.process.Start()
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(ProcessStartInfo start info)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(String fileName String arguments)
at com.turbine.launcher.Launcher.main()
im running a windows 7 not sure about the rest been a long time but any ideas would help ive tried reinstalling/repairing multiple times each with no luck so any advice would be appreciated.
Ty for any advice or fixes u can/may provide and i will check back in the morning