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  1. #1
    Community Member gigobyte's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default A few questions regarding epics

    With the upcoming event and the chance that it will use epic tokens, I will be shifting my focus to epics for a while, and as such have a few questions.

    What epics would be fastest for getting tokens?

    How much to-hit would be required to be effective in said epics?

    What weaponry would be best? I was thinking a pair of light picks, one seeker, one gs (earthgrab if i have the mats, otherwise holy, [element] burst). (light because my only capped toon is a rather gimped rog, he has twf and finesse, but no other mele feats.)

    How much hp should I aim for?

  2. #2
    Community Member FrozenNova's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    >rather gimped (no melee feats beyond twf)

    Yes, picks, provided there's plenty of holding going on. Rapiers otherwise, unless you're using earthgrab picks.
    Rogues normally do alright with to-hit in epics as long as they get the attack bonus from sneak oppotunity, especially if you're not using power attack anyway.
    Hitpoints to aim for? As high as mechanically possible without dropping dps beyond reason.

  3. #3
    Community Member bendover's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by gigobyte View Post
    With the upcoming event and the chance that it will use epic tokens, I will be shifting my focus to epics for a while, and as such have a few questions.

    What epics would be fastest for getting tokens?

    How much to-hit would be required to be effective in said epics?

    What weaponry would be best? I was thinking a pair of light picks, one seeker, one gs (earthgrab if i have the mats, otherwise holy, [element] burst). (light because my only capped toon is a rather gimped rog, he has twf and finesse, but no other mele feats.)

    How much hp should I aim for?
    Any of the House P quests are exceptionally easy and quick for obtaining tokens. Offering of Blood and Devils Assault are also quick ways of getting tokens.

    To-hit first swing you should want to be in the low 50's or so. This also really depends on what you're fighting. If it's mobs that are immune to hold (I.E. scorpions) the to-hit is going to make a difference but if it's all stunnable/holdable mobs you'll be fighting your to-hit can be lower based on your class and weaponry.

    As far as weapons goes your three best bets IMO are: Vacuum II's, Ice II's, Triple Earths

    For hp high 400's for a non fighter/barb is a starting point to aim towards. Anything over that is going to be gravy.

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