A 30 point drow can do 8, 16, 13, 10, 8, 20
A similar 34 point human would do 8, 16, 15, 8, 8, 18
Both builds value Reflex save to survive mid and high level content. Both have the same number of skill points.
The Human gets an extra feat and healing amplification enhancement and other very minor perks. It costs the human 2 action points to have 19 CHA, while the drow gets 20 without spending APs.
The Drow gets better racial perks than the human but pays for it with slightly lower hit points and lacks the bonus feat.
These two builds are not that different. Human is not clearly superior and neither is drow. It would come down to what racial perks and appearance that person wants to play.
Another type of player wants a character flaw in the form of low Dexterity in order to gain some extra hit points and perhaps some strength for low level melee fighting.
Human 34 point: 13, 8, 17, 8, 8, 18
Drow 30 point: 12, 10, 16, 10, 8, 18
The drow is clearly inferior for this alternate build philosophy.
Summary: Chose each race to play to their inherent strengths (racials and enhancements) that you want the most.