Proud officer of Crate and Barrel Smashing, LLC
To get back to the OPs original question, if you want a melee focused divine caster character that can heal well and provide a nice passive past life feat for your future spell casting needs, roll a Favored Soul.
If you want the most efficient and best burst healer that can also provide party support and crowd control while meleeing a little bit, then roll a cleric.
Proud officer of Crate and Barrel Smashing, LLC
My general view of pure healing capability - clerics are better at MASS healing - empower healing is more powerful for clerics, they can use the aura to conserve SP & the burst is not only a decent AoE heal but restores multiple negative levels... beyond a once per 10min single target ability, to get that will normally require the ability to cast 8th level spells (or use from scrolls). For self-only work a sov host FvS has literally infinite healing capability at 20th through the capstone, but their mass heals wont have such high spikes & in a high damage situation an FvS using mass healing spells & a cleric using mass healing spells plus aura/bursts will likely work out pretty even, though probably still slightly in the clerics favour depending on number of turns available & exact number of SP/metamagics/gear etc.
Since the OP isnt interested in playing while capped but merely getting there, I'd have to say FvS is superior, especially considering it'll already be a TR so will have access to gear, player knowledge etc. as having far more SP to spare (loving having the guild SP augment crystals in addition to regular +sp items on my FvSs btw!) for damage mitigation through buffs & crowd control plus bladebarriers for damage will be the real key - plus the passive past life (extra spell pen) will be better for the subsequent life if playing as a caster.
I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.
Apologies to the OP for derail.
Like I said before for melee, max str and con.
Look for increases to hit and damage items especially if you plan on gong TWF.
TWF is nice for the insta-kill weapons you can use later in game but that requires you to invest more
into Dex which takes away from Str.
THF saves you feats and stat points, gives you more damage and more hits.
Vazkor - Vazcor - Vaskor - Tambor - Tamborr - ZarkorSOME DAYS THE DRAGON WINS!
Yes you could do this but as a melee cleric having charisma is your best weapon IMHO , having divine might II or III will help out your dps while still having a decent str and con to go with it plus you get the benefit of having more turns this way as well because without them where does your RS go![]()
With Radient Servant, I rarely run out of healing with my LV 17 Cleric. I have 11 turns and almost never see that go down to 0, and when it does, I usually still have some SP. And since my turns regenerate, it rarely stays at 0 for long. Nothing the FVS has (Or any class for that matter) measures up to the overall usefulness of Radient Servant in my opinion.
Note, this is my opinion and I full expect others to have their own opinion. Diversity is what makes this world so great.
Leader of Legion of Eberron on Cannith.
Characters: Loromir & Baldomir....among others.
My first life was cleric 20, and I'm on a TR FvS now, who is currently level 14.
I can give you my perspective.
My cleric was a healing machine. Ended with about 2000 mana, full radiant servant stuff - LOTS of DV IIIs (extra turning feat) - some really nice Clerical gear (Lorrik's necklace, gauntlets of eternity, token of the faithful, scepter of healing, etc.). Combat-wise, she was a complete joke of a toon. She used a heavy shield and heavy maces. If I were lucky, I could crit maybe 30 points of damage. But she was my first toon, and I built her in a PnP style - very healing oriented. To that end, she was HIGHLY effective.
Now, as a Favored Soul, I have more mana, but fewer spell choices. So, I have to think long and hard about which spells I take. If I were soloing, I wouldn't take mass cures, but I'm a realist, and I know that people are inviting me to parties so I can heal them. So, I've taken empower healing, and mass cures, and all the healing enhancements I can. I'm also an Elven Favored Soul with the undying line, and I have scimitar proficiency, and the TWF line. Since I'm a TR, I've got the cash to spend on REALLY nice scimitars, and I have about 20 of them in my inventory. I even took OTWF so I can dual-wield scimitars. Which is just scary.
As I level up, I find myself replacing less useful lower level spells. So, for example, I'll probably get rid of cure moderate wounds shortly, and pick up something different. Now that I have resurrect, I can get rid of raise, etc. Only group buff I have is prot. from evil.
It's not unheard of for me to end a quest by both keeping everyone alive - AND having the most kills. Admittedly, if there is a really good DPS barbarian or fighter in the group, I can't keep up. But I'm usually always in the top 3 - my cleric was ALWAYS last.
As a cleric, my role was to basically buff the hell out of everyone, and then basically kept an eye on everyone's health bar. My cleric was slow, couldn't jump for ****, and got lost a lot, because I had a hard time keeping up.
My FvS, OTOH, has a Jump over 20, deals a TON of pain, AND can keep everyone alive. The main difference, I find, is that I am weakest when the proverbial stuff hits the fan - I can NOT heal as fast as my cleric can. The cooldown timers on a FvS are just much slower.
I do really miss turn undead, too. It is a really nice ability, even if it does become seriously useless at end game.
This is true. The good healer is the one who can do more with less. The ridiculous amount of SP a FvS gets encourages wastefulness. Clerics learn to prioritize and actually manage their SP. FvS has more leeway to screw up; clerics have to be perfect. </cleric stan>
My cleric is within spitting distance of 2000 sp, and that has been more than enough in everything short of situations like an Epic Chrono gone really, really wrong. And is those situations, the FvS chug pots too.
The blue bar is absolutely irrelevant on how good a healer is...
I have solo-healed EVERY raid, including epics, with my cleric (apart from edq) with his 2100 sps and using 0 (zero) pots!... I also had a FvS tell me that I was getting damaged faster than he could heal me - a ~900 hps barb that died in epic oob... And the truth is, I get a lot of FvS healing the said barb for less than 400 with the heal spell where a cleric would be healing near 700.
Tbh, FvS are HUGELY overrated on how good they heal. Clerics do it better without doubt.
FvS do other things better, but they def are not better healers! Especially not because of their bigger sps number.
Just my opinion...
R.I.P. Devourer - 20-Aug-2010 11:00 GMT(+1 DST)(World Broadcast): World broadcast: 'Farewell to all our loyal players and thank you for your time in Eberron. We wish you all the best for your future adventures. Please log out now as the servers are now going down. Many thanks, Codemasters Online.'
The faith based turning enhancements give +1 to hit and proficiency. You are correct, the proficiency can be granted to anybody, and lasts until logout.
In order for a cleric to match the damage enhancements FvS's get on their specialized weapons, they would need to take Divine Might and use turns to give themselves higher damage. DM only increases damage, not to-hit, and only for a minute per use. It does, however, work on any weapon type, while FvS's enhancements only work on their faith's favoured weapon. Even with Radiant Servant giving your turn regeneration, using turns to power Divine Might will reduce your overall healing capability in long quests.
In general, a FvS is a better overall melee. A Cleric would have to build themselves appropriately, and make some tough choices on stat spreads. To get a viable Divine Might, you have to devote a lot of base and tome stats toward Charisma, making a battle cleric's build look more like a Paladin build than a FvS's. That involves 3 important stats (str/con/cha), plus having enough wisdom to reach 19 with equipment, tomes, and enhancements by level 17. The cost is very little viable CC, and little room for metamagic feats besides Extend and Quicken. A melee FvS requires less stat choices, and is less equipment dependent to be able to function.
Maybe if someone posted some melee cleric builds that are better than melee FvS builds we could clear this nonsense up![]()
imo, the best bet would be to take FvS for at least one of your TR lives. The simple reason is the past life feat for FvS is better than the Cleric past life feat. If you plan on maxing out your wisdom, it doesnt make sense not to.
+1 to Spell Pen checks and +20 sp (FvS) vs +1 to Conjuration spell DC's and 1 more turn attempt (Cl). The +1 to all spell pen checks is much better imo. The conjuration spells for a divine caster really arent all that hot, with the exception of comet fall.
As for melee, if you want to stick to the cleric class for its versatility and the aura, You can build a cleric that will melee quite well, starting with a base 12 cha. Using a +2 tome and the two Cleric Charisma enhancements, nets you Cleric Diving Might II (+4 to damage). If you have the extra build points, that could easily be pushed to Divine Might III, for a sacred +6 damage bonus. starting with a 14 Cha (2 enhancements, +2 tome).
Not disagreeing with you, but my guess is those FvS who couldn't heal your barb probably didn't bother taking any healing enhancements. My 14th level FvS can already crit Heal for 500+, so I've no doubt I'll be on par with my cleric at end game in terms of numbers. It's the speed I won't be able to match as easily.
Cleric 17 /monk 2 /fighter 1
h1 khopesh
m1 toughness
m2 2weapon fighter
f1 power attack
1 extend
3 maximise
6 empower healing
9 quicken
12 improved crit
15 improve 2wf
18 greater 2wf
str 16+3
dex 15
con 14
int 8
wis 14
cha 14+2
Radiant Servant and Divine Might 3 , human improved recovery , human str
Evasion , khopesh would compensate for not having damage lines like fvs .
Shouldnt need to stop hiting to cast heals as frequently as FVS .
No wings , no dr ,