If your think your famous, then your not. Anyone know of anyone famous who plays DDO? Maybe you pugged with Gene Simmons last night and didn't even know it.
If your think your famous, then your not. Anyone know of anyone famous who plays DDO? Maybe you pugged with Gene Simmons last night and didn't even know it.
Leader of Legion of Eberron on Cannith.
Characters: Loromir & Baldomir....among others.
I heard sponge bob plays ddo, and yogi bear, was in shroud with them last night.
I played with Chuck Norris earl...
... eh... oops... someone's at the door... brb...
My father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate plays DDO. But he's just a short guy with glasses.
Cannith - Falconsbane(8 - 3rd life), NeedOil (14), NeedMead, Needfood, hobbitarcher(5)
Sarlona - Zebidiahh (19.8), Anotherpers(20), Smurgh(16), Falconsbane(14), Needoil(15)
The first rule of the trashcan guild is expect to die...
There is no second rule.
No because if they did.. they wouldn't be famous anymore...
No but really... who knows?
There is a guy on Argo who sounds a lot like Kermit the frog. At least there used to be, haven't run into him for a while.
I play DDO and I am famous. My name is Brad Pitt.
Someone once told me in game that I was famous because of my DDO forum presence. Does that count?
INFERUS SUS Sorcs (Socky, Sockie, Socklin), Rogues (Sockpuppet, Sockum), Clerics (Sockington, Sockase), FVS (Sockle), Intim (Tubesocks), Bards (Sockdolenger, Sockish), Rangers (Sockin, Sockel), Wizzy (Sockut), Kensai (Sockt), Monk (Sockfist), Arty (Sockficer, Sockcraft)
There is someone on Thelanis that sounds as if he may be the hooded claw.
Zanuzi-Ardazell-Ardazphyk-and a load of Jarl's
Was once known on Keeper as Sekata, Dukkebox, Zanusi
Someone told me Nicholas Cage played on Sarlona a few years back...
Heard from a friend of a friend...
"Khyber Server" The Crown Jewel of DDO Main Alts. Darkelvis, Thickelvis, Almostelvis, Holyelvis, Lil-elvis
I ran with a celeb who stars on a show per VH1 but, am self sworn to secrecy![]()
ASCENDANTS on SARLONA (viva ADAR!): Zaal * Screwz * Lorrz * Zill * HamHoks * Gusty * Grasshumper * Durzo * DrHurtz
There was one actress, not one super famous - but still a face folks would recognize, who played a few years back. I promised not to let on details like who or what server... but at least one is or has played the game. I'd be more forthcoming, but since I don't know if she still plays or not - gonna hedge my bets and stick to my promise.
I found this from a while ago. Its about D&D rather then DDO but... hey, might fuel some speculation...
But im really not sure on its credability.... I mean.... It says Dame Judy Dench plays after being introduced to it by Vin Diesel..... I just really can not see how that conversation started or ended..... Him and Judy sitting round his mums dinner table books a-strewn, dice in hand while DM Vin explains, AGAIN, to the Dame that No her level 2 Sorcerer cant have a little pet dragon to ride around on.
I read in an interview that Margret Weiss HAD played DDO, whether she still plays, who knows. She probally quit during V+M too.