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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    May 2010

    Default Brotherhood of the New Dawn looking for new friends

    Hello everyone. Brotherhood of the New Dawn is looking for a half-dozen-ish new members.

    A little about the guild:
    About a year old, we have acheived L41, and have a Stormglory Bolt airship heavy on the buffs, not shortcuts. (OK, we have a bar, but what's a boat without a bar?) There are roughly 6-ish active (daily) members, with a couple of others showing up less regularly. We are mostly all on EST in the U.S. We have groups of toons at just about ALL levels, up to L19 (sadly, we only have 1 L20 toon). We all get along with each other very well, party ALOT together, and leave the drama to the larger guilds. Just a nice, MATURE, quiet, small guild that is gaining levels roughly every 10 to 12 days. The regulars all have a good base of friends to fill out parties, and we're fairly successful at avoiding the PUG world. Alternatively, we are also a decent home if you're looking for a guild that will just leave you alone and to your business. We respect that too. As long as your business isn't spreading around drama and negative energy.

    Other highlights:
    New player friendly
    No rules or play-time requirments, just a couple of "guidelines" we figure most ppl follow anyway.
    VERY alt friendly, we all have LOTS of alts.
    Mature. We're all older players, with many of us coming from a PnP background.
    Ties with a couple of other higher-profile guilds, provding us a larger base of quality players.
    A good base of classes/levels. Good healers and rogues. IF anything, we could use help in the front-line dept.
    Couple/Family friendly. Some of us have kids who are just getting into gaming and play on occasion.
    A couple of VIP players to help with the opening of elite quests.
    Teamspeak. Not our TS server yet, but we are either going to create our own server, or form an official alliance with the server that we are currently using.

    The guild was founded on the principle of helping our fellow human beings an spreading more positive energy around Eberron than negative energy. We're not a good home for the "merchant" toon, nor the arrogant, nor the PvP crowd.
    We are a good home for the mature player who is looking for a nice, humble, small setting to play his or her game in. We don't really do blind invites much, and we're not looking to have a huge membership. Quality is better than Quantity. This is a guild of friends, and any competition is light-hearted and friendly. We share alot to help all of us grow and be better players. Need to run through Korthos with your new toon? No prob, there's usually someone who'd be more than happy to help. Need to see Fred and swap a feat? Your mailbox will overflow with shards. We all believe that Karma goes a LONG way in this game.

    If it all sounds good to you, please don't hesitate to contact one of us. We can party up, see if we get along, and maybe find you a new home.

    In-game contacts: Kiraala, Allydra, Liaa, Midnacht, Katiina, Korragon, Niila, Pianna, Serralynn, Jorinarra, Redpiety, Redmojo, Redshiv, Redmech, Yvayna, Kessendria, Tanzania, Mountane, Marcanthony, Oinkuld, Vosi, Morvis. If you can't find one of those toons online, you need to check your connection.

    Have an awesome day, and we hope to hear from you here, or in-game. (HINT: in-game is MUCH easier, I tend to forget to check these foums.)
    Last edited by Taanus; 06-21-2011 at 04:12 PM. Reason: punc, spellig, etc...

  2. #2
    Community Member mojoflea's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Talking Lv20 Pal getting ready to TR

    One day i will, then I'll get to grind all those quests again, and some I hvae never done as there were many packs I did not have the first time I lvd up.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    I am looking for a good guild. So, I will look forward to hearing from you in game.

  4. #4
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2010


    See, this is what I meant by easier to contact me in game. I'm guessing we've already chatted? Welcome to it...

  5. #5
    Community Member mojoflea's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Talking Bumping

    Just taking a break from training at the new job to bump the thread :P
    hope to see a few of you ppl online over the weekend

  6. #6
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    You guys still going in DDO? Where is the Guild now and are you still looking for people?! I am returning to the game and am very interested!

  7. #7
    Community Member
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    Apr 2010


    Hi Kurn,
    Yes, we are still around and playing. Many of us are putting more hours into our real life jobs lately, so the leveling has slowed. We look to be level 41 this weekend. If you are interested in joining, send me a PM here with your character name, and we can send an invite over when you are online. Thanks for asking.

  8. #8
    Community Member
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    Mar 2007


    Thanks, but maybe i should have stressed how new I am to DDO LOL! I was very casual player when i left game and even though i want to spend more time on game now my toons are pretty low level.

    I have a 4th lvl and a 5th lvl as my highest. Don't know if you guys have anyone playing lowbies or not.

  9. #9
    Community Member
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    May 2010


    We actually have several new members who are new to the game playing L3-5ish toons. You'd prolly fit right in.

  10. #10
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    Cool, thanks! Sounds great to me! Sorry, work as been busy the last few days. I will look for you guys ingame ASAP!

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