Budget the dessert first: there isn't much difference in basic computing where DDO is concerned:
Third LG 22" monitor (ok, actually a random match) $160
1G 6850 $165
64G SSD $127
4 Core unlocked CPU $160
AMD motherboard with 2 x16 PCI-e sockets (needed to keep the video boards fed) $120
8G DDR3 ram $70
1.5T 7200rpm hard drive $80
750W power supply $80
windows 7 (although I recommend linux for any non-DDO computing ) $100
total = $1160 Note that this also includes rebates, which judging by your "must spend x at y vendor" require more money out of your pocket (at least as a loan).
The point here was to point out that dumping $1100 into a CPU + motherboard seems like a waste of money. On the other hand, viewing DDO at 5760x1080 (3*1920x1080) might be worth it. Also loading screens and booting should be a thing of the past with an SSD. No matter how powerful the CPU, you won't get this.
Actual items were just chosen roughly to fit the budget. No reviews were checked nor products endorsed. I would like to point out that while most of the Intel based solutions will be "faster", almost all of the time they (and any other CPU you could consider at the $1100 mark) will be waiting on either the hard drive to give data, or the graphics board to push it to the monitor, and not actually speeding up your life.
PS. Originally, this included two video cards. After adding everything up and removing one of them, it is still $60 over. My guess is that it still will want two, possibly two Nvidia 460s to manage the huge expanse of pixels. Spent too much time, hitting post.