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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Scourge Choker vs Jorgundals Collar

    Well, I just looted a Jorgundal's Collar and am wondering if I should use this or the Scourge Choker.

    I understand the effects of the bonus rage type ability of the Scourge Choker and would prefer that over the 10% attack speed (I think) but am curious as to if the fatigue effect of the Choker effects lv18 + Barb's who should be immune to fatigue.

    So basically, what would you choose, why and does the fatigue effect lv 18 barbs with Frenzied Berserker 3???

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Community Member andbr22's Avatar
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    Jorgundal's Collar don't stack with hastle.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by andbr22 View Post
    Jorgundal's Collar don't stack with hastle.
    Well, thanx but what is better? The 10% is a perma haste boost and casted haste boost so it can not be dispelled.
    Still not sure.

  4. #4
    Founder Roman's Avatar
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    Jorgundals Collar is the most useful of the two, you'll have non-dispellable 10% atk speed. Haste will give you another 5%. This might be an interesting item if it ever goes epic.

    The Scourge Choker would be nice if the durations were at least double but as it stands now the durations are 12/6/3 seconds for each tier respectively. You might see tier II (+4str +4con) reliably when tanking a boss fight on a low AC build that is very situational, and the benefit is a bit underwhelming. +2 atk, +2 dmg, 40hp isnt horrible, but your probably certainly better off with a ToD set bonus in that slot. If the 3rd tier effect was a little more reliable then you would be seeing +4atk, +4dmg, +80hp and that would be a serious contender for the neck slot.

    Currently this is somewhat useful of a caster build, but there are better choices for the item slot. Again, this could be an interesting epic item.
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  5. #5
    Community Member Emili's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roman View Post
    Jorgundals Collar is the most useful of the two, you'll have non-dispellable 10% atk speed. Haste will give you another 5%. This might be an interesting item if it ever goes epic.

    The Scourge Choker would be nice if the durations were at least double but as it stands now the durations are 12/6/3 seconds for each tier respectively. You might see tier II (+4str +4con) reliably when tanking a boss fight on a low AC build that is very situational, and the benefit is a bit underwhelming. +2 atk, +2 dmg, 40hp isnt horrible, but your probably certainly better off with a ToD set bonus in that slot. If the 3rd tier effect was a little more reliable then you would be seeing +4atk, +4dmg, +80hp and that would be a serious contender for the neck slot.

    Currently this is somewhat useful of a caster build, but there are better choices for the item slot. Again, this could be an interesting epic item.
    Some people complain about the side effects of Scourge (slow down of attack speed - which btw can be bypassed)... however I can pretty much keep up blood rage II easily and manage reengage blood rage III (btw is +6 str/con when on) within a second or two after it disappears... The ideal with such is to actually be centre of agro, to get hit frequently and overcome the side effect by slight of movement (twitch and scourge side effects are null). Evidently the scourge is not something I would use on any other character outside a 2hf barb. I either use ravager or berzerker sets depending on how much HP I require in group. Untill I get something better in set for my barb for a neck slot it's pretty much there. So one may ask... where do you use this Emi? Obviously the one place I cannot reliably maintain madstone at all - Horoth.

    Last edited by Emili; 02-13-2011 at 03:09 PM.
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